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WOMEN´S EUROFLOORBALL CUP 2012 QUALIFICATIONS: Last day to send in First Team list, TUEs and Photos — 1.8.2012

Last day to hand in the First list of Team delegation for the Women´s EuroFloorball Cup 2012 Qualifications

The participating teams shall send the First List (use a specific form) to two different locations:
1. The First List signed by the National Association to the IFF Office by fax
+358 9 454 214 50
2. The First List as Excel-file to IFF Competition by e-mail

Last day to send in the TUE

The TUE applications shall be sent to the IFF Office by e-mail antidoping@floorball.org or fax +358 9 454 214 50.

Read more about the TUE´s from Anti-Doping section: IFF Therapeutic Use Exemptions

Last day to send the individual player photos to the IFF

Last day to send the player photos of every player and team official noted to the First List of team delegation. The photos shall be sent to competition@floorball.org.