Captain of Slovak team: It will be unique experience – 11.09.2017

She is a part of Slovak national team for a long time. The captain of home team Lucia Košturiaková explains what will be important during the World Championships in Bratislava and why is necessary to have huge support from fans.

Was the triumph at Six Nations Cup necessary step before WFC?

We confirmed our ambitions to be fifth best national team in the world. There were countries like Poland, Latvia or Denmark, so it was a good preparation before WFC, but our victories shoudln´t be taken for granted. We beat Poland for the first time in history. In these teams, there are legionnaires from Sweden or Switzerland, it´s not easy to play against them.

Do you consider the final nomination to be a strong one?

We had several injuries, so actually we have a lot of young players that have less experience, but I believe WFC will be successful for us. It will be unique experience for every player.

How important will be WFC for Slovak national team?

Firstly, I would like to say that it will be very important for the whole Slovak floorball. Secondly, we are under the pressure and our preparation has to be really responsible. We should do everything to improve our skills and strategy.

What do you think about opponents in group C?

I think games against Estonia or Australia could be the good starting point before the next part of the tournament in Bratislava. Key matches will be later, not in a group stage.

Are you looking forward to the first match against Singapore?

Yes, but nobody knows what will happen. We have some respect from the World Championships. Fortunately, Singapore is an appropriate team for our start. Maybe, we can afford to be a little nervous. We also hope that fans will come and they will be supporting us during WFC and we will be able to reward them with great performances and maximum points..