Official WFC 2016 song is released – 12.10.2016

The World Floorball Championships in Riga is less than two month away and you can´t have event without its own anthem. The official WFC song is called “Champion” and it is performed by Latvian singer Madara Gregere.

The song is written by Willie Deane, an American basketball player who plays in Latvia (lyrics), singer Madara Gregere and guitarist Janis Cubars (music).

When Madara Gregere was offered to write a song for the World Floorball Championships she agreed immediately: "It was a great responsibility to create a song for huge international event like this and I really enjoyed it. I´m looking forward to December when I will perform the song for all participants, spectators and guests at the World Floorball Championships opening ceremony in Arena Riga."

The president of Latvian Floorball Union Ilvis Petersons is sure that the new song will became very popular during the championships: "I hope that in future this composition will be one of the most played and familiar songs in the floorball world. Thanks to authors - Willie, Madara and Janis - for responsiveness and successful cooperation in the creative process."

Lyrics video on YouTube:

The song is available on iTunes, Spotify, Deezer and other music streaming services.