Men´s WFC 2016 logo launched – 25.01.2016

The logo for the 11th Men´s World Floorball Championships 2016 has been revealed by the local organisers. The event will be in Riga, Latvia from 3rd - 11th December 2016, and competition will take place in Arena Riga and the Olympic Sports Centre in Riga with 16 teams participating.

The logo features a geometric design which is common to Latvian traditional folk art. The patterns consist of separate elements combined in a unified composition. A popular example of the complex Latvian pattern work is the Lielvārde Sash. Into it, weavers put a particular array of ancient power symbols, said to give strength, health, wisdom and other good traits to the wearer. Some say that the Lielvārde belts – each a unique work of art – hold secret messages in the form of ethnographic codes. There might be some truth to that, as according to Latvian mythology Laima, the goddess of fate, weaves each person’s thread of destiny.

The destiny of the teams will first be decided in the WFC qualification events, held in USA, Asia-Oceania and Europe in early February 2016. More information on the qualification events can be found on the WFC 2016 event page.