One World — One Ball


February 2018 Internationals Weekend results

Photo: Salibandyliiga FlickrThe February Internationals Weekend was on 2nd-4th of February and many under 19 matches were play... — 8.2.2018

Floorball Internationals 2018

IFF Events (World Championships, Champions Cup, EuroFloorball Cup and Qualification tournaments) are found from here.

M=Men, W=Women, MU19=Men U19, WU19=Women U19

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February 2018

13th Polish Cup: Women U19 (Nowy Tomysl, Rakoniewice & Zbaszyn, Poland)
2.-4.02.2018 at Rakoniewice Arena, Zbaszynianka Arena & OSiR Arena, Nowy Tomysl
Teams: Czech Republic WU19, Germany WU19, Norway WU19, Poland WU19, Slovakia WU19, Switzerland WU19

Czech Republic v Switzerland: Men U19 (Chomutov, Czech Republic)
2.-4.02.2018 at Mestska SH Chomutov

Sweden v Finland: Women U19 & Men U19 (Tampere, Finland)
3.-4.02.2018 at AutoCenter Areena

Denmark v Germany: Men U19 (Ringsted, Denmark)
2.-4.02.2018 at Batthyány Sportcsarnok

Belgium v Netherlands: Men U19 (Tielt, Belgium)
3.-4.02.2018 at Sporthal de Ponte

APRIL 2018

Euro Floorball Tour: Women (Nurmijärvi, Finland)
27.-29.04.2018 at Arkadia-halli
Teams: Czech Republic W, Finland W, Sweden W, Switzerland W

Euro Floorball Tour: Men (Brno, Czech Republic)
27.-29.04.2018 at DRFG Arena
Teams: Czech Republic M, Finland M, Sweden M, Switzerland M

3-Nations Tournament: Men U19 (Valmiera & Koceni, Latvia)
27.-29.04.2018 at Vidzemes Olympic Centre, Valmiera & Koceni Sports Complex
Teams: Czech Republic MU19, Latvia MU19, Switzerland MU19

3-Nations Tournament: Women (Salzburg, Austria)
28.-29.04.2018 at Josef Preiss Allee
Teams: Austria W, Belgium W, France W

Pre-WFC: Austria v Canada: Women U19 (Innsbruck, Austria)
30.04.2018 at (tba)


3-Nations: Men & Women (Pardubice, Czech Republic)
31.08.-2.09.2018 at SH Dasicka
Teams: Czech Republic M & W, Finland M, Slovakia W, Switzerland M & W

Finland MU19 v Latvia Men (Eerikkilä, Finland)
31.08. & 2.09.2018 at Eerikkilä Urheilupuisto

Finland v Sweden: Women & Women U19 (Porvoo & Helsinki, Finland)
1.09.2018 at Kokonhalli, Porvoo
2.09.2018 at Mosahalli, Helsinki

Africa Floorball Cup: Men & Women (Abidjan, Côte d´Ivoire)
14.-16.09.2018 at Salle Polyvalente du Palais des Sports de Treichville
Teams: Burkina Faso M & W, Côte d´Ivoire M & W, Mali M & W, Nigeria M, Togo M

October 2018

Euro Floorball Tour: Men & Men U19 (Uppsala, Sweden)
19.-21.10 at IFU Arena
Teams: Czech Republic M & MU19, Finland M & MU19, Sweden M & MU19, Switzerland M & MU19

6-Nations Floorball Challenge: Men (Presov, Slovakia)
19.-21.10 at Sporthall Bastova
Teams: Denmark M, Germany M, Latvia M, Norway M, Poland M, Slovakia M

Hungary v Great Britain: Men (Erd, Hungary)
20.-21.10 at Batthyány Sportiskola

November 2018

Denmark Open: Women & Men (Frederikshavn, Denmark)
10.-11.11 at Arena Nord
Teams: Denmark M & W, Norway M & W

3 Nations Cup: Women (Dolo, Italy)
10.-11.11 at Palasport di Dolo
Teams: Austria W, Italy W, Netherlands W

Latvia v Estonia: Men (Koceni, Latvia)
9.-10.11 at Koceni Sport Complex

Euro Floorball Tour: Women & Women U19 (Neuchatel, Switzerland)
9.-11.11 at Halle de sport de La Riveraine
Teams: Czech Republic W & WU19, Finland W & WU19, Sweden W & WU19, Switzerland W & WU19

Poland v Germany: Men (Gorzow Wielkopolski, Poland)
10.-11.11 at 1 ZSO

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