One World — One Ball


Place: Clarion Congress Hotel, Prague, Czech Republic
Participants: According to enclosure 14

§ 1 Opening of the General Assembly by IFF President Mr. Tomas Eriksson
Tomas Eriksson opened the General Assembly at 08:39 and greeted all the participants welcome to the 15th IFF General Assembly in Prague, noting that the number of member Associations present is the highest ever, with 51 registered ordinary and provisional members.
Mr. Eriksson addressed the General Assembly with among other things elaborating over the progress made in the fields of marketing, development, lobby work, competition and administration during the last two years.

With these words Mr. Eriksson opened the IFF General Assembly 2018.

§ 2 Approval of present Associations and the voting roll
Mr. Liljelund conducted the roll call and the following ordinary member associations were present;
There are 38 out of the 44 ordinary member associations, i.e. Australia, Austria, Belarus, Belgium,
Brazil, Canada, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Great Britain, Hungary,
Iceland, India, Israel, Italy, Japan, Korea, Latvia, Liechtenstein, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway,
the Philippines, Poland, Russia, Serbia, Singapore, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland,
Thailand, Ukraine and USA present, which according to the IFF Statutes § 29.2. have the right to vote at the General Assembly, if they have fulfilled their obligations towards IFF.

A simple majority is 20 votes and the 2/3 majority is 26 votes, according to the Statutes.

There are 11 provisional members associations present, i.e. Armenia, China, Kenya, Lithuania, Mongolia, Nigeria, Portugal, Somalia, Turkey, Uganda and Venezuela

Approval of the voting roll.
The assumption is that all ordinary members have fulfilled the requirement by the time of the General Assembly.
The General Assembly noted that 38 ordinary and 11 provisional member Associations were present.

The General Assembly decided, that the voting roll was 38 ordinary members and that 20 votes are needed for a simple majority and 26 votes are needed for a 2/3 majority.

§ 3 Greetings to the General Assembly
Mr. Filip Suman, President of the Czech Floorball, greeted the GA welcome to Prague elaborating about the WFC and the development since they last organised the Men‘s WFC 10 years ago and also the WFC organized 20 years ago.

Introduction of continuation of Official Rink sponsor to 2022 – Swerink by the IFF Sales coordinator Mr. Tero Kalsta. Greetings from Mr. Mats Norin, Swerink.

§ 4 Election of two scrutineers of the General Assembly
Mr. Eriksson proposed on behalf of the IFF CB to elect as scrutineers Mr. Tamuz Hidir, Ukraine and Ms. Dorothee Vogelesang, the Netherlands.

The General Assembly decided accordingly to elect Mr. Tamuz Hidir, Ukraine and Ms. Dorothee Vogelesang, the Netherlands to act as scrutineers.

§ 5 Approval of the agenda
Mr. Eriksson proposes the General Assembly to approve the proposed Agenda for the IFF General Assembly.

The General Assembly decided to approve the agenda for the IFF General Assembly.

§ 6 Approval of the protocol of the last Congress (Article 31 paragraph 2)
The General Assembly noted that the protocol from the last Congress has not been opposed to and is therefore automatically approved according to the statutes.

7. Modification of the statutes (Appendix 2 changes in statutes a 2/3 majority is needed)
The IFF Central Board proposes to make some changes to the IFF Statutes, in relation to the Continental Confederations and the streamlining of the IFF Operations.
The IFF secretary general Mr. John Liljelund made an intervention and explained the reasons for the proposed changes. Based on advice given by GAISF, the IOC and the IFF Ethics Commission, the IFF CB is proposing the following changes to the IFF Statutes in connection to Good Governance, Equality and the needed changes to be able to register IFF in Lausanne, Switzerland.
Article 2: Objects: promote all type of Floorball
Article 3: Legal Seat and Office
Article 4: Preventing of Discrimination
Article 10: Membership – Only one Association per country
Article 22: New Definition of Continental Bodies – Confederations
Article 23: Task of Continental Bodies
Article 24: New list of IFF Bodies
Article 30: Elections and Decisions – broad gender representation, Three terms of office for President and CB.
Maximum age of 70 years.
Article 41: Standing Committees
Article 55: Governing Law, Legal Forum and Power of Attorney

The General Assembly decided unanimously to approve the proposed changes of the statutes with the addition proposed by Mr. Bergius, Nigeria concerning the wording of article 4, preventing of discrimination.

§ 8 Admission or expulsion of official member Associations
The following provisional IFF members have on their own accord applied for ordinary membership: Cote d‘Ivoire (appendix 13).
The CB proposes that they are decided by the General Assembly to become ordinary members.
The CB has decided to propose that no provisional members are automatically considered ordinary members, according to IFF Statutes, Article 13 paragraph 3.

The General Assembly decided unanimously to approve Cote d‘Ivoire as ordinary member.

§ 9 Approval of the CB reports (Appendix 3)
Mr. Suman presented the Annual report 2017-2018, a short resume from the Plan of Action decided upon in Riga, Latvia, for the period 2017-2018 and the activities IFF has had in the period.

Mr. Eriksson asked the General Assembly to approve the Annual Report 2017 – 2018

The General Assembly decided to approve the Annual report 2017 – 2018.

§ 10 Approval of the financial report and the auditor‘s report 2016-2017
Calendar years 2016 and 2017 (appendix 4, 5, 6 and 7)
Ms. Birdal, IFF treasurer, presented the financial statements for 2016 and 2017.

Mr. Eriksson asked if the IFF General Assembly had any questions regarding the finances.

The Auditor Mr. Mikael Brandstam presented the Auditors report for 2016 and 2017 and informed that the annual accounts have been prepared in accordance with the Annual Accounts Act and, thereby, gives a true and fair view of the IFF‘s financial position and results of operations in accordance with generally agreed accounting principles in accordance to IAS.

Mr. Eriksson asked if the IFF General Assembly had any questions regarding the auditor‘s report.

Mr. Eriksson proposed the General Assembly to approve the financial reports of 2016 and 2017 and the auditor‘s report for 2016 and 2017.

The General Assembly decided to approve the financial report for 2016 and 2017 and the auditor‘s report for 2016 and 2017.

§ 11 Decision on freedom of responsibility for the CB
The Auditor Mr. Mikael Brandstam recommended to the IFF General Assembly that the IFF Central Board and secretary general shall be discharged from liability for the financial years 2016 and 2017.

Mr. Eriksson asked if the General Assembly can grant freedom of responsibility for the CB and secretary general.

The General Assembly decided to unanimously grant the Central Board, the President and the secretary general freedom of responsibility for 2016 and 2017.

§ 12 Decision on membership fee
The IFF Central Board proposes not to change the membership fees for the coming two-year period.

The General Assembly decided not to change the membership fees for the period 2018-2019 according to the proposal.

§ 13 Approval of the IFF CB proposals, budget and working plan for the next two years
a) Plan of action for the period 2019-2020 (between General Assemblies, appendix 8)
Mr. Eriksson presented the CB proposal on plan of action for the period 2019-2020 where strategic steps mentioned among others were:
-implementation of the IFF License System 2.0 and the change of the development programme in line with the Tier system,
-establishing of the format for the New European Floorball Championships and preparations or the testing of the Future of Floorball
- preparations for The World Games 2021 in Birmingham, Alabama and the introduction and popularisation of Floorball in the region together with the USFbA,
-conduct the Evaluation of the IFF Strategy 2009 – 2020 and based on that process conduct a broad-based analysis to define the strategical direction for IFF for 2021 – 2032
Regarding the operational approach Mr. Eriksson emphasised that IFF is to continue to strengthen its Organisational development,
- enhance the International Focus both within the IFF and its member associations
- work more closely with and towards the NOC‘s,
- increase the number of members by the General Assembly 2020 to 75-80,
- to build a three step educational model and focus more on the grass-root development in Africa, Middle-East, Central and South America and Central Asia,
- work more closely with among other Special Olympics
- continue to Lobby for inclusion in the Multi-Sport Games, like GAISF Urban Games, OCA Indoor and Martial Arts Games 2021, Youth Olympic Games and other region games.
- secure Sponsorship for IFF during the period through own sales,
- introduction of a new format of the Champions Cup from January 2019,
- continue to strengthen the regional IFF Events, like the Africa Cup, AOFC Cup and other Events.

The Netherlands asked why there is an increase in budget for equality related subjects and events, as the plan of action doesn´t elaborate any additional plans on this subject (compared to previous years with similar plans, in which the budget has by far not been spend for 2016 & 2017), Kauppinen, Finland and Engholm, Sweden supported the plan of action expressed their willingness to be of help in this work and participate in the process.

Mr. Eriksson asked if the General Assembly could approve the plan of action for 2019 and 2020.

The General Assembly decided to approve the plan of action for the period 2019-2020.

b) Budget for the calendar years 2019 and 2020 (appendix 9)
Mrs. Birdal presented the budget for 2019 and 2020.

Mr. Eriksson asked if the General Assembly could approve the budget for 2019 and 2020.

The General Assembly decided to approve the budget for 2019 and 2020.

§ 14 Elections
All nominations having arrived to the IFF Office at least sixty (60) full days prior to the IFF General Assembly, i.e. until October 8th, 2018 are according to enclosure.

The following committee chair and member are to be elected for the coming two-year period.
- Chair of the Ethics Commission, CB proposes to elect Mr. Olli Rauste, Finland (new)
- One member of the of the Ethics Commission, CB proposes to elect Ms. Wendy Kuan, Singapore (new)

The General Assembly decided to elect Mr. Olli Rauste, Finland as new chair and Ms. Wendy Kuan, Singapore as member of the Ethics Commission.

The elections were unanimous

§ 15 Appointment of a chartered auditor for 2 years
Mr. Eriksson informed that the IFF CB proposes re-election of the present auditor Mr. Mikael Brandstam.

The General Assembly decided to re-elect Mr. Mikael Brandstam as auditor of IFF for two years.
The election was unanimous

§ 16 Examinations and decisions on proposals and motions of the members (appendix 10, 11 and 12)
1. IFF CB Proposal to Change the structure of the Major Events
Mr. Liljelund informed that based on the result from the Associations Meeting, the IFF Central Board has prepared the matter and the IFF RACC collected input from the National Associations through a Future of Floorball questionnaire.

Based on the feedback from a number of players, coaches, member associations and floorball media, the IFF Central Board proposes to the IFF General Assembly to decide to execute a set of initial tests for the new system during the seasons 2019 – 2020 and 2020 – 2021 in IFF Events and in other by the members selected International Events during the season 2019 and/or 2020 – 2021
After that the Floorball Community can evaluate the overall effect of the changes on both a national and international level together, with the aim that the Member Associations could then take a final decision whether to make the change for the future in the IFF General Assembly 2022.
Mr. Hidir, Ukraine informed that they are in favour of 3x15 minutes as well as Mr. Bergius, Nigeria.
Mr. Kauppinen, Finland, stated that he is pleased with the proposal and that there will be a testing period for possible changes of game time and less players in the teams and stated that he in general likes development mentioning that a gender mixed class could also be considered. Slovenia expressed their opinion that tests could be done in the younger ages, like Under 17.

The General Assembly decided to approve the proposal.

2. EFT Countries Proposal for Creation of a Euro Floorball Championships
The EFT countries have proposed that Euro Floorball Championships shall be created and started in 2023.
Mr. Liljelund informed that the IFF RACC has investigated the matter and reported to the IFF CB that there is a big majority of countries that support the idea of the creation of the Euro Floorball Championships and that wants to work on the proposal as such to make it better and clearer regarding technical details.
CB recommendation to the IFF General Assembly is to accept the creation of the Euro Floorball Championships and to give the task the IFF Central Board to work out the detailed solution how the Euro Floorball Championships will be played.

The General Assembly decided to approve the proposal.

Mr. Eriksson informed that the IFF CB has decided that Switzerland will organise the 14th Men‘s World Floorball Championships 2022.

§ 17 Approval of Regulations within the meaning of article 15 paragraph 2 littera c)
The IFF Central Board does not propose any Regulations for approval for the General Assembly

The General Assembly noted that there are no regulations for approval by the General Assembly.

§ 18 Decision on all affairs being reserved for the General Assembly by the statutes or by law
The IFF Central Board proposes to the General Assembly to approve the resolution defining that the legal seat of the IFF will be in Lausanne, Switzerland.

The General Assembly decided according to the proposal to define the IFF legal seat to be in Lausanne, Switzerland. The decision was unanimous.

§ 19 Appointment to be honorary member
The General Assembly noted that there is no proposal on honorary membership.

§ 20 Decision on the meeting place for the next General Assembly
Mr. Eriksson informed that the IFF CB proposes that the next General Assembly shall be held on the 08.12.2020 at 09:00, during the WFC 2020 in Helsinki, Finland.

The General Assembly decided accordingly to have the next General Assembly during the WFC 2020.

§ 21 Presentations on coming World Floorball Championships
Upcoming Championships were presented:

a) WFC 2019 Men U19 in Halifax, Canada by Ron Spence, Floorball Canada

b) IMGA European Master Games 2019 in Torino, Italy by Giorgio Rambaldi, FIUF President

c) WFC 2019 Women in Neuchatel, Switzerland by Mr. Michael Zoss, SUHV secretary general

d) WFC 2020 Women U19 in Uppsala, Sweden by Ms. Anna Lindström, Director Convention Bureau, Destination Uppsala and Mr. Jonas Ekebacke, Project Manager, Destination Uppsala

f) WFC 2020 Men in Helsinki, Finland by Ms. Hanne Pirkoila

§ 22 Closing of the General Assembly
Mr. Eriksson thanked the resigning chairman of the Ethics Commission Mr. Poul-Erik Hoyer, Denmark, for his contributions.

Mr. Eriksson further thanked the participants for their efficient work during the General Assembly, all presenters in § 21 and thanked the president of the Czech Floorball Federation Mr. Filip Suman for an excellent organisation of the WFC 2018 and with these words declared the General Assembly as closed at 11:27

John Liljelund Tomas Eriksson
IFF Secretary General IFF President


Tamuz Hidir Dorothee Vogelesang

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