One World — One Ball

IFF GENERAL ASSEMBLY 12th of December 2010

Place: Balders Hall, Helsinki, Finland

Participants: According to enclosure 11

§ 1 Opening of the General Assembly by IFF President Mr. Tomas Eriksson

Tomas Eriksson opened the General Assembly and greeted all the participants welcome to the 10th IFF General Assembly in Helsinki, thanking the SSBL President Matti Ahde for an excellent ongoing WFC in Finland. Mr. Eriksson further conveyed the greetings from Mr. Christophe Dubi, IOC Sports Director to the IFF General Assembly about the process of IFF‘s full recognition with-in IOC.

Mr. Eriksson elaborated round the strategy decided in 2004, political, development and marketing and the efforts made in these fields and the tasks that lies ahead of IFF in the coming years. Mr. Eriksson expressed how pleased he is with the good cooperation with IOC, SportAccord, ARISF and FISU. Mentioning a few milestones on the past two years, Mr. Eriksson described the installation of the new IFF Competition Calendar two years ago and this is then the first WFC in accordance to the new system. The evaluation will start after the Women‘s WFC 2011. Mr. Eriksson also thanked the IFF sponsors Exel, Puma, Gerflor, Swerink and AJ which are also helping to build the brand.

With these words Mr. Eriksson opened the IFF General Assembly 2010.

§ 2 Approval of present Associations and the voting roll

Mr. Liljelund conducted the roll call and the following ordinary member associations were present;

Ordinary members: Australia, Austria, Canada, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Hungary, Iceland, Italy, Japan, Korea, Latvia, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Russia, Singapore, Slovakia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and USA which in accordance the IFF Statutes § 32.2 have the right to vote at the General Assembly, as they have fulfilled their obligations towards IFF.

A total of 25 votes are present, meaning that a simple majority is 13 votes and the 2/3 majority is 17 votes, according to the Statutes.

Approval of the voting roll.

Provisional members Belarus, Iran, Lithuania, New Zealand, Serbia, Sierra Leone and Turkey.

The General Assembly noted that 25 ordinary and 7 provisional member Associations were present and that for a simple majority 13 votes are needed and 17 votes are needed for a 2/3 majority.

The General Assembly decided, that the voting roll was 25 ordinary members and that 13 votes are needed for a 2/3 majority.

Greetings to the General Assembly

1. Mr. Ismo Haaponiemi secretary general of the Finnish Floorball Federation and the Local Organisation Committee of the 8th World Floorball Championships, greeted the IFF GA and expressed the Finnish Federations which to increase the development of Floorball internationally and informed the GA that the Finnish Floorball Federation is willing to host the IFF Office for yet an other two year period.

2. Mrs. Raija Mattila co-chair of the International Working Group on Women and Sport (IWG), organiser of the 6th World Conference of Women and Sport in Finland in 2014, greeted the IFF GA and informed about the need to more actively work in order to secure the female representation in the different organisational structures of international sport organisations, not only on the field of play.

§ 3 Election of two scrutineers of the General Assembly

Mr. Eriksson proposed to elect as scrutineers Mrs. Heidi Leb of the Austrian Floorball Association and Mr. Morten Lindem, Norwegian Floorball Federation, which was approved by the General Assembly.

The General Assembly decided accordingly to elect Mrs. Heidi Leb of the Austrian Floorball Association and Mr. Morten Lindem, Norwegian Floorball Federation to act as scrutineers.

§ 4 Approval of the agenda

The CB proposes to approve the proposed Agenda for the IFF General Assembly.

The General Assembly decided to approve the agenda for the IFF General Assembly.

§ 5 Approval of the protocol of the last Congress in the case of article 33 paragraph 3

The General Assembly noted that the protocol from the last Congress has not been opposed to and is therefore automatically approved according to the statutes (IFF Statutes article 34 paragraph 3).

§ 6 Modification of the statutes (changes in statutes a 2/3 majority is needed) (Enclosure 10).

The GA decided to handle the CB proposal of changing the statutes already in § 6 instead of § 18.
Mr. Liljelund presented the proposal of the changes of IFF Statutes to the GA.

The General Assembly decided, unanimously, to change the statutes according to the CB proposal.

§ 7 Admission or expulsion of official member Associations

Mr. Liljelund informed that New Zealand have applied for ordinary membership in writing. The CB proposes according to Article 13 paragraph 3, that they would be approved by the General Assembly to become ordinary members.

The General Assembly decided unanimously to approve New Zealand as ordinary members.

Mr. Liljelund continued and informed that the CB has decided to propose that the following provisional members are automatically considered ordinary members, since they have been provisional for at least four years and have not yet applied for ordinary membership. These associations are: Brazil, Great Britain and Serbia, according to IFF Statutes, Article 13 paragraph 3.

The General Assembly decided to grant ordinary membership to Brazil, Great Britain and Serbia.

The General Assembly decided to update the voting roll now to be 27 ordinary members present and 5 provisional member Associations and that a simple majority is 14 votes and a 2/3 majority requires 19 votes.

§ 8 Approval of the CB report (enclosure 1)

Mr. Liljelund presented the Annual Report for 2009-2010, which is based upon the Plan of Action for 2009-2010 decided upon in the GA in Prague, Czech Republic in 2008.

The IFF has continued during the last two years to work with committees and functions consisting of persons from both inside and outside the IFF Central Board.

Among other things Mr. Liljelund mentioned the following:
- the installation and roll-out of the new International Competition Calendar
- the increase membership service provided by IFF in the field of information, education and development ,
as well as competition services like the accreditation tool and the Organiser handbook.
- the increased number of the IFF Events with regional qualifications for the Adult‘s WFC‘s
- the growing number of members and the increased number of development projects and support
- the growing international presence of Floorball in different International organisations
- the cooperation with IFF Sponsors and the organisers of IFF Events.
- the launch of the new IFF Marketing slogan; One World – One Ball and the work done in the field of web
page development, internet-TV and TV.

Mr. Eriksson is very pleased with the work done by the Associations, volunteers, committees, administration.

Mr. Eriksson asked the General Assembly to approve the Annual Report 2009 – 2010.

The General Assembly decided to approve the Annual report 2009 – 2010.

§ 9 Approval of the financial report and the auditors report

Calendar years 2008 and 2009 (enclosure 2, enclosure 3, enclosure 4 & enclosure 5)

Mr. Liljelund explained how the IFF financials are built and where the efforts have been put the two last years where the increase in TV and Internet-TV has been significant.

Mr. Liljelund then presented the Balance sheet and Statement of income for 2008 and 2009. The IFF made a surplus of 28,848 CHF in 2008 and a surplus of 15,299 CHF in 2009.

The equity of IFF is positive, but yet not sufficient to run the operations for half a year.

Mr. Eriksson asked if the IFF General Assembly had any questions regarding the finances

Mr. Eriksson proposed the General Assembly to approve the financial reports of 2008 and 2009

The General Assembly decided to approve the financial report for 2008 and 2009.

The Auditor Mr. Mikael Brandstam presented the Auditors report for 2008 and 2009 (enclosure 3 and enclosure 5) and informed that the annual accounts have been prepared in accordance with the Annual Accounts Act and, thereby, gives a true and fair view of the IFF‘s financial position and results of operations in accordance with generally agreed accounting principles in accordance to IAS.

Mr. Eriksson proposed the General Assembly to approve the auditors report for 2008 and 2009.

The General Assembly decided to approve the auditors report for 2008 and 2009.

§ 10 Decision on freedom of responsibility for the CB

The Auditor Mr. Mikael Brandstam recommended to the IFF General Assembly that the IFF Central Board and secretary general shall be discharged from liability for the financial years 2008 and 2009.

Mr. Eriksson asked if the General Assembly can grant freedom of responsibility for the CB and secretary general.

The General Assembly decided to grant the Central Board and the secretary general freedom of responsibility for 2008 and 2009. It was noted that that none were against.

§ 11 Decision on membership fee

The IFF Central Board proposes not to change the membership fees for the years 2011 and 2012.

The General Assembly decided, unanimously, not to change the membership fees for the period 2011-2012.

§ 12 Approval of the budget and working plan for the next two years

a) Plan of action for the period 2011-2012 (enclosure 6)

Mr. Eriksson elaborated on each point of the CB proposal of plan of action for the period between the General Assemblies 2010 and 2012.

As a part in the strive to create a broader understanding for the TV among IFF member associations, Mr. Lasse Granquist, the IFF Appeal Committee chairman and a experienced Swedish TV-journalist gave a few ideas on how to get TV attention by personal contacts and build Floorball as a TV show, using power breaks and showing the brilliance of the sport.

Mr. Eriksson asked if the General Assembly could approve the plan of action for 2011 and 2012.

The General Assembly decided to approve the plan of action for the period 2011-2012.

b) Budget for the calendar years 2011 and 2012 (enclosure 7)

Mr. Liljelund presented the budget for 2011 and 2012 pointing out some areas where extra efforts will be made.
Mr. Jerome Joaille (FRA) asked a question whether the level of the funds reserved for the development work is sufficient.
Mr. Liljelund explained that there are more funds reserved which are not included in the development cost centers. Mr. Joaille accepted the explanation

Mr. Eriksson asked if the General Assembly could approve the budget for 2011 and 2012.

The General Assembly decided to approve the budget for 2011 and 2012.

§ 13 Elections (enclosure 8)

IFF President for two years
Mr. Eriksson gave the word to the IFF Vice President Mr. Filip Suman, who informed that the only nomination for President is Mr. Tomas Eriksson, the present IFF President.

Mr. Suman proposed that the General Assembly would re-elect Mr. Tomas Eriksson as President of IFF for 2011-2012.

The General Assembly decided, unanimously, to re-elect Mr. Tomas Eriksson as IFF President for two years.

Mr. Eriksson thanked the General Assembly for the support given to him.

Before electing the new Central Board members Mr. Eriksson thanked, with a small gift, former and resigning CB members;

Mr. Tomas Jonsson, Norway – in the CB 1994-2008
Mr. Per Jansson, Sweden – in the CB 1996-2010
Mr. Renato Orlando – in the CB 2002-2010

Nine CB members for two years
Mr. Eriksson informed that there are 10 candidates as members of the Central Board.

As for the procedures Mr. Eriksson proposed that each candidate should be given one minute to introduce themselves before the election.

The General Assembly decided accordingly.

The candidates presented themselves in alphabetical order; Mrs. Monica Bakke, Norway (new), Mr. Hans Botman, Netherlands (re-election), Mr. Greg Baudin, Canada (new), Mr. Risto Kauppinen, Finland (re-election), Mr. Stephen King, Australia (re-election), Mr. Oliver Stoll, Germany (new), Mr. Filip Suman, Czech Republic (re-election), Mr. Lars-Gunnar Tjärnquist, Sweden (new), Mr. Edwin Wiedmer, Switzerland (new).

Mr. David Brown, USA, withdrew the candidature asking the GA to support the candidature of Mr. Greg Baudin, Canada.

Mr. Eriksson proposed since there are 9 candidates for 9 positions, to elect all the CB members in one vote.

The General Assembly decided accordingly to elect for the two coming years;
Mrs. Monica Bakke, Norway (new)
Mr. Hans Botman, Netherlands (re-election)
Mr. Greg Baudin, Canada (new)
Mr. Risto Kauppinen, Finland (re-election)
Mr. Stephen King, Australia (re-election)
Mr. Oliver Stoll, Germany (new)
Mr. Filip Suman, Czech Republic (re-election)
Mr. Lars-Gunnar Tjärnquist, Sweden (new)
Mr. Edwin Wiedmer, Switzerland (new)

Chairman and two members of the Appeal Committee

Mr. Eriksson informed of the candidates as chairman respective members to the IFF Appeal Committee.

The General Assembly decided to elect Mr. Lars Granqvist, Sweden as Chairman (re-election) and
Mr. Tom Hedkrok, Finland (re-election) and Mr. Kjell Hovland-Olsen, Norway, (re-election) as members.

As substitutes the General Assembly elected Mr. Tomas Brezina, Czech Republic, Ms. Zane Klabere, Latvia and Mr. Randy Sa´d, Canada.

Chairman and two members of the Disciplinary Committee

Mr. Eriksson informed of the candidates as chairman respective members to the IFF Disciplinary Committee.

The General Assembly decided to elect Mr. Ismo Haaponiemi, Finland (re-.election) as chairman and Mr. Rudolf Buri, Switzerland (re-election) and Mr. Tomas Vaculik, Czech Republic (re-election) as members of the IFF Disciplinary Committee.

As substitutes the General Assembly elected Mr. Rainer Martiskin, Australia, Mr. Eero Piilokivi, Canada and Ralfs Svagers, Latvia.

§ 14 Appointment of a chartered auditor

Mr. Eriksson informed that the IFF CB proposes re-election of the present auditor Mr. Mikael Brandstam.

The General Assembly decided to re-elect Mr. Mikael Brandstam as auditor of IFF for two years.

§ 15 Examinations and decisions on proposals and motions of the members

a) IFF Marketing Strategy (enclosure 9)

Mr. Kauppinen briefly presented the CB proposal on the IFF Marketing Strategy.
Mr. Liljelund elaborated on the key points of the strategy.

The General Assembly decided to approve the IFF Marketing Strategy

b) IFF Events Handbook
Mr. Liljelund presented, for information, the newly produced IFF Events Handbook.

§ 16 Approval of Regulations within the meaning of article 15 paragraph 2 littera c)

The General Assembly noted that there are no objections against any regulations.

§ 17 Decision on all affairs being reserved for the General Assembly by the statutes or by law

The IFF Central Board proposes to the General Assembly to approve the resolution defining that the legal seat of the IFF will be in Lausanne, Switzerland. Further the IFF CB proposes to delegate the decision of the registration of the IFF in the Swiss Commercial Register (CR) to the newly elected Central Board.

The General Assembly decided according to the proposal to define the IFF legal seat to be in Lausanne, Switzerland and further to delegate to the Central Board to decide about registration in the Swiss Commercial Register (CR).

§ 18 Appointment to be honorary member

The General Assembly noted that there is no proposal on honorary membership.

§ 19 Modification of the statutes (changes in statutes a 2/3 majority is needed)

The General Assembly noted that the CB proposal regarding modifications of the Statutes were decided already in § 6.

§ 20 Decision on the meeting place for the next General Assembly

Mr. Eriksson informed that the IFF CB proposes that the next General Assembly shall preliminary be held on the 07.12.2012 at 10:00, during the WFC 2012 in Zurich, Switzerland.

The General Assembly decided accordingly to have the next General Assembly during the WFC 2012.

§ 21 Presentations on coming World Floorball Championships

The General Assembly continued with presentations on the upcoming WFC´s in 2011 - 2012

WFC 2011 Men U19 in Germany by Floorball Germany
Mr. Stefan Erkelenz, secretary general LOC, presented the Men‘s U19 World
Championships 2011, to be played in Weissenfels, Germany in May 3 - 7, 2011.

WFC 2011 Women in Switzerland by SUHV
Mr. Daniel Bollinger, Secretary general SUHV, presented the Women‘s World Championships 2011, to be played in St. Gallen, Switzerland, December 4 - 11, 2011.

Mr. Edwin Wiedmer, SUHV President greeted all welcome to Switzerland.

WFC 2012 Men in Switzerland by SUHV
Mr. Daniel Bollinger, Secretary general SUHV, briefly informed about the Men‘s World Championships 2012, to be played in Bern & Zurich, Switzerland, December 1 - 9, 2012.

Signing of Flooring partner Agreement with Gerflor

Mr. Lionel Arlin, Gerflor, presented Gerflor and the long time co-operation with IFF.
Mr. Tomas Eriksson and Mr. Lionel Arlin thereafter signed the Flooring partner Agreement 2011-2014.

§ 22 Closing of the General Assembly

Mr. Eriksson thanked the participants for their efficient work during the General Assembly and declared the General Assembly as closed at 12:45

John Liljelund Tomas Eriksson
IFF Secretary general IFF President


Heidi Leb Morten Lindem

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