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IFF General Assembly 26th of May 2006Place: Quality Hotel Nacka, Stockholm, Sweden Minutes§ 1 Opening of the General Assembly by IFF President Mr. Tomas Eriksson Tomas Eriksson opened the General Assembly and greeted all the participants welcome to the IFF General Assembly in Stockholm, hoping that everyone had enjoyed the ongoing WFC. Mr. Eriksson continued by giving the spectra of where IFF is going, in its strive to reach the IOC recognition and the requirement of 50 member federations. IFF has today got 37 members. Mr. Eriksson further introduced the IFF vice president Mr. Renato Orlando and the IFF general secretary Mr. John Liljelund. § 2 Approval of present Associations and the voting roll (enclosure 2)Mr. Liljelund conducted the roll call and the following member associations were present; Ordinary members: Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Germany, Great Britain, Hungary, Latvia, Malaysia, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Russia, Singapore, Sweden and Switzerland. Provisional members: Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, Iceland, Italy, Japan, Korea, Slovakia, Spain. The General Assembly noted that 16 ordinary and 10 provisional member Associations where present and that for a simple majority 9 votes are needed and 11 votes are needed for a 2/3 majority. Mr. Eriksson stressed the fact that he was not at all pleased that the provisional members Slovenia and the United States were not present at the IFF General Assembly, even though playing in the WFC. The General Assembly decided, that the voting roll was 16 ordinary members and that 11 votes are needed for a 2/3 majority. § 3 Election of two scrutineers of the General Assembly Mr. Eriksson proposed to elect Mr. Suresh Subramanian, general secretary of the Malaysian Floorball Association and Mr. Alfreds Kundzins, president of the Latvian Floorball Federation, which was approved by the General Assembly § 4 Approval of the agenda Mr. Tomas Eriksson informed that after the announcement of the General Assembly the Japan Floorball Association and the Canadian Unihockey and Floorball Federation had applied for ordinary membership and that the IFF Central Board has proposed to include these applications to the agenda. The General Assembly decided, unanimously, to include the applications from Canada and Japan and approved the agenda for the IFF General Assembly. § 5 Approval of the protocol of the last Congress in the case of article 33 paragraph 3 The General Assembly noted that the protocol (enclosure 3) from the last Congress has not been opposed to and is therefore automatically approved according to the statutes. § 6 Admission or expulsion of official member Associations Mr. Eriksson informed that Austria, Australia, Canada, Japan and the United States have applied for ordinary membership in writing. The CB proposes according to Article 13 paragraph 3, that they would be approved by the General Assembly to become ordinary members. The General Assembly decided unanimously to approve Austria, Australia, Canada, Japan and the United States as ordinary members. Mr. Eriksson continued and informed that the CB has decided to propose that the following provisional members are automatically considered ordinary members, since they have been provisional for at least four years and have not yet applied for ordinary membership. These associations are: Belgium, Georgia, India, Italy, Slovakia, Slovenia, and Spain, Belgium, Italy, Slovakia and Spain were asked in the General Assembly by IFF President Mr Eriksson and was in favour and accepted ordinary membership of IFF. Mr. Eriksson informed that since Georgia, India and Slovenia were not present at the General Assembly, it is not possible to approve them as ordinary members of IFF. The General Assembly decided to grant ordinary membership to Belgium, Italy, Slovakia and Spain. The General Assembly decided to update the voting roll now to be 24 ordinary and 2 provisional member Associations and that a simple majority is 13 votes and a 2/3 majority requires 16 votes. § 7 Approval of the CB report (enclosure 4) Mr. Eriksson made a short resume from the plan of action decided upon in Zurich for the period 2004-2006. Mr. Eriksson thanked the Finnish Floorball Federation President Mr. Matti Ahde for the help given to IFF, when the IFF Headquarters moved to Helsinki, Finland. The IFF changed the way of working during the last two years, giving the tasks to smaller committees and to functions consisting of a few persons from both inside and outside the IFF Central Board. Mr. Eriksson explained the political work made by the IFF ExCo with the goal to receive the IOC recognition by the Beijing Olympics in 2008. Floorball meets the requirements of attracting the youth, being a well organised sport and attracting equally men and women and we follow the International requirements like signing the WADA Code, but we also have to fulfil the IOC requirement of 50 working federations. Mr. Eriksson asked the federations to put away funding to have an office and employ a general secretary. Mr. Eriksson applauded the Korean Federation, for their way of building their federation and the priority they have chosen. Mr. Eriksson asked the General Assembly to approve the Annual Report 2004 – 2006. The General Assembly decided to approve the Annual report 2004 – 2006. § 8 Approval of the financial report and the auditors report Calendar years 2004 and 2005 (enclosure 5 and enclosure 6) The treasurer Mr. Tomas Jonsson presented the Balance sheet and Statement of income for 2004. IFF made a surplus of 138.000 CHF in 2004 which was mainly due to the delaying of the opening of the new office in Helsinki. Mr. Jonsson presented the Statement of Income for 2005. The IFF still made a surplus of 38.000 CHF in 2005, mainly due to the fact that the office was not fully staffed for the whole year. The equity of IFF is positive, but not sufficient to run the operations for one year. Mr. Eriksson asked if the IFF General Assembly had any questions regarding the finances Mr. Eriksson proposed to approve the financial reports of 2004-2005 The General Assembly decided to approve the financial report for 2004 – 2005. The Auditor Mr. Mikael Brandstam presented the Auditors report for 2004-2005 (enclosure 7 and enclosure 8) and informed that the annual accounts have been prepared in accordance with the Annual Accounts Act and, thereby, gives a true and fair view of the IFF‘s financial position and results of operations in accordance with generally agreed accounting principles in accordance to IAS. Mr. Eriksson proposed to approve the auditors report for 2004 - 2005 The General Assembly decided to approve the auditors report for 2004 – 2005. § 9 Decision on freedom of responsibility for the CB The Auditor Mr. Mikael Brandstam recommended to the IFF General Assembly that the IFF Central Board shall be discharged from liability for the financial years 2004 – 2005. Mr. Eriksson asked if the General Assembly can grant freedom of responsibility for the CB. The General Assembly decided to grant the Central Board freedom of responsibility for 2004 and 2005. It was noted that that none were against. § 10 Decision on membership fee Mr. Eriksson informed that the IFF Central Board proposes not to changes the membership fees for the two coming years and that a 2/3 majority is needed for a change of the membership fee system, and a simple majority for the amounts. The General Assembly decided, unanimously, not to change the annual membership fee for the coming years 2007 and 2008. § 11 Approval of the budget and working plan for the next two years Plan of action for the period 2006-2008 (enclosure 9) Mr. Renato Orlando, IFF vice president presented the plan of action for the period between the General Assemblies 2006 and 2008 and explained that the plan of action is very challenging. Mr. Orlando stressed that it is very important, that we follow the main stream of World Sports. It is the primary aim for IFF to enter the Olympic Family, but we still have members that do not follow all requirements. It is therefore the task for IFF, that we continue to work on the political field, in order to fulfil these requirements. With out a competence centre there is not a possibility to work, Mr. Orlando asked the members to support the Office in its efforts to support the development. The more professional we become, the more can be left in the hands of the Office, therefore the CB has agreed to limit the number of active committees. Mr. Orlando informed that the competitions will stay the same, apart from the EuroFloorball Cup until 2008. The RACC went out asking the federations, what Floorball should be when changing the regulations and the competition system, the result being a number of changes in the Organisers and Competition regulations. It has been difficult for the IFF to enter the International World sport fields and IFF is in the process of signing a collaboration convention with the World University Sports Federation – FISU, which is the first step into the Universiade. We have been approached by a number of International Organisations, but the Central Board have decided to select into which we will enter. Mr. Orlando asked the federations to actively be in contact with the IFF Office. IFF is trying to build up the IFF web-site as a portal for International Floorball. Mr. Orlando told that the next two years will be very heavy for the IFF but also for the IFF member federations. Mr. Liljelund informed about the Floorball Development Programme Seminars that will be organised in 2006-2007 and asked the federations to actively take part in these seminars and build on the learning from them. The Seminars will be organised in the Netherlands (Western Europe in September 2006), in Poland (Central Eastern Europe in October), in Singapore (Asia Oceania in December) and Canada is planning to organise a seminar for North America in April 2007. The invitations to these seminars will be sent during July. b) Budget for the calendar years 2007 and 2008 (enclosure 10) Mr. Tomas Jonsson presented the budget for 2007 and 2008, explaining that there has been put much more funds for the Development work and if there will be enough funds the number of employees will grow during the coming years. Mr. Eriksson asked if the GA if it can approve the plan of action and the budget for 2007 and 2008. The General Assembly decided to approve the plan of action for the period 2006-2008. The General Assembly decided to approve the budget for 2007 and 2008. § 12 Elections IFF President for two years Mr. Eriksson gave the word to the IFF Vice President Mr. Renato Orlando, who informed that the only nomination for President is Mr. Tomas Eriksson, the present IFF President. Mr. Renato Orlando proposed that the General Assembly would re-elect Mr. Tomas Eriksson as President of IFF for 2006-2008. The General Assembly decided, unanimously, to re-elect Mr. Tomas Eriksson as IFF President for two years. Mr. Eriksson thanked the General Assembly for the support given to him. Six to nine CB members for two years Mr. Eriksson opened the discussion stating that the Central Board has been discussing the issue of the number of members in the Central Board and that the proposal to change the statues are to only have six members in the Central Board and only one member per country. Mr. Gerhard Zingg President of the Swiss Association explained that for the development of Floorball it is important that the IFF Central Board can work efficiently. Therefore the Swiss Association is withdrawing the nomination of Mr. Tomas Gilardi, who has done a very good job in the IFF Central Board. Mr. Eriksson respects the view of the Swiss Federation and thanked Mr. Gilardi for a good job done in the Central Board. Mr. Martin Wolmhed, representing the Swedish Federation thinks that it is important to have a tight group working in the CB Mr. Matti Ahde, President of the Finish Federation wanted to thank the IFF, for the opportunity that Finland has had the chance to host the IFF Office. Mr. Ahde thinks that the work has started very well and would like to congratulate Mr. Eriksson for the re-election. The Finnish federation has restricted itself from nominating a second nominee to the IFF Central Board, in order to have an effective central board. The Finnish finds it very important that there are both men and women in the central board of the IFF. Mr. Eriksson asked the nominated candidates if they stand for election, all candidates wanted to stand for election with the exception of Mr. Marek Budzinski, President of the Polish federation, who withdrew his nomination. Mr. Eriksson invited Mr. Budzinski into any other function in the IFF. Mr. Eriksson asked the two candidates Mrs. Aagaard and Mr. Suman to shortly introduce themselves to the General Assembly. Mrs. Aagaard gave a short introduction of her Floorball experience in the Danish Floorball Federation. Also Mr. Suman gave a short introduction. The General Assembly noted that 6 persons have been nominated and are standing for election as CB members for the two upcoming years. The General Assembly decided, unanimously, to elect six CB members according to the statutes, and to elect for the coming two years the following members: Mrs. Mona Aagaard, Denmark new Mr. Eriksson thanked the resigning IFF Central Board members Mr. Tomas Gilardi, Switzerland (1998 – 2006), Mr. Peter Lindström, Norway (1994 – 2006) and Mr. Martin Vaculik, Czech Republic (1994 – 2006) for an outstanding performance during their carrier in the IFF CB. The President Mr. Eriksson presented together with Mr. Liljelund the resigning CB members with a small gift. Mr. Renato Orlando thanked, in the name of the IFF members Mr. Tomas Eriksson for his involvement in IFF for the last 10 years. Chairman and two members of the Disciplinary Committee The General Assembly decided to elect Mr. Rainer Martiskin, Australia, Mr. Rudolf Furthermore the General Assembly decided to put forward to the Disciplinary Committee to make the constitution among themselves and the Central Board the task to verify that decision. Chairman and two members of the Appeal Committee The General Assembly decided to elect Mr. Lars Granqvist, Sweden as Chairman, Mr. Tom Hedkrok, Finland and Mr. Kjell Hovland-Olsen, Norway, as members of the Appeal Committee. § 13 Appointment of a chartered auditor Mr. Eriksson informed that the IFF CB has proposed re-election of the present auditor Mr. Mikael Brandstam. The General Assembly decided to re-elect Mr. Mikael Brandstam as auditor of IFF for two years. § 14 Examinations and decisions on proposals and motions of the members Mr. Renato Orlando described the changes put forward of the IFF Juridical regulations and explained how this will affect the IFF and its member federations. The new Juridical regulation is built on the basis of what a modern international organisation needs. Mr. Jorgen Olshov from the Italian federation felt it to be good to improve the understanding of the regulations. He felt that there where some small changes needed in the text so that the Juridical and Statutes would be alike. The General Assembly decided to approve the IFF Juridical regulation (enclosure 12). Mr. Renato Orlando presented the forming of the Asian and Oceania Floorball Confederation and thanked the AOFC President Mr. Sani Mohd Salim for the initiative taken by him and the Asian and Oceania IFF member federations. Mr. Orlando also told that the Singapore Sport Council is supporting the foundation of an office for the AOFC in the near future. Mr. Sani Mohd. Salim expressed his thanks for the support of the IFF Mr. Liljelund gave some information about the new Anti-Doping Regulation that the IFF CB has approved in its meeting on the 25th of May. § 15 Approval of Regulations within the meaning of article 15 paragraph 2 littera c) The General Assembly noted that there are no objections against any regulations. § 16 Decision on all affairs being reserved for the General Assembly by the statutes or by law The General Assembly noted that there are no affairs being reserved for the General Assembly by the statutes or by law not already treated in other paragraphs. § 17 Appointment to be honorary member The General Assembly noted that there is no proposal on honorary membership. § 18 Modification of the statutes (changes in statutes a 2/3 majority is needed) Mr. Eriksson noted that the IFF Central Board has prepared new IFF Statues, taking into account the requirements of the WADA and the Court of Arbitration in Sports (CAS). (enclosure 13) Mr. Orlando explained that the new Statues have been prepared in order to be more modern and fulfil the need of the chancing and growing IFF. Mr. Jorgen Olshov from Italy asked if the Article 40, listing the different sanctions is sufficient, since there are more sanctions mentioned in the Juridical Regulations. Mr. Orlando answered and explained that there is no need to do that, since the Juridical regulations have been accepted by the General Assembly. Mr. Hans Botman, President of the Netherlands federation, felt that in the proposed Statues Article 31, it is mentioned just to elect 6 members, one from each country of the Central Board, he felt that the growing of the IFF needs to give the possibility to enlarge the IFF Central Board, in order to ensure that all federations have an equal possibility to enter the Central Board. Mr. Andrew Clough, representing the United Kingdom felt that the four big federations could fully control the CB, but still felt that the Statues gives the possibility to have co-opted members to perform certain tasks either in the committees and elsewhere. Mr. Orlando answered both Mr. Botman and Mr. Clough explaining the view of the IFF Central Board. Mr. Ahde, President of the Finish Federation, felt that all the continents should be included in the Central Board and that the issue will have to be reconsidered in the future. Mr. Botman asked for a vote about the article 31. Mr. Eriksson asked the General Assembly if it could accept the proposed IFF Statutes excluding the Article 31. The General Assembly unanimously accepted this. Then Mr. Eriksson asked the member federations for a test vote, which proved that there was not enough member federations in favour of the motion made by the Netherlands Federation and therefore Mr. Eriksson concluded that the General Assembly had approved the new IFF Statutes. The General Assembly decided, to change the IFF Statutes according to the IFF CB proposal. § 19 Decision on the meeting place for the next General Assembly Mr. Eriksson explained that the IFF CB has proposed that the next General Assembly shall preliminary be held on the 23.05.2008 in Prague, during the WFC 2008 in the Czech Republic. However since the final dates are not set for the WFC the dates might change. § 20 Presentations on coming World Floorball Championships Mr. Renato Orlando gave an explanation on the qualification system of the Women‘s 6th World Floorball Championships, due to the fact that there was 23 National Association participating. The IFF Office will contact the teams concerned with the Qualification. The General Assembly continued with presentations on the upcoming WFC´s in 2006 - 2008.
§ 21 Closing of the General Assembly Mr. Eriksson thanked the participants for their efficient work during the General Assembly. Mr. Eriksson declared the General Assembly as closed at 16:02
John Liljelund Tomas Eriksson