One World — One Ball

IFF Central Board meeting 6/2014

Place: Hotel Gothia Tower, Gothenburg, Sweden

Tomas Eriksson, President
Monica Bakke, Treasurer
Daniel Bollinger
Stephen King
Magdalena Kotikova, ASC Chair
Carlos Lopez
Johanna Mikkola
Milan Rantakari
Oliver Stoll
Filip Suman, Vice president
Martin Wolmhed

Merita Bruun, Information Manager
Stefan Kratz, Competition Manager
John Liljelund, Secretary General

Excused: -

§ 1. Opening of the meeting

Mr. Eriksson opened the meeting, welcoming the CB members to the 10th Men‘s World Floorball Championships in Gothenburg, especially the new CB member Mr. Milan Rantakari, replacing Mr. Risto Kauppinen.

Mr. Eriksson gave Mr. Milan Rantakari the word to introduce himself.

§ 2. Approval of the agenda

Mr. Eriksson concluded that there are the following updated appendixes for the meeting.

Appendix 6 – Oliver Stoll resignation and FG proposal to replace him
Appendix 9 – WFC2014 Sales situation
Appendix 11 - RACC Chairman recommendation for the WFC2018 organiser
Appendix 13 - IFF Ethics Commission meeting report (11.12.2014)
Appendix 19a – Election result Athletes Commission
Appendix 21 – RC per capsulam meeting
Appendix 22 - WFC2015 presentation

The CB decided: To adopt the updated appendixies

§ 3. Minutes from the CB meeting:
05/2014 in Zürich, Switzerland, (09.11.2014), (Appendix 1),

The minutes from the last meeting were scrutinized, approved and put ad acta

§ 4. Economy

a) Financial report by the 30.11.2014
Mrs. Bakke made a short report of the financial situation and presented the report and the balance sheet for the financial year 2014, per 30.11.2014 (Appendix 2).
The financial situation is well inside the budget up to December, but the effect of the WFC is still open. The aim is to strive for a zero result for the full year, despite that there is a slight loss forecasted.

Mr. Eriksson thanked the treasurer for managing the situation quite well.

Mr. Kratz in addition reported on the preliminary forecast for the remaining part of the year. (Appendix 3). The forecast has not been changed, but there are some positive situations which might affect the result positively.

The CB decided: To approve the reports.

b) Information on IFF claims – status November 30th, 2014
Mr. Kratz presented the claims situation by the 30.11.2014 (Appendix 4).
Since last report the old claims have been reduced with 32000 CHF.

Mr. Wolmhed felt that the decision taken by the CB to follow the implementation plan of the IFF License system to receive this good situation.

Further Mr. Kratz reported on the claims situation by the 30.11.2014 for all the teams registered for the WFC 2014, especially following up on Germany and Russia, where Germany has cleared their total debt in accordance to the plans and Russia has, according to plan, paid everything except the annual fee for 2014. The third country Slovakia has already earlier cleared all their debts. Korea has also paid everything else than the membership fee for 2014, after that temporary they had fallen behind but now has caught up. So all team have participating in the WFC has cleared all required debts, in accordance to the IFF License System.

Mr. Eriksson felt that it important that we give the right signal to the members.

Further Mr. Kratz reported on the claims situation for the teams having registered for the
WFC 2015 (Appendix 5). The situation for the WFCQ 2015 looks quite good, with the problematic situation for Hungary and Singapore. The Hungarians have provided a plan that they are started to follow and the IFF Office will have a meeting with the Hungarian federation.

Mr Eriksson reported that Singapore has provided a preliminary plan, just in advance of the meeting, which will have to be looked over still.

The CB decided: To approve the reports.

c) CB member issues
Mr. Stoll reported that he has decided to resign from the IFF CB, due to his personal situation in the end of 2014. Mr. Stoll will continue to support Floorball Germany. The Floorball Germany has proposed to replace the position of Mr. Stoll, by Mr. Heiko Jassmann from the start of 2015. (Appendix 6)

Mr. Eriksson thanked Mr. Stoll for his valuable contribution to the IFF and the whole Floorball community. Mr. Eriksson further congratulated Mr. Stoll and Floorball Germany for reaching the membership of the German Olympic Committee (DOSB) in December. The CB is to discuss the next steps during the meeting.

The CB decided: To approve the report, approve the resignation of Mr. Oliver Stoll by the 31.12.2014 and to replace the vacant seat by Mr. Heiko Jassmann from the 1.1.2015.

§ 5. World Championships

a) WFC 2014 Sweden
Mr. Wolmhed reported, on the ongoing Men‘s 10th WFC 2014 played in Gothenburg, Sweden from the 5th to 14th of December 2014. The organisation has worked very well and there has only been minor questions to solve. The Fun Zone is very well built and is a great addition to the Championships. The teams and media are very happy with the organisation. The Jury is also very pleased with both the LOC and the IFF Office. The finical result is tending to be very close to a zero-result.

Mr. Wolmhed further reported on the ticket sales, based on the present situation (Appendix 7b) From the beginning it looked like the WFC2015 would take record from the Czech Republic, but unfortunately the Swedish spectators have mainly visited just the Swedish matches.

Mr. Liljelund expressed that this is a really good tournament, with just some minor issues. The problems has been mainly with the teams participating. There is a need to discuss the situation with these federations upon their behaviour.

Mr. Liljelund reported on the broadcasting situation of the WFC. The co-operation with TV4 has prior to the event been very good and only a few problems have occurred, mainly related to the planning of upload of material to the IFF YouTube channel. A total of 8 countries are taking the signal and in the best possible case a total of 48 broadcasts from a total of 21 games will be delivered from the WFC. (Appendix 8)

Mr. Suman is satisfied and hopes that the final number of TV viewers will increase from the last WFC when the number was about 4 millions, In addition he hopes that the final number of spectators wil go over the Czech record from 2008.

Mr. Liljelund reported on the sales situation of the marketing rights and sponsors, conducted by the LOC.

The CB decided: To approve the reports.

b) WFC 2015 Finland
Mr. Rantakari gave a short report of the preparations of the Women‘s WFC 2015 and the steps taken so far in the process (Appendix 22) Mr. Rantakari made a report upon the preparations, with a site visit in mid-January. The City is very well involved in the process and the next steps are related to the recruitment of volunteers and building the marketing of the Event. In addition the progress is to seek the President of Finland as a Patron of the Event and some 3-4 ambassadors for the Event from known Finns.

One thing is also the focus on the ecological aspect of the Event, in order to try to create a paperless event. The goal is to have a very good spectator number and the plans are to reach a financial zero result, which is challenging.

The WFC 2015 LOC has decided to apply for the right to change the starting date of the WFC so that the Event would start on Friday the 4th of December and ending Saturday 12th of December 2015, which is one day earlier than earlier decided. (Appendix 10)

The CB decided: To approve the report and change the starting dates of the WFC2015 starting from the 4th of December and ending on the 12th of December..

c) U19 WFC 2015 Sweden
Mr. Wolmhed reported on the preparations of the Men‘s U19 WFC 2015 final round to be played in Helsingborg, Sweden 29.04-03.05.2015. There is a web page opened, the social media channels have been opened. The arena will be tested for International Events in the Finnkampen. The volunteer recruitment has started and the marketing sales has started. The preparations will increase in beginning of the new year.

The CB decided: To approve the reports.

d) WFC 2016
Mr. Kratz reported that the invitation to the Men‘s WFC 2016 to be played in Latvia 03-11.12.2016 has been sent to all member Associations in the end of November. This far eight teams have registered.

The CB decided: To approve the reports.

e) U19 WFC 2016
Mr. Kratz reported that the invitation to the Women‘s U19 WFC 2016 to be played in Canada 04-08.05.2016 has been sent to all member Associations in beginning of December. The registrations have started to drop in.

Mr. Eriksson stressed that the relationship between Floorball Canada and the IFF has to be enhanced, in order to avoid unnecessary mistakes in the process for the registration.

Mr. Mikkola reported that the City is participating in the preparations very strongly, everything is running well and it will be a very good event. The LOC will give a report during the IFF General Assembly.

The CB decided: To approve the reports.

f) Upcoming organisers
Mr. Eriksson proposes that in line with the Policy of Conflicts of Interest that Mr. Suman (CZE), Ms. Kotikova (CZE) and Mr. Rantakari (FIN) are not to participate in the decision making and where asked to step out from the meeting room.

Mr. Wolmhed reported on the evaluation process conducted using the IFF Event Management Tool and its Evaluation tool. The ExCo , the IFF RACC Chairman and the IFF Competition department has based on the IFF Evaluation Tool evaluated the two applications for the 12th WFC 2018, handed in by the Czech Floorball Union and the Finnish Floorball Federation. (Appendix 11)

Based on this evaluation, Mr. Wolmhed elaborated why the recommendation has been made. There was two good applicants, which both have handed in a good application. It is important to take the WFC to a next level, which the Czech federation has a better possibility to achieve this with especially more spectators. In Prague, as the main City there is a big arena, which will give a possibility to organise a compact Championships. Also the Czech Republic will celebrate the states 100 years anniversary, where the WFC could be a major event of that celebration. Based on this Mr. Wolmhed recommended to award the Czech Floorball Union the organisation of the WFC2018.

The CB discussed the stages of the evaluation and it was expressed that it is important to have the broad understanding of how it will be done.

Mr. Liljelund answered that based on this first use of the Evaluation tool, it has already been discussed with the RACC that we could include more persons in the evaluation, as soon as the small flaws in the tool is corrected.

The CB decided: To approve the report and to unanimously appoint the Czech Floorball Union (CFbU) organisation of the WFC 2018.

§ 6. EuroFloorball Cup
a) EuroFloorball Cup 2015
Mr. Kratz reported on the present situation concerning the organisers for the EFC qualifications and the EFC Final Round. The situation for the organisers for the qualifications are still open and discussions have started, for the Final round to be played 7th to 11th of October, Latvia has shown interest to organize but are still discussing with the city.

The CB decided: To approve the report.

b) Champions Cup 2015
Mr. Suman reported on the preliminary plans for the 5th edition of the Champions Cup that will be played in the Czech Republic from October 2nd to October 4th, 2015. The preparations for the CC2015 has started and the CFbU CB will make a decision of the City in the end of the year.

The CB decided: To approve the report

c) Future of the Champions Cup
Mr. Suman shortly reported that there has finally been an agreement met, confirmed by all parties concerning the Basic Agreement for the Champions Cup and the related CC regulation, approved by the IFF CB in the last meeting.

The Champions Cup Steering Group will have its first short meeting on Sunday the 14th of December to define the tasks of the CCSG and decide upon the working time table. The discussion is merely to find a path forward and a meeting of the CCSG will be held in end of January 2015

In addition it can be mentioned that the CC Agreement shall be signed during the WFC in Sweden.

The CB decided: To approve the reports

§ 7. Committees and Ad Hoc group reports
a) ExCo reports
Mr. Eriksson reported on the ExCo actions taken in relation to the preparation of the IFF CB meeting and the IFF General Assembly.

The IFF CB shortly discussed the outcome, as far as it has been revealed of the IOC Extra Ordinary Session held in Monaco from the 8th to the 9th of December, and the decisions made concerning the recommendations for the Olympic Agenda 2020. (Appendix 12a) The IOC approved the Olympic Agenda 2020 unanimously, but according to a number of sources, the implications of the decisions are still a little unclear and will be clarified later in the process by the IOC Executive Board and administration.

Mr. Eriksson presented the written analysis made together with Mr. Liljelund a written analysis of the implications to IFF and Floorball, based on the recommendations made by the IOC. (Appendix 12b)

Mr. King felt that we need to look upon the presentation of our Sport, the number of the delegation.

Ms. Bakke wanted to start the process of looking upon the 3vs.3, 4vs.4 and parafloor versions of the sport.

Mr. Suman felt that the process will continue for months, but the IOC EB has received much more power than before and this will bring more changes in a short time, not necessarily all good for us. The fact that the line between Olympic program sports to recognised sports will be much thinner than before. The World Games is very important for us and we need to prepare for this much closer.

Mr. Liljelund proposed that the IFF CB would use the next working session to analyse these issues related to the approved IOC recommendations.

Mr. King gave an oral report on the present activities of the AOFC and the upcoming tasks for next year. The SEA Floorball Championships are played in Singapore.

Mrs. Mikkola gave an oral report on the present activities in the Americas. The Americas member present will meet briefly to discuss the development issues and how to work together to share resources after the IFF General Assembly.

Mr. Eriksson reported on the results from the first meeting of the IFF Ethics Commission held on the 11th of December during the WFC in Gothenburg. (Appendix 13) The EC discussed the IFF Code Ethics and the member Ms. Sylvia Schenk and Ms. Carol Roberts will prepare a new version which is harmonised with the other documents in this field.

The CB decided: To approve the reports

b) Contacts to International Sports Organisations
Mr. Eriksson shortly reported on the preparatory tournament for the SEA Games organised by the Singapore Floorball Association in Singapore on the 18.-21.12.2014, with both men‘s and women‘s teams from Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines and Singapore. IFF will organise a seminar for the team coaches of all teams participating in the SEA Games in June 2015, in connection to the tournament. (Appendix 14). The Thailand NOC will probably send an observer to the SEA Floorball Championships.

Mr. Liljelund reported on the 1st Competition Managers meeting held for the Wroclaw World Games 2017 in Wroclaw from the 20th to 22nd of November. (Appendix 15)
The World Games will be held from the 3rd to the 13th of August, Floorball has been assigned four competition days for the six teams participating and these are from the 7th to the 10th. The IWGA will build an IF Passport, in which all details will be handled for each sport and this will be signed in April. IFF has started to market the World Games in the WFC with a rink commercial, to increase the knowledge of our participation in the Event that in the IOC recommendations for the Olympic Agenda 2020 has defined the World Games as an entry point to the Olympic Games.

Mr. Suman felt it was a positive report and that it is important to be in the City Center together with other sports. The issue is not bad that we have a small arena. We need to promote the Event in Poland in all our Events.

Mr. King asked for the ticketing of the Event, with Mr. Suman answered that the IWGA and the LOC sells all the tickets.

Mr. Eriksson reported that FISU has based on the request of the WUC 2016 organising city Porto, Portugal set the dates of the WUC 2016 to July 19th to 24th. IFF had asked for much earlier dates in a meeting during the U19 WFCQ in Spain, but the WUC LOC wanted July for organizational reasons. (Appendix 16)

Mr. Lopez informed that there has been no response from the WUC LOC to his questions.
The IFF Office will contact the FISU WUC Office

The CB decided: To approve the reports

Mr. Wolmhed reported on the RACC activities and the preparation for the coming WFCQ 2015 in January-February. The Jury will start a process how we can start look up to the situations, when the referee don‘t for one or the other reason see serious offences on the field of play.
The RACC has nominated the jury for the coming events.

The CB decided: To approve the reports.

d) RC
Mr. Bollinger reported that the RC has received some new nominations from the National Associations and therefore proposes the following referees to be nominated as IFF referees in the category all, for the nomination period 2015-2016 (Appendix 21):
- Mr. Dobromir Cirocki and Mr. Lukasz Kurczak from Poland.
- Mr. Gabor Keleman and Mr. György Liebe from Hungary.
- Mr. Jaey Ashvin Jetpuria and Mr. Kenny Khoo from Malaysia for the Development Group

This will raise the total number of countries with International Referees to 24 member associations.

Mr. Eriksson felt that it is a remarkable progress that there are referees from 24 countries.

The CB decided: To approve the report and nominate the proposed referees as International Referees for the period 2015-2016.

e) Medical committee
Ms. Bruun gave an oral report on the situation concerning the implementation of the new WADA Code coming in force from beginning of 2015. There are some concerns in the National Associations how they can receive the team whereabouts.

Ms. Bruun further reported on the outcome of the Athletes Outreach organized during the WFC for all the participating teams. This is a way for IFF to enhance the Anti-Doping education and also fulfilling the WADA requirements of more developed education to the athletes. The Outreach has been organized in connection to the teams‘ training sessions.

In addition Mr. Eriksson informed that Ms. Bruun has been re-elected to the WADA Education Committee for the period 2015 – 2017, based on the nomination made by IFF. (Appendix 17)

The CB decided: To approve the report.

f) Athletes Commission

Mrs. Kotikova is to shortly report on the outcome of the election of the Male representatives to the ATC. A total of six candidates were nominated for the election, which has been carried out during the group stages of the WFC in Gothenburg. (Appendix 19)

The candidates were:
FIN – Tero Tiitu
KOR – Junoh Lee
LAT – Andis Blinds (re-nomination)
NOR – Ole Mossin Olesen
SUI – Emanuel Antener (re-nomination)
SWE – Karl-Johan Iraeus (re-nomination)

The IFF CB is to confirm the election of the three candidates receiving most votes and can for universality reasons choose the fourth member freely. The three top candidates receiving most votes Mr. Tero Tiitu (FIN) 156 votes new, Karl-Johan Iraeus (SWE) 119 votes re-election and Emanuel Antener, (SUI) 111 votes re-election are directly elected to the IFF Athletes Commission. Mr. Eriksson proposed in the interest of the International development to include Mr. Junoh Lee (KOR) 105 votes new in the IFF Athletes Committee.

Mr. Eriksson proposed the re-election as the Athletes Commission Chair Ms. Magdalena Kotikova for the period 2015 – 2016.

The CB decided: To approve the report and confirm the election of the Male members for the IFF Athlethes Committee 2015 – 2016 Mr. Tero Tiitu (FIN), Mr. Karl-Johan Ireaus (SWE), Mr. Emanuel Antener (SUI) and Mr. Junoh Lee (KOR) and to elect Ms. Magdalena Kotikova as chair of the Athletes Commission for the period 2015 – 2016.

g) Marketing Ad Hoc group
Mr. Suman shortly reported on the next steps to be taken in relation to the TV magazine, the solution for combined sales and the Marketing Advise Book for National Associations and Elite Clubs. The final proposal will be provided in the end of January. Denmark will also be invited to the Core Country Marketing Network Group. There can be synergies between the CC Brand Manager and the CCMNG projects.

The CB decided: To approve the report

h) Development & Equality Ad Hoc group
Nothing to report.

The CB decided: To approve the report

i) International Lobbying Ad Hoc group
Mr. King reported on the continued plans for the lobbying work. There has been a proposal made of the Ambassador role and the process to recruit them. In addition we are looking upon a part for lobbying in the IFF Organisers handbook and the Development seminars.

The CB decided: To approve the report

§ 8. IFF Office
Mr. Liljelund presented the updated proposal of the IFF Juridical Regulation for 2015 prepared by Mr. Mathieu Guillemin and the IFF Office. The proposal has been built so that the Juridical Regulation referes to a number of other documents, so that if these are changed, the Juridical Regulation does not need to be changed at the same time. (Appendix 18)

The CB decided: To approve the report and approve the IFF Juridical Regulation – edition 2015, to take full force from the 1st of January, 2015

a) Development operations
Mr. Liljelund reported on the development activities to be carried out during the rest of the year 2014.

- IFF will organise a Seminar for Coaching and Refereeing in Teheran, Iran in 2015.
- Additional discussions are being carried out with USA, Mongolia and Cameroon for 2015.

In addition Mr. Liljelund shortly reported about the Floorball Team Leadership Research carried out during the WFC in Gothenburg, by the Floorball Competency Centre (IKC) of the University of Umeå.

Mr. Stoll asked if the CB if IFF is interested to be updated on the research on Floorball.

Mr. King informed about the activities AOFC is planning, in order to organise a tactical coaching seminar for the team coaching staff of the participating teams in the SEA Floorball Championships in Singapore.
In addition there is new member‘s project to convert countries to IFF members, the countries are Bangladesh, Cambodia, Myanmar, Nepal and Sri Lanka.
There is a project started lead by New Zealand and Australia towards Fiji, to introduce Floorball in the region.

The CB decided: To approve the reports.

b) Information operations
Ms. Bruun reported that the generic WFC website project has started, with the launch of the WFC 2015 web site in cooperation with the WFC 2015 LOC just prior to the WFC2014. The address of the web page
IFF has organized a number of activation campaigns for the WFC in the Social Media channels for guessing for the MVP of the Event. We have had a new record number of users in the Social Media and the IFF Mobile App, with over 2000 new users for both the Android and ios versions.

The CB decided: To approve the reports

c) Material operations
Mr. Liljelund reported that a number of the manufacturers on the IFF Development Board have broken the rule in the material regulation to use any reference to the IFF Events in their marketing of their products. Based on this the IFF will make some adjustments in the rules for participation in the IFF Development Board. The concerned companies will be sanctioned in accordance to the IFF Material Regulation.

The CB decided: To approve the report.

d) ParaFloorball information
Ms. Bruun Informed about the ParaFloorball activities carried out during the WFC 2014 in Gothenburg. The Electric Wheelchair Hockey (ICEWH) will organise an Electric Wheelchair demo match and that some level of Special Olympics demonstrations will take place during WFC 2014 in the Fun Zone and the matches in Scandinavium.
The IFF ParaFloorball function had a meeting a with the Swedish Manual wheelchair group to find a way to be affiliated with the IFF.

The CB decided: To approve the reports

e) Equality
Mr. Liljelund reported that the preparations in relation to the WFC 2015 and the Go Girls are continuing and the IFF Office will present the proposal for the IFF Equality Guidelines for the next CB meeting.

The CB decided: To approve the report

f) IFF General Assembly 2014
Mr. Eriksson updated the CB on the time table of the IFF General Assembly.

The CB finalised the Agenda for the IFF General Assembly (Appendix 20) and agreed upon the responsibilities of the CB members during the GA.

The CB decided: To approve the report and decided upon the Agenda for the IFF GA.

§ 9. Member Federations
a) Membership questions
Nothing to report

The CB decided: To approve the report.

b) Members under suspension
There are no members under suspension

The CB decided: To approve the report.

c) New Member Applications
Mr. Eriksson reported that the Thailand Hockey Association, which has been authorised by the Thailand NOC and the Sports Authority of Thailand to manage Floorball in Thailand are applying to replace the present inactive IFF member the Thai Floorball Federation.
Mr. Eriksson is proposing to accept the transfer of the Thai membership to the Thailand Hockey Association.

Mr. Kratz reported on the contact taken with the Croatian Floorball during the WFC, to find another solution to build the membership. The Croatian Federation will now start working to form a federation without the cooperation of the organisation presently hindering the development.

Mr. Liljelund also informed that discussions has also been held with the Chinese Floorball Development, who reported that they are to form Chinese Floorball University Federation, which will apply for IFF membership as soon as possible in 2015

Mr. Eriksson and Mr. Lopez informed about the activities in Columbia, at the Floorball Seminar at the University UCC in Bucaramanga, Colombia, in order to form an association.

The CB decided: To approve the reports and to approve the Thailand Hockey Association as the replacement for the membership in Thailand.

§ 10. Next CB meeting
The next CB meeting will be held in March/April in Denmark.

Mr. Eriksson informed of the preliminary plans on how to organise the CB and ExCo meetings for 2015. The meetings are planned as follows:
ExCo in January/February, CB meeting in March/April, ExCo in August, CB Meeting in August/September, ExCo in October, CB Meeting in December.

The CB decided: To approve the report.

§ 11. Closing of the meeting
Mr. Eriksson thanked the CB members for a good meeting and closed the meeting at 12:15.

John Liljelund Tomas Eriksson
Secretary General President

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