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IFF Central Board meeting 3/2016 Place: Hotel Kampa – Stará zbrojnice, Prague, Czech Republic
§ 1. Opening of the meeting § 2. Approval of the agenda § 3. Minutes from the CB meeting: The minutes from the last meeting were scrutinized, approved and put ad acta § 4. Economy CB decided: To approve the report
Based on the situation we have had so far the countries in crisis are mainly Russia and Singapore. The IFF Office has held discussion with both member associations and reports the following. Mr. Liljelund gave a status report of the National Floorball Federation of Russia (NFFR) is in serious financial problems, due to a lack of license and membership fees from its regional members and are therefore not able to pay their respective membership and participation fees. In addition to this the NFFR has been cut all financial support for 2016 from the Russian Government due to the financial crisis in Russia and it has come to the knowledge of the IFF Office that the NFFR also has debts to IFF member associations. The IFF Office has continued the monitoring of the situation and feels that we need to wait until the end of October before a final decision of a possible suspension of the Russian membership can be made, due to the unclear situation inside the organisation. The IFF Office will contact the NFFR and inform that the possible suspension would seize all activities of Russian Floorball on the international scene, if the outstanding debts to IFF and the National Associations are not dealt with until the 30th of October. In the meanwhile, the NFFR has due to the IFF Development Board project, gained three new regional federations in Khakasiia, Krasnayarsk and Udmurtiya. The project is run by the NFFR secretary general Mr. Konstantin Zhukovsky. Mr. Suman asked if teams can register for the WFC 2018, if they have debts. The Office answered that the teams can register as the License system 2.0 will only come to effect after the General Assembly, but the teams can‘t participate if they have debts anyway, so the system will be used proactively also for the registration. The IFF will move the registration date for the WFC until end of February 2017. The Singapore Floorball Association is under reconstruction governed by SportSG (the National Sports Confederation) and Mr. Todd Vladich, Deputy Director NSA Capability Development has been appointed the interim General Manager of the SFA. CB decided: To approve the reports and to continue monitoring the situation with NFFR and move the registration date for the WFC 2018 to the end of February 2017.
The invitation for the IFF GA shall be sent out 90 full days prior to the GA, which is on the 9th of September 2016. The member associations are to hand in all proposals, nominations and motions to the IFF GA a 60 full days prior to the IFF GA, which is the 10th of October 2016. The IFF CB shall send out all proposals and materials of the GA 30 full days before the meeting, on the 9th of November 2016. The CB is to approve the announcement of the IFF GA (Appendix 5) and it shall be sent out until the 9th of September. The Agenda for the IFF GA will be sent out after the CB meeting in November. The normal topics to be discussed at the GA are the Annual Report 2015 – 2016, Plan of Action 2017 – 2018, Budget 2017 – 2018 and Nominations. The Special Topics are for this GA are the already CB approved proposals Statutes change, Membership fee proposal, License System proposal. The CB discussed the possibility to propose an enlargement of the Appeal and Disciplinary Committees in the IFF Statutes for the General Assembly. Mr. Suman asked when the nomination for the CB Committee members will be invited for nomination and the Office answered by the WFC. Mr. Suman further asked how we will deal with the member associations in debt to the IFF in respect to the voting right to the IFF General Assembly. Mr. Liljelund answered that we will follow the system we have had, based on the IFF Statutes. Based on the discussions of the ExCo the possible persons to be invited to the GA and the WFC 2016 are: Mr. Eriksson further informed that the Celebration of the IFF 30th Anniversary will take place on Saturday the 10th of December in the WFC Main Venue Riga Arena, between the two semi-finals. IFF started to present Service Awards in 2011 and as decided earlier will do so every five years. The CB is to prepare a list of potential nominees for Service Awards, so that they can be approved in November. CB decided: To approve the reports and send out the Announcement of the IFF General Assembly 2016.
There are so far 1.208 tickets sold for the final and a total of 3.048 tickets. Most of these are bought by foreigners and the organiser has built sections for Estonians, Finns and Swiss supporters. The Swedish fans have not yet started to buy tickets, but also here the traffic is starting to build up. The LOC started the individual ticket sales for the WFC on the 1st of September, in order to ensure that all capable persons will buy their tickets. The sales of sponsorship is also continuing and some sponsorship deals have been made. The next preparatory meeting will be held in September, in order to be able to secure that the preparations are in order. The media accreditation will open on the 17th of September and the first draft of the VIP-system will be presented by the end of September. Mr. Rantakari reported that it has been a real challenge to get the LOC to understand that there are potential sponsors for a longer cooperation, so we need to be flexible with the way we operate. Mr. Suman asked if there is a need to be concerned for the number of spectators and Mr. Klabere stressed that this is one of the key issues for the success for the Event. Mr. Suman further asked if the LOC is actively using the Eventello Event management tool and Mr. Halonen answered that the LOC has used it to a good level. Mr. Liljelund reported on the present situation concerning the TV. The negotiations with the producer of the signal PolarHD, the company which produced the TV and web-streaming signal from the WFC2015 in Tampere, has only now been finalised, due to issues with the producer and the question of how the Latvian TV will operate. The TV is set for Latvian TV and Finnish YLE, Swedish TV4, Czech TV which will show all matches of their teams and the semi-finals and Final. Negotiations are ongoing with Germany, Norway and Switzerland and starting with the other countries. The TV situation will be reported more in detail during the next CB meeting. CB decided: To approve the reports.
Mr. Kratz reported that China has applied to register late to participate in the WFC2017, which would give a total of 31 registered teams and that the playing mode for the AOFC qualification, if the registration is confirmed by the CB, will be changed accordingly. The organiser of the WFCQ in New Zealand has agreed to have eight teams in the tournament. The Americas qualification will be played in Markham (ON), Canada. Mr. Kratz is further gave a short update of the negotiations of the agreement with the LOC WFC2017, which has now been signed. Mr. Suman asked in which process the Slovak organiser is, in relation to earlier Women WFC. CB decided: To approve the report and confirm the late registration of China. The qualifications will be played in Italy 6th-10th September with 10 teams and Japan 18th-20th September, with 4 teams. CB decided: To approve the report The interest should originally have been handed in by the 25th of April 2016 and the new date was set to 26th of August 2016. Slovakia has reconfirmed their interest for the organization of U19WFC 2019 and there is an initial interest shown from Canada to host the Men‘s U19 WFC 2019 in Halifax, Nova Scotia. Mr. Kratz further reported that he has asked for organisers of the WFC 2021 and 2022. The reason for starting the process with these events already now is due to the expected date collision for WFC 2022 with the FIFA World Cup 2022 (announced to be played in the period 21st of November – 18th of December 2022) and the need for IFF to be prepared for alternative dates. Mr. Klabere expressed the smallest possible change would be to change it to January. CB decided: To approve the report and continue the process for the U19 WFC 2019 & 2020 and WFC 2021 & 2022. The decision of the U19 WFC 2019 shall be made in December 2016
The winners and qualified teams for the EuroFloorball Cup 2017 were Phoenix Fireball SE (Hungary) for Men and CDE El Valle (Spain) for Women and qualified for the next years EuroFloorball Cup. There were over 12.000 views for this tournament, with 60 per cent from the participating countries The EuroFloorball Cup 2016 will be played in Weissenfels, Germany 5-9.10.2016 with 6 teams in both the Men‘s and the Women‘s Cup (Appendix 7). Mr. King asked if the Russian Club teams will participate and Mr. Kratz replied that they will and that all costs have been paid. CB decided: To approve the report.
Mr. Rantakari reported on the preparations of the Borås 2016 Champions Cup and the activation of the public and participating teams, based on the decisions of the Champions Cup Steering Group and the CC communication plan, put together by the LOC, the City of Borås and the IFF. The IFF has started a SoMe competition for the CC, which focuses on finding a slogan for the Event, which gave a number over 40 proposals. (Appendix 22) The visibility in the City of Borås is very good. The CC will be well visible in TV4 and Swiss TV is taking the Swedish matches. The discussions with the other countries are ongoing. It has been challenging to get the teams activated and it has been the Russian Nauka, has been very active. The ticket sales have not started too well yet. The World Games and the WFC 2016 will be promoted. The Champions Cup Steering group will convene during the Champions Cup in Borås to discuss the future of the Champions Cup. Mr. Suman expressed that it might not be easy to find a solution for how to continue with the Champions Cup. The next edition of the CC 2017 will be played in Seinäjoki, Finland.
Mr. Eriksson informed that the next CC10 meeting will be held in Wroclaw, Poland on the 8th to 9th of September, in connection to the World Games test-event in Wroclaw from the 9th to 11th of September, organised by the Wroclaw LOC and the PFF. The main topics for the CC10 meeting is the promotion of the World Games 2017 and the Cooperation between the CC10 countries and IFF. (Appendix 9) All ten countries will participate in the meeting with either their presidents and/or secretary generals. Mr. Suman concluded that it is really good that all ten countries are participating. Mr. King reported on the present activities of the AOFC and the discussions the AOFC Presidium has held in Bangkok and how it will affect the IFF in general. (Appendix 10) The issue is that a number of countries think that the WFCQ is too expensive for the countries. There is a plan to run an AOFC competition in South-East Asia. The proposal has been sent out to the member associations and five countries have answered so far. The AOFC is building an AOFC Competition calendar. Mr. Rantakari asked how the plans are to look over the international competition calendar with the new dates and tournaments. Mr. Eriksson answered that the coordination of all events must be discussed in debt, so that there are no collision of the dates. Mr. Eriksson informed on behalf of Ms. Mikkola about the activities in the Americas (Appendix 11). Mr. King has been in contact with the Brazilian federation on how the confederations are built. Mr. Liljelund informed that the IFF Ethics Commission has informed that they want to discuss the issues related to Mr. Salim in the Ethics Commission meeting on the 4th of December. In addition they want to have a look on the proposed IFF Guidelines for Harassment in Sport. The meeting will be held during the WFC 4.12.2016. CB decided: To approve the reports
Mr. Eriksson further reported of the meetings with different sport organisations, like the meetings with the Indonesian NOC president Mr. Erick Thoir and the SEA Games countries NOC representatives. Mr. Suman also reported on his experience from the Rio Olympic Games and the implications on the five new sports in the NOC. The IOC instructed that the five new sports for Tokyo, should be included as voting members of the NOC. This will have an enormous impact on the National Associations. It will be very interesting to know how Golf and Rugby7‘s will be treated in the future. Golf had really bad reputation before the Olympics, but the final day and the good TV figures might change. It was really interesting that in each venue there was very different visibility of the IF‘s in their venues. SportAccord ARISF IMGA IWGA Mr. Liljelund shortly reported about the World Games 2nd Competition Manager meeting in Wroclaw, Poland on the 25th – 27th of August 2016. The meeting was aimed to give more information about the present stage of the preparations. (Appendix 14) FISU and the World University Championships The next edition of the WUC will be played in Lodz, Poland 2018 and the dates for the Event are set either to the end of June or the end of July, due to the accommodation issue. Mr. Suman reported that the Czech representatives felt that University representation can be only on the European level. SEA Games CB decided: To approve the reports
Mr. Klabere reported on the RACC activities and the jury schedule for 2016/2017. In addition the IFF Athletes´ Commission has nominated Emanuel Antener (Switzerland) to be a member of the Rules Group. The RACC proposes that Emanuel Antener becomes an ordinary member of Rules Group for the edition 2018. (Appendix 17) The Latvian Floorball Union (LFU) has asked for an exemption to let the Estonian Women‘s National team play in the Latvian Women‘s league and the RACC is positive to a test for the upcoming season provided that the ordinary league in Estonia isn‘t affected and that both the Latvian and Estonian associations, can build a schedule that works for both countries. CB decided: To approve the reports and elects the ATC representative Mr. Emanuel Antener as a member of the IFF Rules Group Edition 2018.
The first meeting concerning the program was held in Prague from the 13th to 14th of August with participants from Czech Republic, Finland, Sweden and Switzerland. The meeting was very fruitful and all the participants agreed upon the need for the program. It was mutually agreed that an IFF basic level referee “play book” will be introduced to the IFF RC in its next meeting in October and then taken to the IFF CB for approval. Based on the guidelines of the Play Book the IFF will organize an educational meeting for all IFF referee observers during the first weekend of WFC 2016 in Riga in Latvia. In that meeting the purpose is to more widely to agree upon the interpretations of the Rules of the game and then in co-operation with the IFF RACC to make those valid. Mr. Klabere expressed that he is worried that the RC is teaching the referees, so that they are in the way of the players in goal scoring situations. Mr. Halonen explained that the problem comes from Sweden, where the referee observers have though the movement pattern to the referees. This has been discussed by the RC. The IFF RC is also working with the upcoming international referee and observer nominations for 2017-2018. The IFF member associations have been asked to send their proposals of the nominations for International Referees and Observers to the IFF office latest by the 15th of September 2016. CB decided: To approve the report
Mr. Liljelund informed that IFF has made an agreement with Ms. Anna Jacobson that she will take care of the IFF Anti-Doping Testing during Ms. Bruun‘s maternity leave. CB decided: To approve the report.
The IFF Athletes Committee elections will now be organised for the male representatives in Riga during the WFC 2016 and the Women representatives will be elected during the WFC 2017 qualifications. The IFF Office is in the process to send out the invitation for nomination to the IFF Athletes Commission. As a part of this it is for the CB to decide if the IFF ATC for the next four year period can consist of more than one member per country, apart from the Chair. The idea is that the election will be conducted as one, but in two stages, one during the Men‘s WFC 2016 and one during the Women‘s WFCQ2017. The results will be communicated only after the Women‘s qualifications. (Appendix 18) The CB felt that in the future we need to have one per country, but for this election you can nominate for both categories. CB decided: To approve the report and decide upon the number of representatives per country.
Mr. Rantakari expressed that the discussions have started with a few companies and looking for contacts to international agencies now after the Rio Olympics. So far contacts have been taken with two agencies. A first step is taken with an Agency working in Latvia. It will take some time to break through with the companies. Mr. Suman further reported that the Core Country Marketing Network Group meeting will be held in Borås, during the Champions Cup on the 30th of September, to discuss the continuation of the sales process. Mr. King asked if there is some coordination between the IFF and the National Associations. Mr. Rantakari and Mr. Suman answered how the communication system is aimed to work. CB decided: To approve the reports
CB decided: To approve the report
CB decided: To approve the report
Ms. Anna Jacobson will act as the IFF Anti-Doping contact, during Ms. Bruun‘s maternity leave and be responsible for the Testing and Doping Controls. Mr. Liljelund further informed that the agreement with the Finnish federation has been signed for the IFF Office in Helsinki, Finland for the period of 2017 – 2020. Mr. Eriksson would like to thank the Finnish Floorball Federation for their support to the development of the International Floorball and thanked Mr. Liljelund for his activity to close the agreements. Mr. Halonen reported on the outcome of the IFF CB workshop outcome concerning the EOTO project and the actions needed to be taken by the IFF CB. The EOTO process will be included in the IFF Annual Report 2015-2016. Based on the outcome we will need to build an activation plan for the IFF General Assembly CB decided: To approve the report and take the needed decisions in the EOTO project.
Mr. Liljelund reported on the Floorball Development Seminar organised in Harbin, China in connection to the China Floorball Federation Initiation Floorball Forum, from the 14th to 18th of July. The Forum was well organised and attended by a number of high level Chinese sport officials, for example the Director General of Winter Sports the Chinese Olympic Committee Mr. Ren, who will act as the president of the CFF. (Appendix19) The CFF is still building its organisation and negotiating with the Chines General Administration of Sports/NOC on the practical issues. As a result of the visits in Harbin and Xi‘an, the CFF has asked for permission of the NOC and has now applied for participation in the WFCQ 2017 in New Zealand and also started the preparations to apply for the either the WFC 2021 or 2022 in China. I have also been informed that the CFF has closed a cooperation agreement with the NOC. There are the following seminars scheduled for the rest of the year: In addition to these discussions are ongoing to organise a seminar in Australia and Uganda maybe next year. Further Mr. Liljelund reported that Mr. Halonen has started to run the IFF Development function operational activities from the start of September. CB decided: To approve the reports. b) Information operations CB decided: To approve the report and the Social Media Guidelines
CB decided: To approve the report. d) ParaFloorball information More information of the activities and present situation in the ParaFloorball status report (Appendix 21) Mr. Eriksson felt that it is imperative that IFF continues to support the development of ParaFloorball, as this will give as the best possible development of our sport in all sences. CB decided: To approve the reports
CB decided: To approve the report
CB decided: To approve the report
CB decided: To approve the report.
CB decided: To approve the report.
For the CB meeting during the WFC 2016 in Riga, Latvia the arrival date is on Wednesday evening 7th of December or Thursday 8th of December and any need for additional accreditations will need to be handed in by end of October, as there is a limited number available. CB decided: To approve the report and decide the time and place for the next CB meeting in Riga, Latvia.