One World — One Ball

IFF Central Board meeting 3/2015

Sokos Hotel Ilves, Tampere, Finland

Tomas Eriksson, President
Monica Bakke, Treasurer
Jörg Beer
Heiko Jassmann
Stephen King
Martin Klabere
Magdalena Kotikova, ATC Chair
Carlos Lopez
Johanna Mikkola
Milan Rantakari
Filip Suman, Vice president

Merita Bruun, Information Manager
Stefan Kratz, Competition Manager
Veli Halonen, Operations Coordinator
John Liljelund, Secretary General

Excused: -


§ 1. Opening of the meeting
Mr. Eriksson opened the meeting and welcomed Mr. Jörg Beer to the IFF Central Board as the replacement to Mr. Daniel Bollinger, as the Swiss representative. Mr. Eriksson further welcomed Mr. Heiko Jassmann, who is the replacement of Mr. Oliver Stoll, as the German representative, as he has not been able to participate in the previous meetings in 2015.
Mr. Eriksson asked Mr. Beer and Mr. Jassmann to shortly introduce themselves to the CB.

§ 2. Approval of the agenda
Mr. Eriksson concluded that there are a total of six updated appendixes for the meeting.

Appendix 11 - Champions Cup 2014 Mlada Boleslav Report
Appendix 12 - Champions Cup Steering Group meeting 03/2015
Appendix 22a - Election Result ATC Tampere
Appendix 32 - Change of Membership in Pakistan – (for view only)
Appendix 33 - New member application Cote d‘Ivory – (for view only)
Appendix 34 - Men‘s U19 WFC 2015 Final Report

The CB decided: To approve and adopt the updated appendixes

§ 3. Minutes from the CB meeting:
02/2015 in Espoo, Finland, (30.08.2015), (Appendix 1),

The minutes from the last meeting were scrutinized, approved and put ad acta.

§ 4. Economy
a) Financial report by the 30.11.2015
Mrs. Bakke made a short report of the financial situation of the present year up to date and presented the financial report and the balance sheet for the financial year 2015, per 30.11.2015 (Appendix 2a). The situation is well in line of the budget, even though there are a lot of costs still to come from the WFC. Most cost and income posts are in balance. The general picture looks quite well.

Mr. Kratz in addition gave a report on the preliminary forecast for the remaining part of the year. (Appendix 2b). The forecast is based on the known invoices and the basic result from last year. The final result will be slightly positive.

The CB decided: To approve the reports.

b) Information on IFF claims – status November 30th, 2015
Mr. Kratz presented the claims situation by the 30.11.2014 (Appendix 3).
Since last report the old claims have been reduced with over 25.000 CHF, until the 4th of
December. The work is ongoing to secure that the member associations are paying off their

Further Mr. Kratz further reported on the claims situation by the 04.12.2015 for all the teams
registered for the WFC 2015 (Appendix 4a), especially following up on Latvia, the
Netherlands and Russia, where all participating teams except Latvia have actually cleared
the needed debts and followed their payment plans accordingly. Latvia has however handed
in a confirmation, that they will pay a total of 15.000 CHF by the 18th of December.

Mr. Kratz further reported on the claims situation for the teams having registered for
the WFC 2016 (Appendix 4b). The IFF Office will discuss the situation with the concerned
parties during the WFC.

Mr. Klabere asked about the situation of the Singapore debts, when Singapore is not paying
off the debts quickly enough.

Mr. Eriksson answered that it is true that the Singaporean Association is not paying the debt
fast enough, but they are following the plans.

Mr. Suman asked if we have followed the plan, to reduce the debts of the WFC qualifications
for 2016. Mr. Kratz answered that most of the countries have paid the fee for participation in
the WFC qualification. The problems are mainly Jamaica and Slovenia, which have more
problems to clear the debts, as planned.

Mr. Kratz made a proposal for the update of the Budget for 2016, approved by the IFF
General Assembly 2014. (Appendix 5) The main changes to the original budget are related
to TV costs and income, participation fees, valuta changes and the value in kind
income/development material cost.

Mr. King asked if there are any plans to clear any debts in 2016. Mr. Liljelund explained that the process to write of old debts will be made in the end of the year if there are any possibilities.
Mr. Beer asked if the IFF General Assembly has given the CB the power to adjust the budget. Mr. Eriksson answered that it has been approved by the GA to give the CB the possibility to do so.

The CB decided: To approve the reports.

c) IFF Licence System for Participation in IFF Events 2.0

Mr. King presented the ideas for how to build the proposal for the IFF Licence System 2.0, taking in consideration the different development stages of the IFF Member Associations and trying to find different forms of incentives for the Member Associations. The working group formed by Mr. King and Mr. Liljelund has prepared the proposal (Appendix 6a and 6b) The idea has been to find a tool how we can develop the member associations. As the members are in different development stages, so we need to find a way to help the countries internally, which is the reason for the tier system created.

The CB discussed the proposal, as it is to be presented to the IFF Association meeting. The proposal is to be presented to the IFF General Assembly 2016. It was discussed what incentives can be given to the countries.

Mr. Klabere stressed that if you participate in a qualification, you should be able to participate in the Final round and if you organise an Event you could participate in a higher level event. But in general the proposal and the idea with different levels is very good.

Mr. Beer felt it was a good next step in the process. Mr. Jassmann agreed with the proposal and thought it would be a good way to start the process.

Ms. Mikkola think that this also creates a check-list to the member associations, but wondered why the Good Governance doesn‘t come earlier in the process. The question of having international referees might be a problem for the developing countries. The grants and coaching cliniques could be used as incentives.

Mr. Rantakari also thought that there should be incentives and Good Governance in the Tier 2

Mr. Lopez agreed with the other, but stressed that if you participate in a qualification, you need to be able to play in the Final round. It is basic to have this thing.

Mr. Suman felt that this is a crucial document for future development, as has been discussed earlier. It will also help the associations to know where they are in the process. The question is if the implementation should be carried out earlier. The web-sites and the social media should be in all Tiers and the rule of no debt should be also for the qualifications. The proposal has been made very well.

Ms. Bakke feels that the proposal is very good and the Good Governance could be included in Tier 2. It will be interesting to see how the check-list would look like.

Ms. Bruun thinks would like to change the web-site and Facebook to Social Media, as in this field the world changes so quickly.

Ms. Kotikova felt that most of the comments from the last meeting has been included. She also raised the question, how are the International Club competitions handled in proposal.
In attached proposal she stressed, that to move the Tier 1 countries to Tier 2 within 3 years is really short period, therefore thee incentive could be set up easier.
There also should be an incentive for the organisers.

Mr. Halonen felt that it is important to have the International level referees.

Mr. Eriksson agrees with what has been said around the table. When we started with the Licence system 1.0 the idea was to help the member associations. Mr. Eriksson feel that this is a good document and hopes that the National Associations will implement it on the National level.

The CB decided: To approve the report and the present proposal for the IFF Associations meeting for discussion.

§ 5. World Championships

a) WFC 2015 Tampere, Finland

Mr. Rantakari reported, on the ongoing Women‘s 10th IFF WFC 2015 played in Tampere, Finland from the 4th to 12th of December 2015. (Appendix 7a)
Mr. Rantakari expressed that the organisation has successfully moved from being a reactive to a proactive organisation. The LOC has a total of 320 volunteers and the games are running well. The problems have mainly been related to the sales of the marketing and involving the companies. The cooperation with the City of Tampere is working well and the Championships is well visible in the City. A campaign has been carried out in over 40 schools. The media has been very good and the social media has been very active.
The financial result tend to be a slight deficit, instead of the planned even result.

Mr. Rantakari further reported on the ticket sales, based on the present situation (Appendix 7b – situation 04.12.) The target with spectators will not be met, but a total of around 30.000 is still possible. The game between Switzerland – Finland broke the spectator record for a group game in the Women‘s WFC.

Mr. Suman asked how the plans related to the WFC has worked. Mr. Rantakari answered that they have been carried out quite well, but the final result has still to be measured.

Mr. Klabere reported as the WFC Jury chairman, that there was a few logistical problems in the Tampere Arena and some security issues in both arenas during the first days. There are still some problems with the catering services of the arena. The IFF Office has put in much more efforts to secure the smoot running of the Event, than normally.

Mr. Liljelund reported on the broadcasting situation of the WFC. The co-operation with the IFF accredited TV company PolarHD has prior to the event been very good and only a few problems have occurred, mainly related to the inclusion of the match clock into the match statistics.
A total of 11 countries are taking the signal and in the best possible case a total of over 60 broadcasts from a total of over 30 games will be delivered from the WFC. (Appendix 7c)

Mr. Eriksson stressed that this is a really huge success, as there has ever been this many matches taken by the countries. It proves that the strategy chosen proves to be working. Mr. Suman also stressed that the TV is well handled. Further Mr. Suman felt that the Social Media has been handled very well in this Event, especially in Instagram and Snapchat.

However the big question how the sport side is developing, as there are some positive things with the development of Slovakia and Poland, but also the big results are not as good for the sport and the CB should discuss this.

Mr. Klabere feels that all countries are going forward, but the top four countries are developing even further due to the fact that they have much more players and tuff matches every week on a high level. Something that makes them much more used to tuff matches in a short time which the countries in the middle level never can achieve.

Mr. Beer feels that there is not a middle class that are developing fast enough.

Mr. Liljelund proposed that we shall discuss this in connection to the next CB meeting discussion on the Licence system.

Mr. Liljelund further reported on the sales situation of the marketing rights and sponsors, conducted by the LOC. The marketing sales has been quite difficult, despite of the fact that the LOC sales company has contacted over 250 companies.

The CB decided: To approve the reports.

b) WFC 2016 Riga, Latvia

Mr. Kratz gave a short report of the preparations of the Men‘s WFC 2016 and the steps taken so far in the process with the six WFCQ‘s (Appendix 8). All WFCQ schedules and basic info of the events have been sent to the participants. Georgia has withdrew from the WFCQ due to financial reasons.

Mr. Suman asked what the expectations are towards the preparations of the WFC 2016 Final round.

Mr. Liljelund answered that there will be a meeting with the organizer today and IFF will start pushing the organizer with the Event Management Tool. The main issue is probably the fact to secure a sufficient amount of spectators. The LOC has started with the finances.

The CB decided: To approve the report

U19 WFC 2015 Helsingborg, Sweden

Mr. Klabere presented a final report from the Men‘s U19 WFC 2015, played in Helsingborg, Sweden. (Appendix 34) The financial result was around -100.000 euros, but that was due to the target of raising the level of the tournament.

The CB decided: To approve the report

c) U19 WFC 2016 Belleville, Canada

Mr. Kratz reported on the preparations of the U19 WFC 2016 final round to be played in Belleville, Canada between the 04.-08.05.2016. The total number of team has risen to 16 after having included Thailand in the list of teams.
The LOC has sent out the first team information with the accommodation offers, which there seemed to be some issues with, as there were some extra costs included in the room prices for security and insurance.

IFF has discussed the issue with the LOC in a meeting on the 26th of November and the issues were cleared and a new price offer is to be sent to the participants.

The CB decided: To approve the report.

d) Upcoming organisers

Mr. Klabere reported on the evaluation process conducted using the IFF Event Management Tool and its Evaluation tool for the WFC Bids for the 2019 WFC and the 2020 WFC. All but one of the appointed evaluators completed their evaluation of the bids.

The IFF Office was informed only on the 12th of November, after asking specifically, that the Swiss Association is not going to bid on the 2020 Men‘s World Floorball Championships, only one day before the Bid closed.

The ExCo had in its meeting decided to form an Evaluation Panel consisting of the ExCo members , the IFF RACC Chairman, the RACC members Mr. Ari Vehniäinen, Mr. Beat Wullschleger and the IFF Competition department has based on the IFF Evaluation Tool evaluated the applications for the 12th WFC 2019 handed in by the Swiss Floorball Association and the 13th WFC 2020, handed in by the Finnish Floorball Federation.

Based on this evaluation, which will be finalised during the WFC week Mr. Klabere will make the recommendation for the decision of the organiser for the WFC 2019 and WFC 2020 during the meeting. (Appendix 10) Mr. Klabere stressed that, if the Swiss organiser would not be known for organising IFF Events, it could be quite worrying, as the Swiss bid is a little weak. The Finnish bid was the best so far.
Mr. Klabere proposed that the IFF CB would grant the organisation of the WFC 2019 to Switzerland and WFC 2020 to Finland.

Mr. Beer felt that it was a little disappointing that the bid received some criticism, as the SUHV has organised good events. It would be good to provide the feedback to the Swiss association on the problematic issues in the bid.

Mr. Eriksson stressed as this is an Evaluation tool, it is a problem if you in the bid score much lower points than the other applicants. The evaluation of the bid has to be done on the application, not the previous events.

Mr. King commented that in the Swiss bid the answer was not answering the question asked for. If the question has not been answered clearly, it is hard to assess the answer.

Mr. Jassmann asked if the IFF will go back to the bidder giving feedback on the bid.

Mr. Eriksson proposes that in line with the Policy of Conflicts of Interest that Mr. Jörg Beer and Mr. Milan Rantakari are not to participate in the decision making of the respective WFC organiser.

The CB decided: To approve the report and appoint the organiser of the WFC 2019 to Switzerland and the WFC 2020 to Finland. Mr. Beer and Mr. Rantakari did not participate in the decision making.

§ 6. EuroFloorball Cup
a) EuroFloorball Cup 2015

Mr. Kratz gave a short report on the organization of the EFC Final Round played in Cesis, Latvia. Greåker (Norway) won the Men‘s EFC and Nauka (Russia) won the Women‘s EFC, both teams qualifying to the Champions Cup 2016. There was a new record for the EFC with 5.262 spectators in the tournament.

The CB decided: To approve the report.

b) Champions Cup 2015
Mr. Suman reported on the result and outcome of the 5th edition of the Champions Cup that was played in the Czech Republic from October 2nd to 4th, 2015. (Appendix 11)
The CC 2015 was built on the experience on the organisation of the CC 2011, which was played in Mlada Boleslav. The basic evaluation is that the goals were met, concerning the number of spectators by reaching over 1000 spectators in average per game, the sports level and visibility by having TV in all countries. The financial result will be slightly negative, but quite better than in 2011. We are trying hard to reach the same level as in basketball and volleyball, but as the foreign Clubs are not brining the spectators, we still need to develop the event.

The CB decided: To approve the report

c) Future of the Champions Cup
Mr. Suman gave a short report about the Champions Cup Steering Group‘s meeting held during the WFC in Tampere on the 9th of December, in which the 5th edition in Mlada Boleslav was analysed and evaluated and the discussion of the actions forward for the 6th edition in Borås, Sweden was discussed. (Appendix 12)
The main focus of the meeting was on how to develop the Event and raise the importance. The main factors are to change the feeling of the responsibility of the clubs as participants of the event. The Clubs needs to feel that they are the stakeholders of the Event. Also the Event needs to have the same look & feel in the marketing and promotion of the event. The biggest issue for the coming two-three years is to secure the financial situation. The discussion of how to continue after 2018 has now started and will be discussed by the CCSG in March 2016. It is very important to secure the existence of the project.

In addition it can be mentioned that the discussions for the CC Agreement for Borås have started and the agreement shall be signed shortly.

Mr. Rantakari gave an update of the actions taken, in order to support the CC organisers and activate the concerned National Associations and the potential teams. The Mlada Boleslav edition was already planned, so the work was more concerned the promotion and the coordination of the national associations.
The importance is to involve the Clubs and get them to understand the idea of the Top level club tournament and include the CC in the National Associations yearly plans.

The CB decided: To approve the report

§ 7. Committees and Ad Hoc group reports
a) ExCo reports
Mr. Eriksson gave a short report on the ExCo meeting held on the 2nd of November, where the ExCo mainly discussed the situation in the International Sports movement and the actions to be taken in relation to the preparation of the IFF CB meeting and the IFF Association Meeting (Appendix 13).

Mr. King gave a short report on the result of the work of the working group of Mr. King and Mr. Eriksson, in relation to the development of the IFF CB, as we grow. The working group has prepared a discussion paper that the CB can now have a look at. (Appendix 14)
Based on the previous discussions in the CB and the ExCo the IFF needs to look upon how the IFF CB needs to be structured in the future, with the growing number of member associations. The question is how we can avoid the problems related to which countries are represented in the IFF CB as we grow. Also the size of the CB has been discussed and what effects this would have. One question is whether the role of the IFF secretary general is contracted by the CB or elected by the General Assembly.
The idea is to collect comments to the proposal in order to continue the process. The CB will continue the discussion in March meeting.

Ms. Kotikova feels that there might not be a need to increase the number of the CB members. The quota system is one possibility.

Ms. Bruun feels that it could be good to have more countries represented.

Ms. Bakke feels that it would not be a problem to increase the CB with one or two persons. The quota system could also work, for the learning benefit for these countries in the CB.

Mr. Suman felt that the question is a key issue for the development of the organisation. There is not a need to enlarge the CB and there are not many countries actually looking for a seat. A quota system could be good. It is not a problem to have two from the same country. The general secretary never has a uniform of a country and can‘t represent a country. The question of the President‘s country is for a discussion whether he should be independent or represent the country. The secretary general should be elected by the CB. The key issue is the quality of the CB members, there needs to be another entry level in the IFF, than the CB. The present CB working sessions are really good for the CB.

Mr. Lopez feels that the secretary general is an independent position, who continues the job and is a professional position. The quota system has to be looked upon carefully, as it has other effects on the work of the CB, but it takes time to understand the role of the CB and the CB can‘t be educational. Therefore Mr. Lopez agrees with Mr. Suman to enlarge the role of the committees.

Mr. Rantakari agrees that increasing the number of the CB members is not purely technical issue, so increasing the number is not that easy. The quota system has its own problems. The importance is to have quality persons in the CB. The committees could be a solution in the future.

Ms. Mikkola thinks that there are two goals is to increase representation, through the IFF General Assemblies and the Association Meeting. Some incentives can be included.

Mr. Jassmann agrees with the point of Mr. Suman and the issue can be discussed again in the CB.

Mr. Beer things that the role of the CB should be discussed and defined. The CB should be effective and a good working group. The secretary general should be independent from the National Associations and therefore the elections should be done by the CB. It is important that the IFF CB members should have a direct connection to the National Association CB‘s.

Mr. Klabere feels that the proposal of having the secretary general elected by the general assembly is a dangerous solution due to two reasons, continuity of the position and government founding‘s could be lost over night which seriously would damage the IFF and the development of floorball. Regarding the president position Mr. Klabere strongly feels that the position needs to be as neutral as possible and that the reason the current president are in the position to be that is due to the fact that Sweden has another representative in the CB. In the future we probably need to have a more political CB and some more committees, but the size of the CB is not a key issue and we could also have a system that the CB can appoint 2-4 CB-members in order to adapt for the political needs. The important thing is that we can adopt to what will happen.

Mr. Eriksson felt that the discussion started in order to be proactive to look upon how to organise the CB for the future. It is important to keep a high level of involvement and still enlarge the number of CB members. It might not be the case to go in the direction of having representatives ex officio from the different countries. The position of the secretary general can be dealt by in different ways, where some IF‘s elects the secretary general in the CB and confirmed by the GA.

Mr. Suman added that it is important that all CB members have the direct connection to the National CB, like in the IOC where the IOC member is automatically a member of the NOC board.

Mr. Eriksson made a short report from the IFF Core Country 10 meeting, hold during the Champions Cup in Mlada Boleslav in October. (Appendix 31) The reason for the CC10 meeting was to raise the awareness and understanding of where we are going. The meeting was a success and the next meeting will be held next year in connection to the Champions Cup.

Mr. Suman felt it was a very good meeting in all senses. It is the ideal way to include persons in the process. The atmosphere was good.

Ms. Bakke felt that it creates engagement and they were very interested to continue building the networks.

Further Mr. Eriksson further informed that there has not been any IFF Ethics Commission meeting held this year at the WFC, as it was not possible for the IFF Ethics Commission Chair Mr. Poul-Erik Höyer to participate.

Mr. King gave a report on the present activities of the AOFC and the upcoming tasks for next year (Appendix 30). The AOFC has three main activities with the General Assembly in connection to the WFCQ in Thailand. There are three countries will be attending the AOFC meeting to become potential new members. There will be a coaching and referee seminar in Thailand.

Mrs. Mikkola gave an oral report on the present activities in the Americas. There will be some cliniques in connection to the WFCQ in Colorado Springs. The USA had a national Championships in Austin, Texas, with ten teams taking part. All of the manufacturer producers are sponsoring the USA team. The preparations are running well for the U19 WFC in Bellville and the Floorball Canada has had their nationals and now have 1200 registered players, but the kids playing floorball in the hockey programs are not listed yet. The Canada Floorball board has been restructure and nine teams in the Montreal Open. In addition Canada has been set as the EOTO mentor for Brazil.
In Brazil there is a process ongoing to discuss on how to get organised and they have organised their nationals. Canada has connected with Brazil in the EOTO.

The CB decided: To approve the reports and decided to take the discussion of the CB structure in the next working session.

b) Contacts to International Sports Organisations

Mr. Eriksson shortly reported on the meeting held with the IOC President Thomas Bach and the IOC Sports Department discussing the IFF possibilities in the coming years within the Olympic Movement (Appendix 15). The meetings were really positive and gave ideas on how to continue the IOC Road Map and the possible involvement in the Olympic Channel. President Bach gave IFF credit for the way of building the sport, the spread of our Social Media and not having any Doping or Betting issues, through our Good Governance programs.

Mr. Eriksson continued to report on the political situation in advanced of the SportAccord Extra ordinary AGM, held in Lausanne, Switzerland in connection to the SportAccord IF Forum from the 11th to 13th of November. (Appendix 16) The SportAccord Extra AGM didn‘t actually decide anything in the way of how the SportAccord will be organized in the future and the AGM gave the council the task to prepare it for the 2016 SportAccord AGM. The IF Forum discussed topics of Good Governance, Fight against match fixing and the Sustainability in Sports.

Mr. Liljelund commented that the SportAccord Convention will be held in Lausanne from the 17th to 22nd of April and just before the EFT, which is played from the 22th to 24th of April. This gives a good opportunity to showcase the sport to the International Sports Community.

Mr. Eriksson reported on the discussions held during the European Olympic Committee Congress held in Prague from the 20th to 22nd of November. Mr. Eriksson and Mr. Suman meet with the EOC President Mr. Patrick Hickey, discussing the possibilities to have Floorball on the EOC Euro Games. The decision on the organizer for the 2019 Euro Games is still on-hold due to the Russian Doping Scandal, but the route into the games is through the organizing country and city. (Appendix 17) There is also maybe an opening for the European Sports Festivals in the future.

Mr. Suman felt that it was an exceptional opportunity to meet 20-30 NOC Presidents of the European NOC‘s, in countries were the sport is not that strong.

Mr. Eriksson presented the report of the discussions held to prepare for the Political work in relation to the SEA Games 2017, to be organised in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. The Thai Hockey President Dato‘Seri Chaiyapak Siriwat will help in the political lobbying until the decision of the Sports on the Program will be made in August 2016. (Appendix 18)

Mr. Liljelund reported on the preparations of the Wroclaw World Games test-event, which will be organised in Wroclaw in cooperation with the Polish Open. The Polish federation has invited the potential teams to participate, but so far the following nations have registered; Czech Republic, Norway, Poland and Switzerland. Finland has also informed that they can send a 2nd team, as they are playing the Finland-Sweden matches in Umeå and Helsinki at the same time. Sweden has informed that they are not able to participate due to financial constraints.

Mr. Liljelund further informed that the International Master Games Association (IMGA) will decide in August 2016 which City will organise the European Master Games, where they want Floorball to be a part on the program. This Event is for club and non-registered teams, not national teams. IFF has informed that we are willing to play our Masters World Championships in the Event.

The CB decided: To approve the reports


Mr. Klabere reported on the RACC activities and the preparation for the coming WFCQ 2016 in January-February. (Appendix 19) There are some additions that needs to be made to the rules, which has been activated during the WFC.

In addition Mr. Klabere made the proposal of a clarification the IFF Competition Regulation for National Teams, concerning the freeing of players for the IFF Event, as there has been some unclarity of how the National Associations are interpreting the freeing of players and re-scheduling the matches during these times.(Appendix 19a)

Mr. Klabere also made the proposal concerning some changes and updates to the IFF Competition Regulation for the EuroFloorball Cup and EuroChallenge (Appendix 19b)

The CB decided: To approve the report and approve the changes in the regulations.

d) RC

Mr. Halonen reported on the RC meeting held in Prague from the 19th to 20th of September. The main topics during the meeting were the WFC 2015 nominations, new physical tests for international referees and to plan the new referee education guidelines in order to achieve the IFF way of refereeing. (Appendix 20)

The RC has studied different physical tests for referees in team sports globally and most likely the so called Yo-Yo test will be taken in use in autumn 2016 for the next nomination period. The test is easier to carry out and can also be made indoors, which also makes it easier to test IFF referees in IFF events if found necessary.

The process to start combining the education guidelines for movements and positioning has also started and the next steps will be taken in spring 2016.
RC also decided to propose to the IFF CB four new international referee pairs and two new international observers.

The referees are:
Jukka Kortinen/Tero Kontinen from Canada
Roman Cibík/Michal Tomáš from Slovakia
Jörgen Andersson / Daniel Dufvenberg from Sweden
Tomas Magnusson / John Gundin from Sweden

The observers are:
Jesper Juul Goebel from Denmark
Reine Sjödin from Sweden

The CB decided: To approve the reports and nominate the proposed referees as International Referees and the observers for the period 2015-2016

e) Medical committee
Ms. Bruun gave an oral report on the situation concerning the implementation of the new WADA Code coming in force from beginning of 2015. The IFF Medical Committee meeting was postponed to spring 2016 due to that two of the most active members could not have attended the planned meeting in November

Ms. Bruun further reported on the outcome of the Athletes Outreach organized during the WFC for all the participating teams. This is a way for IFF to enhance the Anti-Doping education and also fulfilling the WADA requirements of more developed education to the athletes. The Outreach has been organized in connection to the team‘s training sessions. It is also important to draw conclusions of and prepare for, how the new doping scandals might affect the IFF. Everything worked well and we collected feedback from the Athletes and it seems that we should organize this also for the U19 WFC. More focus has been put on education to avoid doping problems.

In addition Ms. Bruun informed that the IFF has conducted a survey concerning the Anti-Doping Education the National Team players are receiving, through the IFF Education Questionnaire. (Appendix 21)

Mr Eriksson stressed that the Athletes Outreach is a huge success.

The CB decided: To approve the reports

f) Athletes Commission
Mrs. Kotikova is to shortly report on the outcome of the election of the Female representatives to the ATC. A total of eight candidates were nominated for the election, which has been carried out during the group stages of the WFC in Gothenburg. (Appendix 22 and 22a)
The candidates were:
AUS – Jill Roberts
CZE – Magdalena Kotikova (re-nomination)
FIN – Eliisa Alanko (re-nomination)
HUN – Brigitta Radacsi (re-nomination)
NED – Lidwien Reehuls
NOR – Karen Farnes
POL – Agata Plechan
SWE – Josefina Eiremo (re-nomination)

The IFF CB is to confirm the election of the three candidates receiving most votes Ms. Eliisa Alanko (FIN), Josefina Eiremo (SWE) and Jill Roberts (AUS) and the Mr. President proposed to elect Ms. Lidwien Reehuis (NED) for universality reasons choose the as the fourth member. A total of 97 per cent of the athletes took part in the voting.

Mr. Liljelund presented the proposal to change the election system of the Athletes commission, so that the members shall be elected for a four year period starting from 2017, so that the Male representatives are elected by their pairs during the Men‘s WFC and the female representatives are elected during the WFC qualifications in February 2017

Mr. Eriksson proposed to elect Ms. Magda Kotikova as the Athletes Commission Chair for the year 2016, based on the election results.

The CB decided: To approve the reports and confirm the election of the Female members for the IFF Athletes Committee Ms. Eliisa Alanko (FIN), Josefina Eiremo (SWE), Ms. Jill Roberts (AUS) and Ms. Liedwien Reehuis (NED) and to approve the proposed change of the Athletes Commission election system from 2017 forward.
The CB further elected Ms. Magdalena Kotikova as the chair of the Athletes Commission for the year 2016.

g) Marketing Ad Hoc group

Mr. Suman shortly reported on the Core Country Marketing Network group meeting held in Frankfurt on the 17th of November, to finalise the proposal for the Combined Sales Project and the present situation with Marketing in the IFF Core Countries. (Appendix 23) A total of eight countries took part in the meeting.

The CCMNG agreed upon the prepared proposal by the IFF, now the proposal has been sent to the ten Countries and they have been asked to provide their answer if they are prepared to participate in the project and if they are interested to start the sales work in some of the fields. The countries are asked to return with their answer no later than the 18th of December. (Appendix 24) So far three countries have already informed that they will be part of the project.

The CB discussed how to treat potential partners coming from outside the IFF Core Countries and the CB agreed that we need to be flexible to support the process.

The CB decided: To approve the report for the Combined Sales and approve the report

h) Development & Equality Ad Hoc group

Nothing to report.

The CB decided: To approve the report

i) International Lobbying Ad Hoc group

Mr. King reported on the continued plans for the lobbying work, with the presentation in the Association meeting to think about all the different levels the lobbying is effecting.
In addition there will be a process how to support the School Curriculum program.

The CB decided: To approve the report

§ 8. IFF Office
Mr. Halonen presented the report of the Erasmus + project IFF has participated in during 2015, in cooperation with the Latvian, Estonian, Lithuanian and Polish Floorball Associations. The IFF part has been to build an Urban Floorball Material and run related test events (Appendix 25)

Mr. Liljelund reported on the Disciplinary Case raised against a player in the U19 WFC 2015 in Sweden, which the IFF Disciplinary Committee has decided upon (Appendix 26)

The IFF Office has updated the IFF Organisers Handbook, which will be distributed during the IFF Associations Meeting to the participants. The new handbook is synchronised with the Event Management Tool.

Mr. Suman felt that it is good that the IFF Office was able to update the handbook and asked if the organizers are using it.

The IFF Office has also put together an IFF Floorball School Curriculum, for use in schools.
The material is using animated drills to illustrate how to run the different practices.

Mr. Eriksson is proposing to elect the IFF Entourage Commission consisting of the following
IFF EC Chair: Mr. Carlos Lopez (ESP)
Coach: Mr. Grant Mead (AUS)
Club/NA: Mr. Thorbjörn Ovedal (DEN)
Medical staff: Mr. Jonathan Khoo (CAN)
Player: Ms. Brigitta Radacsi (HUN)
Player: Ms. Agata Plechan (POL)
Player: Ms. Karen Farnes (NOR)

The CB decided: To approve the report and elect the IFF Entourage Commission for 2016 in accordance with the proposal.

a) Development operations

Mr. Liljelund is to report on the development activities carried out during the rest of the year 2015.
- IFF organised a Floorball Development Seminar in Slovenia for both Coaching and Refereeing. Mr. Juerg Kihm conducted the Coaching seminar and Mr. Sami Rahikainen the Refereeing seminar.
- IFF organised a Coaching seminar in Madrid, Spain with around 30 participants in cooperation with the local university. Mr. Kent Göransson conducted the seminar, which was also participated by some of the organisers of the FISU WUC 2016 from the Porto University.
- IFF organised a couching course in Savannakhet, Laos for some 25 + local sports teachers.
- IFF organised a Good Governance seminar for the Danish, Norwegian and German CB‘s in Copenhagen, Denmark in November, with some 14 participants (Appendix 27a)
- The seminar in Cameroon was postponed for health reasons, due to miscommunication of the Cameroonian consulate of their health rules, concerning vaccines.
- IFF organised a seminar in Porto, Portugal with the help of the Spanish Federation on the 5th to 6th of December, as a preparation for the WUC 2016 in Porto. The lectures were given by Mr. Carlos Lopez and Mr. Miguel Prieto, with over 30 participants from the Porto University and the Portuguese Floorball.
- Additional discussions are being carried out with India, Philippines and USA for 2015.

Mr. King informed about the Floorball seminar conducted in Fiji by the AOFC. The activities were very successful and the local sports community is looking to start the development of the sport. (Appendix 27b)

The CB decided: To approve the reports

b) Information operations
Ms. Bruun reported that during the WFC there has been a combined web-site with the LOC, which has been quite difficult to organise, but it is now working well. The IFF Social Media team has been running Facebook, Instagram, Snap Chat and YouTube. In Instagram we have now over 20.000 followers.

The IFF Mobile App for WFC 2015 has been updated for the WFC 2015, The Events Guide for the WFC 2015 has been included in the Mobile App. There has been a total down load is 29.700, with 15.500 android and 14.200 for iOS.

In the field of Social Media IFF has included some new features for the Champions Cup 2015 in Instagram & Twitter.

A WFC Digital Media report will be made also for the WFC 2015 with a new tool.

The CB decided: To approve the report

c) Material operations

Mr. Liljelund to report that there has been a major issue with one Floorball manufacturer, which has sold a pair of Floorball Safety goggles marked with the IFF logo, even though the product has not been tested or certified by SP in accordance to the rules. The Material function has sanctioned the company in accordance with the Material regulation and a plan to correct the error has been made and sanctions communicated, if this plan is not followed.

The CB decided: To approve the report

d) ParaFloorball information
Ms. Bruun informed about the ParaFloorball activities carried out during the WFC 2015 in Tampere. The Special Olympics demonstration matches and Electric wheelchair demonstration matches will take place on the final WFC 2015 day during the bronze game intermissions.
Floorball is one of the sports that have grown the most in numbers within the Special Olympics. The Special Olympics have finalized the quotas for the Floorball Teams for the Special Olympics Winter Games in Austria 2017. There are number of countries which are not yet our members. The countries SO Floorball quota to 2017 Winter World Games:

SO Africa (4) SO Burkina Faso, SO Cote d‘ Ivoire, SO Namibia, SO Nigeria
SO Asia Pacific (3) SO Bharat (India), SO Malaysia, SO Singapore
SO East Asia (1) SO Mongolia
SO Europe & Eurasia (20): Austria (4 teams), Ireland (2), Azerbaijan, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech R, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Germany, Gibraltar, Isle of Man, Israel, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Moldova, Norway, Russia, Sweden, Switzerland.
SO Latin America (5): SO Argentina, SO Mexico, SO Panama, SO Uruguay, SO Venezuela

The CB decided: To approve the report

e) Equality
Mr. Liljelund presented the proposal for the IFF Equality Policy, which has been prepared by the IFF Office, as a part of the documents as a part of the IFF IOC Road Map. In addition to the Equality Policy the IFF Office proposes that the CB will adopt an IFF Equality Action plan for 2016- 2017 (Appendix 28a and 28b)

The CB decided: To approve the report and the IFF Equality Policy and Action Plan for 2016-2017

f) IFF 3rd Associations meeting 2015
Mr. Eriksson made an update the CB on the time table of the IFF Associations Meeting

The CB finalised the Agenda for the IFF Associations meeting (Appendix 29) and agree upon the responsibilities of the CB members during the AM.

The CB decided: To approve the report and decide upon the Agenda for the IFF Association Meeting.

§ 9. Member Federations

a) Membership questions

Mr. Liljelund reported that the Pakistan Floorball Federation, led by Sheikh Muhammad Junaid, has applied to replace the IFF member in Pakistan.

They have handed in the necessary documents and as Pakistan has been inactive for a number of years, the proposal is to approve the Pakistan Floorball Federation as the IFF Provisional member. (Appendix 32 – visible at the meeting)

The CB decided: To approve the report and replace the IFF Pakistan member with the Pakistan Floorball Federation.

b) Members under suspension

There are no members under suspension

The CB decided: To approve the reports.

c) New Member Applications

Mr. Eriksson informed that the Federation Ivorienne de Floorball (FIDF) has applied for IFF membership. The IFF Office has for a longer period of time asked to have all the needed documents and now all documents have been received and they seems to be in order. (Appendix 33 – visible at the meeting)

The IFF Office proposes that the CB would accept the Federation Ivorienne de Floorball as the IFF provisional member nr. 59

The CB decided: To approve the reports and to approve the Federation Ivorienne de Floorball as the IFF provisional member nr. 59

§ 10. Next CB meeting
Mr. Eriksson informed of the preliminary plans on how to organise the CB and ExCo meetings for 2016. The meetings are planned as follows:

01/2016 Solna, Sweden 19.-20.3.
02/2016 U19 WFC Belleville, Canada 7.-8.5.
03/2016 Tbd 3.-4.9.
04/2016 Tbd 5.-6.11.
05/2016 WFC 2016 Riga, Latvia 9.12.
IFF General Assembly 10.12.
06/2016 Inaugural meeting for new CB 11.12.

The CB to discuss the different options, based on the CB members availability.

The CB decided: To approve the report.

11. Closing of the meeting
Mr. Eriksson thanked everyone for a good and effective meeting and closed the meeting at 13:40

John Liljelund Tomas Eriksson
Secretary General President

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