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IFF Central Board meeting 3/2013 Place:
Mr. Eriksson opened the meeting at 09.00 and wished everyone welcomed to the first actual CB meeting of the year, in connection to the IFF CB Inaugural Seminar held to set a common platform for the coming CB work.
Mr. Eriksson concluded that there were two updated appendix, namely the
a) Financial report by the 31.12.2012 (Appendix 4) Mrs. Bakke presented the financial report and the balance sheet for the financial year 2012, per 31.12.2012. Mr. Kratz explained that the reasons for the delay, is that IFF has not received all financial details for the IFF hotel of the WFC, from the WFC 2012 LOC and the set-up costs for the IFF General Assembly are still under discussion. Mr. Eriksson felt that the financial outcome was as expected and that for most parts the budget was carefully followed. The CB decided: To approve the report.
Mr. Kratz presented firstly the claims situation by the 31.12.2012 (Appendix 5a) and then secondly the IFF claims as per 28.02.2013 (Appendix 5b). Mr. Suman asked about the situation with Poland and Hungary. Mr. Kratz explained that Poland will pay a major part of debts in the beginning of the year and that Hungary pays off a part of their debt during the year Mr. Wolmhed stressed that as a newcomer the situation does not look too good. Mr. Eriksson answered that the situation has now been monitored quite carefully. The CB decided: To approve the report.
a) WFC 2012 Switzerland Mr. Bollinger gave a final report concerning the 9th Men‘s WFC 2012 held in Bern and Zürich, Switzerland. (Appendix 6) From the SUHV point of view the event was a great success. There were a total of 75.000 spectators (with around 60.000 with bought tickets) in the venues for the matches. The organisation was supported by 800 volunteers and over 6000 school kids attended in Wankdorf and Saalsporthalle. On the positive points the SUHV finds the financial result, quite extensive national media coverage, the spectator appearance, good cooperation between the LOC – IFF and the Floorball premier in the Hallenstadion. On the negative side the SUHV found the coordination of volunteers recruited from three different pools, the Swiss Olympic central volunteering platform and the two LOC‘s, to be quite demanding, the catering in the Saalsporthalle was not ideal, the running of the event was complicated due the distance between Bern and Zurich and then the some delays due to weather conditions and its effect on the traffic. There were also some infrastructural issues with the Wankdorfhalle, with too small spectator entrances in the Opening game and the electricity break down during a game, causing a two hour delay. Mr. Wolmhed gave a final Jury report from the 9th Men‘s WFC 2012 and felt that it was a good tournament. The organiser needs to have a back-up plan if the venue breaks down, like it did in Bern with the power failures. The teams learned the hard way that they will have to follow the rules and the guidelines of the organiser. A lot of warnings and fines were given out to the teams. Mr. Eriksson felt that we need to be harsh and demand the participating teams to follow the IFF regulations. The CB decided: To approve the reports. Mr. Liljelund gave an update about the TV broadcasting and the visibility achieved in both spectators and airing time, with the different TV Companies and the host broadcaster Swiss TV SRF. (Appendix 7). The CB decided: To approve the report.
Mr. Suman reported on the preparations for the Women‘s WFC 2013 to be played in Brno and Ostrava, in Czech Republic. The organiser will use the same set-up from the WFC 2008. The groups will be played in Brno and from the quarter finals onwards the event will be played in the CEZ Arena. The organiser is trying hard to fill the final arena, which has a spectator capacity of over 10.000. Mr. Wolmhed reported on the WFC 2013 qualifications played in February in Canada, Korea, Latvia and Poland. Mr. Liljelund reported on the situation concerning the organiser‘s agreement and the plans for starting the TV negotiations. The agreement will be signed in the coming weeks and the TV negotiations will start in March. The CB decided: To approve the reports.
Mr. Stoll reported on the preparations for the U19 WFC 2013 played in Hamburg, Germany between the 8th to 12th of May 2013 with sixteen teams. There have been some new problems with the B-arena, which has now been changed. The teams have started to book their hotels and the LOC is planning to have an even financial result. The organiser is cooperating with the University for some technical solutions for the live streaming. Mr. Kratz reported about the preparatory meeting set up with the German LOC for the 13th of March 2013, which will be held over Skype. The CB decided: To approve the report
Mr. Kratz reported on the present situation with organisers for the WFC 2014 qualifications, in which all than the organiser is participating and the way the qualifications will be played. The CB will make the final decisions during its meeting in May. The negotiations are ongoing with the possible organisers: The decision will be made in May 2013. The CB decided: To approve the report
Mr. Liljelund reported on the negotiations conducted with both the Czech Republic and Latvia, who have initially informed their interest to organise the Men‘s WFC 2016. The Czech Republic has then later informed that they might not be in a position to organise the Event on the level they would like to have done it and IFF has then based on the Latvian proposal continued the discussions with the Latvian Floorball Union. Based on these discussions and the bid handed in by the LFU (Appendix 8), Mr. Liljelund has come to a general conclusion that the LFU is ready to take on the responsibility for the organisation of the WFC 2016. Mr. Liljelund proposes that the CB shall appoint the LFU as the Organiser of the 11th men‘s WFC 2016. Mr. Suman explained that the Czech Sport is undergoing major changes, so the CFbU in the end also after discussion with the country sports representatives decided that it is better to prepare a bid for applying for 2018 and supported the Latvia for 2016. Mr. Eriksson thanked Mr. Kratz and Mr. Liljelund for a swift and smooth preparation of the matter. Mr. Liljelund further informed that the ExCo will make a proposal for the organisers of the U19 WFC 2015 (Singapore) and U19 WFC 2016 Canada and Switzerland) for the IFF CB meeting in May in Hamburg. The CB decided: To approve the reports and appoint the LFU as the organiser of the WFC 2016. The ExCo was delegated to make a proposal for the U19 WFC 2015 And the U19 WFC 2016 for the Hamburg meeting in May.
a) EuroFloorball Cup 2013 Mr. Kratz reported on the actions taken to secure an organiser for the EFC qualifications and the EFC Final round 2013. The Slovak federation has now shown an initial interest to organise the EFC Final round in 2013. Talks have been held with the Czech open, to organise the qualifications, but that is still in a stand still. Also some interest has been shown by Germany, Spain and the Netherlands to host the qualifications. The aim is to secure the organisers before the invitation will be sent out. Mr. Suman felt that is very important to secure the organiser of the Final round and the The CB decided: To approve the report
Mr. Suman reported on the Champions Cup Steering Group meeting held in Helsinki, Finland on the 13th of February and the discussions related to the evaluation of the CC 2012 held in Umeå and the starting of the process for the future for 2015 – 2018. (Appendix 9) The system for the top club competition was changed to secure the participation of the top teams. The discussion between the stakeholders has to start again for the development of the Champions Cup for the 2015 forward. Mr. Kauppinen reported on the preparations made by the Finnish Floorball Federation to organise the Event in Tampere, Finland during the first week of October (02.-06.10.2013). The CB decided: To approve the reports
a) ExCo reports Mr. Eriksson reported on the ExCo meeting held on the 11th of January in Amsterdam to discuss the start of the new election period (Appendix 10). Mr. King reported on the present activities of the AOFC and the AOFC CB held in Korea on the 23rd of February 2013. (Appendix 11 a and Appendix 11 b) The AOFC needs to focus on the SEA Games countries in order to secure the SEA Game tournament. There need to be a Development Seminar in South-East Asia during the year. There has been a discussion to secure a Development Officer in the AOFC region. Out of the SEA Game process we will most probably get at least one new member to IFF. There are some discussions about the development of Floorball in Nepal. Bangladesh has sent in an application for membership of their government sports body. The WFCQ was held in Korea, due to the fact that the teams which played in the WFC don‘t have the financial resources to send a team to the APAC in Mrs. Mikkola reported on the present activities in the Americas. (Appendix 20) As an overview on the Americas, there are some very good development in Brazil and Jamaica. There is a problem with the great geographical distances in the Americas. Canada and USA are working with strengthening their own structures, building a club system and registering players. In Canada Hockey Canada has written the school curriculum for elementary schools in Canada. Floorball is played in 12-14 states in the US. Mr. Eriksson is really pleased with the report concerning the Americas and is looking forward to the upcoming developments. The development with the school curriculum will be very positive for the sport. Mr. Suman asked how the American associations will start to build the National Teams. Mr. King felt that having a written report for the Americas, showing the current actual position is beneficial to assess progress. Mrs. Mikkola answered that there will be some discussions on how to move forward with building the organisation. The CB decided: To approve the reports.
Mr. Eriksson reported on the very positive news that Floorball has been granted the possibility to appear as a demonstration sport on the 2013 SEA Games in Myanmar in December, based on the decision of the SEA Games Council in end of January. Mr. Liljelund informed that IFF has as a part of a longer process and discussions with the International World Games Association finally been granted the possibility to apply for membership, which was done in February 2013. (Appendix 12) In addition to this the IFF has continued the discussions to seek possibility to become a demonstration sport at the Wroclaw World Games in 2017, in Poland. IFF has handed in a questionnaire in February to compete for the demonstration sport status by the Wroclaw OC, which will make their decision in the autumn 2013. (Appendix 13) Mr. Wolmhed wanted to know if the RACC needs to start preparations for different formats of the Game. Mr. Kauppinen felt that the IFF needs to have solutions for development for different forms of Floorball, as this is also a Development issue. Mr. Suman proposed that it would be important to check how each country are organising the countries participation in Cali. It is important that these people would mention Floorball while they are in Cali. Mr. Liljelund further wanted to inform the FISU has started the official attribution process for the Floorball WUC organisers for 2016, which end by the 31st of August 2013 and has also asked that IFF would consider the WUC as a part of our International Competition Calendar, which we have actually already done. (Appendix 14) The CB decided: To approve the reports and decided to include the WUC into the International Competition Calendar.
Mr. Wolmhed reported on the preparations made by the RACC, in connection to the coming season and the IFF Events.(Appendix 19) The RACC will have to look over the way the tournaments are handled. It is good to have more organisers, since it helps to develop the organisations. The idea is to make education on the spot during the events. Mr. Wolmhed further reported on the work with the IFF Rules of the Game Edition 2014 and the outcome of the rules test concerning receiving of a foot pass. The Rule Group will present their final proposal for the May CB meeting. Mr. Kratz proposed an addition to the Competition Regulation (Appendix 21), that the teams are to follow all the given guidelines or instructions given by either the organiser or the IFF, in relation to the execution of the said IFF Event. Mr. Eriksson supported the proposal and we need to be prepared when we go outside the box. The CB decided: To approve the report and the addition in the Competition Regulations
d) RC Mr. Bollinger to inform that the RC will hold their first meeting in end of April, due to difficulties finding a meeting date. Mr. Bollinger will be able to give some more and refreshed information in the May meeting. Mr. Eriksson explained that Mr. Bollinger shall act as the liaison between the IFF CB and the RC. Mr. King stressed that the AOFC CB has high-lighted the need to develop female referees in the Asian region. Mr. Lopez felt that the RC has stopped the work of the international development group. There has been no information from RC to the referees in development groups. Mr. Kauppinen felt that it is important that RC will continue to support the countries to have more international referee and especially female pairs. Mr. Wolmhed felt that the easiest is to make clear expectations of what numbers of referees are needed from each country, when we are asking for the referees. Mr. Liljelund proposed that the CB would change the Licence System and add a new requirement that each association should have an international referee pair. The CB decided: To approve the report.
Ms. Bruun reported about the present status concerning the IFF Anti-Doping Work, the Medical Committee and the cooperation with WADA. IFF has updated all Anti Doping related materials for 2013 on the website (Prohibited List 2013, RTP criteria etc.) and the new RTP 1 has been selected for the out of competition testing. There are a total number of 14 players, which will be published on the web page after they have signed the forms. The CB decided: To approve the report.
Mrs. Kotikova shortly reported on her thoughts on how to activate the IFF Athletes Commission. The idea is to build a connection between the players and the IFF. The target is to map the present situation. It is important to know what the IFF expectations are towards the Athletes Commission. Ms. Bruun discussed the possibility to have an Athletes Commission blog on the IFF web page. The CB decided: To approve the report
Mr. Suman reported on the discussions held and plans made in order to intensify the marketing and sales activities of Floorball and IFF, based on the results of the CB Inaugural Seminar. The CB decided: To approve the report
Mr. Kauppinen reported on the plans the Equality function has made together with the four EFT countries to start a girls- and women project in relation to the Association meeting in Ostrava 2013. (Appendix 15) The group will gather again for a meeting in April. The strategic work with the development will start for real with the evaluation of the Association audit. Mr. King expressed how the International Lobbying group can work together with the Development. Mr. Suman felt that one key issue is to make the IOC Short List document look better. The CB decided: To approve the report
Mr. King reported on the plans for the lobbying work and there have been plans to make a draft for the approach based on the discussion from the CB Inaugural seminar for the May meeting. We will be very much targeted where we get most value for the Short List bid. The CB decided: To approve the report
Further Mr. Liljelund proposed to form a working group in order to modernise the IFF Juridical regulation to be coherent with the updated IFF statutes and the renewed IFF regulations. The CB decided: To approve the report and the proposal
Mr. Liljelund reported on the development activities to be carried out during the spring of 2013. - IFF is organising a two day coaching Clinic in Luxembourg from the 23rd to 24th of March, with participants from Luxembourg and Belgium. - IFF is organising a three day Floorball Development Seminar in Nowy Targ, Poland during the last week-end in April. Participants will be invited from the region. Mr. King informed about the activities AOFC is planning, in order to organise a full scale development programme seminar in the region during 2013. The CB decided: To approve the reports.
Ms. Bruun reported on the actions taken in the field of Information for the year 2013. The development of the IFF Mobile application will continue during 2013 and a new proposal has been received from the producer, the OK system to update some features. IFF will try to make the update for the U19 WFC. The Champions Cup 2013 organiser and IFF has agreed on the CC 2013 website project and the plan is to launch the page in the end of March 2013. The Champions Cup will also have an own generic Facebook page, like the WFC‘s with continuation for the next CC tournaments. IFF has run a first test ad campaign for our Facebook. During seven days, for a cost of CHF 70, the campaign reach was 68,898 and IFF gained about 4000 new fans. It was especially India which increased the number of likes for the IFF Facebook page. The aim is to continue with the ad campaigns. Mrs. Bakke feels that it is very important and have it as a topic for the Association meeting. The CB decided: To approve the report
Mr. Liljelund reported on the yearly meeting held with the IFF Test Institute SP and the statistics for the sales of IFF approved equipment in 2012. (Appendix 17) The CB decided: To approve the report d) ParaFloorball information Ms. Bruun reported on the Special Olympics World Winter Games, held in the Korean city of PyongChang were Floorball appeared as a demonstration sport. The event itself was a huge success and a great showcase for Floorball, mainly due to the very important help of the Korean Floorball Federation and SOEE. Now the aim is to become an official sport in the SO WG 2017 in Austria. The only thing missing in order to get the official WG status are some more countries (24) willing to run Floorball as a program in their countries. There is great potential to activate new countries also outside Europe.
Mr. Eriksson reported that the IFF President and secretary general has in accordance with the previous CB and ExCo decisions met with the IFF conditional member GBFUA and the organisation applying for IFF membership from GB the UKFF. The objective of these meetings has been to establish a general understanding of the situation in the GB and to try to find an opening and a positive solution in the problematic and infected situation. (Appendix 18) The CB decided: To approve the report and ask the two organisations to hand in their written proposal for a solution by the end of March.
Mr. Kratz reported on the situation of the suspended association Malaysia. Malaysia has informed that they are in a position to start paying off the debts. The aim is to deal with the issue of their suspension in May. The CB decided: To approve the report.
Mr. Liljelund reported that there are activities ongoing in Cameroon and the CB would be able to decide upon a possible in May.
Mr. Eriksson closed the meeting at 12.15, thanking all members for a positive and efficient meeting.