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IFF Central Board meeting 2/2017 Place: Hotel Amura, Madrid, Spain Participants: Minutes § 1. Opening of the meeting Ms. Reehuis made a short introduction of herself. She plays in the Dutch national team and has been on the board of the Dutch association, until half a year ago, but is very well connected to Dutch Floorball. Mr. Eriksson conveyed congratulations to Mr. Liljelund for the election to the ARISF Council. Mr. Eriksson concluded that based on the Executive Committee decision, the CB shall confirm the Election of Ms. Lidwien Reehuis as the IFF Athletes Commission Chair and therefore become ex officio the IFF CB member for the period 2017 – 2020. CB decided: To confirm Ms. Lidwien Reehuis as the IFF CB member
Mr. Eriksson concluded that there are two updated appendixes for the meeting. Appendix 15 - SportAccord Report CB decided: To approve the agenda and update the Agenda with the three new appendixes
06/2016 in Riga, Latvia 11.12.2016 (Appendix 1a) The minutes from the last meetings were scrutinized, approved and put ad acta. § 4. Economy Mrs. Bakke made a short presentation of the financial report and the balance sheet by the 31.12.2016, for the financials for the year 2016 (Appendix 2). It is really good to make a final result so close to the budget, with a positive result. The liquidity situation is a bit challenging as usual. The receivables are more or less under control. The outcome per 31st of December is 2740 CHF. The positive result was mainly due to a better than expected TV income from the WFC. Mr. Spence asked how the marketing costs are more than double and was given the answer that the Sportcal GSI study is placed here. Mr. Nurminen asked about the information and U19 WFC budgets. Mr. Halonen answered that for the U19 WFC it was due to that the competition was played in Canada. Mr. Liljelund answered that the information is running a number of services for the web page, the social media services and mobile app. Mr. Suman asked if there have been problems with the equity and Mr. Kratz answered that there are some problems from time to time. Mr. Eriksson expressed his pleasure that the financial report has a positive outcome and thanked the office for a job well done.
Mr. Liljelund explained regarding Russia, now being under suspension (Appendix 5), that the office has continued to communicate trying to get them back on track, but there has apart from a number of questions not been any major breakthrough yet. NFFR is asking for the possibility to still register for the U19 WFC 2018 and the WFC 2018. The IFF has informed that in order to participate in the U19 WFC 2018, NFFR need to have paid all debts until the end of May 2017 and the participation fee for the U19 WFC. Russia have indicated to Slovakia, that they will pay in April. Mr. Eriksson stressed that it is vital to follow the ban on Russia also for our member associations. Mr. Lopez asked if the appendixes could be more explicit to tell if a country is following the pay-off plan and what other developments is ongoing in the member federation. CB decided: To approve the reports.
Mr. Liljelund gave a report on the WFC based on the Sportcal GSI research made in connection to the 11th Men‘s WFC in Riga, Latvia (Appendix 6 - internal) The survey also acts as the base for the Sportcal GSI Event Rating for 2016. In the Report, there are 70 International Events analysed. The 11th IFF Men‘s World Floorball Championships 2016 in Riga, Latvia gathered provisionally a rating of 1,529 points. Even if these points are still preliminary, it would mean that the WFC2016 would be ranked 21st of 70 events analysed, 15th of 61 World Championships and 5th of all team sport World Championships. Mr. Suman felt that it is well investment money and now it is our task to use it towards member associations, cities and national organisations. This should be used by the nations when they are discussing with cities. Mr. Nurminen asked if the GSI Report can be used by the IFF members, which is possible after the publication made by Sportcal. CB decided: To approve the reports
Mr. Kratz reported that the WFC 2017 qualifications have been played and that the ballot for the groups in the final round has been carried out. Further Mr. Kratz reported that the match schedule is being worked on and that a first draft is expected to be published early May. The reason for the slight delay is the problem to fit all TV requests into the schedule. Mr. Liljelund informed that the preparations have started and discussions are ongoing concerning the TV production and as soon as the Match schedule is finalised the TV offer will be sent out in beginning of May. Finnish and Czech TV will give an answer after the Biathlon meeting on the 28th of April. Ms. Reehuis asked why the match schedule has not been published and Mr. Kratz answered that we need to settle the TV matches first. CB decided: To approve the report
Mr. Kratz reported that the preparations for the U19 WFC 2017 final round is ongoing and two preparatory meetings with the LOC have been held. The preparations are running smoothly. CB decided: To approve the report
Mr. Kratz reported that in total 33 teams have registered to the WFC 2018 and that the question for organisers of the WFC 2018 qualifications has been sent out. (Appendix 7). There are discussions ongoing with the Korea for AOFC, Canada for Americas and Estonia for Europe. There is a need for three more organisers in Europe. Mr. Suman stressed the need for as early as possible qualifications. The communication was started during the WFC in Latvia. The management team has three employees after the Super-Final, with Ms. Susana Zvobodova (secretary general), Tomas Janca (Marketing & communication) and Dana Valaskova. The visual identity was launched without the IFF corporate identity this week with the Ministry of Sports. The main challenges will be financials and the venues in the City. CB decided: To approve the report
Mr. Kratz reported that 17 teams have registered to the U19 WFC 2018, which is a new record and that it for the first time will be a qualification for the Women‘s‘ U19 WFC. (Appendix 8) As it has been decided by the IFF ExCo that the non-European teams will be directly qualified, then Austria, Italy and Netherlands will have to play a qualification tournament, which Austria has promised to organize. CB decided: To approve the report
Mr. Liljelund informed upon the bid of the U19 WFC 2020 in Harbin, China. The Bid Evaluation has been concluded by 10 individuals from the ExCo, RACC and the Competition office. The Evaluation of the CFF application gave a total of 667 points out of 1000, with the following scores for the different elements. The ExCo proposes that the IFF will present an Organisation Agreement, which the CFF has to commit too, before approving them as an organiser of the U19 WFC 2020. The CFF will have to confirm their acceptance of the Organisers Agreement by the 30.05.2017 Mr. Suman felt that it is good to approach the negotiation in this.way. CB decided: To approve the report and present CFF with an Organisers Agreement, which CFF has to commit too until the 30th of May 2017. The IFFCB will then approve China as the organiser in its next meeting in July 2017.
Mr. Kratz reported that the process of looking for organisers of the EuroFloorball Cup and EuroFloorball Challenge 2017 has been going on for a while, without any real results. It seems very difficult to find organisers. Ms. Bakke felt that the countries which have teams to participate should be in contact to their clubs. Mr. Kratz felt that the men‘s and women‘s tournament can be played separately. CB decided: To approve the report.
Mr. Nurminen reported on the meeting held by the IFF Champions Cup Steering Group (CCSG) in Vantaa, Finland on the 23.03.2017, in order to discuss the way forward for the development of the Champions Cup. (Appendix 9) The aim of the meeting was to discuss the 4th edition of the Champions Cup, as the current format will be played for the last time in Seinäjoki, Finland in October. The teams have raised the possibility to play home and away basis. The CB has approved the proposal of the continuation of the Champions Cup for the years 2019-2022 and now the CCSG will prepare the proposal for the Champions Cup Regulation 2019-2022 and the Champions Cup Agreement by end of May 2017 The CCSG gave a working group headed by Mr. Rantakari the task to prepare a first draft proposal for how to build a system for a home and away based games. This work will be made ready by end of October 2017. The concept proposal will be the basis for the questionnaire to the potential clubs. Mr. Nurminen further reported on the preparations ongoing for the Champions Cup 2017 to be played in Seinäjoki, Finland. The project has just been started, with the indoor football venue secured and the marketing of the event has started by the organising club SPV. The logo has been finalised and the “Ticket to the Champions Cup” is delivered to the stakeholders. Mr. Eriksson asked if the budgeted deficit is still -45.000 Euro, which Mr. Nurminen confirmed. CB decided: To approve the report
Mr. Eriksson reported on the activities of the ExCo during the beginning of the year and the ExCo meeting held on the 07.03.2017 (Appendix 10). Most of the topics will be discussed or reported separately. Mr. Liljelund made a short report from the activities of the IFF Ethics Commission (ETC) in relation to questions in the field of Good Governance, with the ETC finding that there is not a case for the ETC handle. Mr. Eriksson felt that it is very important that we have an active and competent ETC, which has experience of how to handle these issues. Mr. King presented the activities of the IFF Entourage Commission and the information provided to its members. (Appendix 11) The Entourage Commission members have received the IOC documentation in beginning of March to use as a basis for reviewing the needs for the IFF Policy. Also the IFF Athletes Entourage Policy has been sent to the members of the commission. The plan is to have an updated Policy ready for the CB to consider in the July meeting. CB decided: To approve the reports
Mr. Ovedal presented a plan for the development for the of the Western European member federations and the activities related to this. (Appendix 12) The Development Plan has been made in cooperation with the IFF Office, in a meeting arranged in January to discuss the process forward. The idea is to have some one day seminars in the region. Ms. Reehuis missed the Netherlands on the list of countries, Mr. Ovedal clarified that the Netherlands can be added to the list of countries. Mr. Liljelund expressed that the development in the Western Europe has started to lack after the general development in Europe. Mr. Eriksson felt that this a prolonging of the EOTO-process and approach the countries is this way. Mr. Suman felt that some of the questions are the same as in the EOTO research. Mr. Halonen expressed that the answers were really positive. Mr. Suman asked about the EOTO projects, but most of them are related to the referee projects. Mr. Lopez presented the status report for the activities in Latin America and the possible actions to be taken in the near future. (Appendix 13) In the report the activities are summarised. The active countries are Brazil and Mexico, where there is Finnish person running youth Floorball. Mr. Eriksson reported that the IFF meet with representatives from Argentina, Uruguay and Venezuela during the Special Olympics and the Uruguay are looking into the possibility to form and register a national association for Floorball. Ms. Bakke is quite impressed with the positive development we have seen in Latin America, where a lot has happened. Mr. King and Mr. Liljelund reported from the AOFC CB meeting held in Wellington, New Zealand in connection to the WFCQ 2017. The CB discussed the upcoming Asian Games 2018 in Indonesia and the SEA Games in the Philippines 2019. (Appendix 14a and 14b) In addition Mr. King informed of the present activities in Asia-Oceania. There are now 15 members in AOFC, with China and Hong Kong as new. Mr. Suman asked if there are new elections in Singapore, Mr. Liljelund answered that no official information has been given by SFA to the IFF. Mr. Spence reported of the present situation of the sport in North America and the discussions ongoing there. During the last years there has been a number of the activities taken by the NHL sports, like Dallas Cowboys and New Jersey Devils. In Canada it is Hockey Canada is coordinating the development Floorball to kids. The Canada Cup is organised with some 30 teams in May, organised by the Canadian Federation. The cooperation is together with the ice hockey is really good. Now the first-generation Canadian floorball players are taking leadership roles. The Canadian Federation has raised a question in relation to the country for where to play the North American WFCQ‘s for Women, if the team could play in a European qualification. The Canadians feels that the Canadian Women‘s team need to have a bigger number of matches to develop. Mr. Liljelund proposed that the question will be put forward to the IFF RACC for consideration. Mr. Klabere felt that the RACC need to clarify the number of teams that can participate in qualifications in Europe. RACC will discuss the framework for this in their next meeting. Ms. Reehuis asked if the issue is the number of matches or always losing to USA. Mr. Spence answered that it is mostly about the number of matches. Ms. Bakke felt it would be logical to have bigger America‘s qualifications. Mr. Klabere explain that it is important to keep an American team in the WFC, which would be difficult if the teams are playing qualifications in Europe. In addition Mr. Spence also brought some question from the US association, concerning the World Games 2021 in Birmingham, Alabama. Mr. Liljelund answered that a meeting has been set-up for May, between the Birmingham LOC, the USFbA and the IFF, as the Birmingham LOC is very interested to have Floorball on the World Games 2021 program. CB decided: To approve the reports and gave the RACC the task to discuss the possibilities for another qualification system.
Mr. Eriksson reported on the SportAccord Convention held in Aarhus, Denmark from the 2nd to 7th of April, during which the Annual General Meetings of the ARISF, IWGA, IMGA and SportAccord a been held. The IFF has had a number of meetings with a number of entities, like the Special Olympics, Wroclaw World Games. SportAccord changed name to Global Association of International Sport Federations. Ms. Suman felt that the report is really good and urged that all CB members read it thoroughly. Mr. Suman reported that there are 25 new medal disciplines proposed for the Olympics. The IFF needs to update our strategic documents in respect to the short-list. Mr. Eriksson reported that the Indonesian federation is in process to negotiate with the organiser of the Asian Games 2018 (18.8 – 02.09) in Indonesia about the possibility to play some kind of demo-tournament in connection to the Event. The IFF is supporting the initiative on the political level and looking for support for the initiative. IFF and a number of AOFC members have sent a letter of support to the Indonesian NOC. Mr. Liljelund informed about the actions taken in relation to the preparations for the World Games. The IFF has had a venue check in Wroclaw, were most things are in order, apart from the question related to TV and streaming, where IFF has not got any answer from IWGA. The other problematic issue is the limited space for VIP‘s in the arena. During the venue check, the practical issues for the preparation was discussed with the WOC (Appendix 16) The following VIP guests will be invited for the World Games by IFF. Mr. Liljelund expressed that one of the major factors for success for Floorball in the World Games is the presence of Fans in the Arena. Mr. Suman felt that the IFF and the National Federations must do our utmost to get the fans there, this is the most important task of the member federation. Ms. Reehuis asked what the Athletes Commission can do to help. Mr. Suman felt that the athletes start to talk about the event as more than the WFC. Mr. Klabere informed that he will raise the questions in the Swedish CB, but unfortunately the fans don‘t react too quickly. There needs to be promotion in Sweden. Mr. Nurminen felt that this must be discussed, even if the Super-Final is eating most resources just now. The countries have a promotional responsibility this will have Mr. Suman expressed that there needs to be actions to persuade fans to go. The fans have to be made aware. This is an investment for the coming years. Mr. Eriksson urged the Floorball Community to join up for the World Games. Mr. Liljelund informed that the FISU has informed that the application for the organisers for the World University Championships 2020 has been opened and the dead-line for application is by the 29th of September 2017. (Appendix 17) FISU has proposed to start some discussions of the development of the Floorball WUC. Mr. Suman presented the project plan for the development of the NOC Relations and the actions in the coming years. (Appendix 27) The relations to the NOC‘s are a key field to work with in the coming years. There are 208 NOC‘s in the World. The main goal is to help the members to become recognised or members of the NOC. IFF will try to meet and speak with the NOC Presidents at the World Games, the ANOC AGM and The PyeongChang Olympic Games. Mr. Eriksson felt that this is a good approach and will bring our positions forward. Mr. Ovedal felt if there would be any idea to look at the Danish NOC project he would be happy to help. Mr. Suman expressed that will be in the next phase for the process.
Mr. Klabere reported that the RACC is planning to have its first meeting in Vantaa on the 20-21.05.2017. Further Mr. Klabere reported that the rules group held its 2nd meeting on the 11-12.03.2017. The final proposal of the Rules of the Game edition 2018 will be presented to the CB before the next meeting. Ms. Suman expressed that the compulsory use of safety goggles is a problem in the Czech Republic. Also the hardness of the game has been discussed. Mr. Klabere answered that this is very difficult issue. Mr. Lopez and Mr. Spence feels that the mandatory use of safety goggles will damage the sport as such. Mr. Liljelund expressed that the four-year rules cycle is a bit too long, as the game develops quite well. Mr. Klabere proposes that the RACC/Rules Group can come with additions every second year. Mr. Klabere further informed that the RACC proposes to include Mr. Jens Orhoj from Denmark to the IFF Jury list. CB decided: To approve the report and add Mr. Orhoj to the IFF Jury list.
Mr. Halonen reported that for personal reasons the RC Chair Mr. Råsbrink, didn‘t participate in the RC meeting in Prague, so the RC meeting was chaired by the RC vice chair Mr. Lukas Gyger. Mr. Halonen gave a short report from the RC meeting held in Prague on the 01.-02.04. (Appendix 19), which was a very smooth and good meeting. The RC asks the CB to confirm the ExCo decision to include the Singaporean Men‘s referee pair Mr. Oswind Rosaryo and Mr. Sharil Ismail as International Referees. CB decided: To approve the report and to confirm the decision to include the Singaporean Men‘s referee pair Mr. Oswind Rosaryo and Mr. Sharil Ismail as International Referees.
Mr. Halonen, in the absence of Ms. Nurminen, informed that Ms. Anna Jacobson has participated in the WADA Symposium in Lausanne in March. The main topics during the WADA IF Symposium was the effect of the McLaren report on the sports community and the ongoing Code Compliance process, which the IF‘s were encouraged to start early enough. Ms. Jacobson and Ms. Bruun are working on this. The WADA also presented their Speak Up whistle blower program. The IFF Injury Study article written by Ms. Kati Pasanen has been published in a medical journal and been presented at some medical conferences. The collection of injury reports will continue in the Champions Cup and the WFC‘s Further the IOC has published 12 principles for a more robust and independent global Anti-Doping System to protect clean athletes. The IFF is still to investigate what this means for Floorball and the medical committee will discuss this in its meeting. (Appendix 20) Mr. Liljelund proposed that the IFF CB would show support for the IOC EB declaration CB decided: To approve the report and take a positive stand in favour of the IOC EB declaration
Mr. Eriksson informed that the IFF ExCo has elected Ms. Lidwien Reehuis as the IFF ATC Chair. Ms. Reehuis informed that the election has been carried out during the WFC for Men and Women during the WFCQ. In total, there was 694 votes for men, from 300 players and 1.413 votes for Women from 600 players. (Appendix 21) Based on the ATC election result the ExCo decided to confirm the Top#3 candidates and then the following member for the IFF ATC. Men: Top 3: Johan Samuelsson (SWE), Tero Tiitu (FIN), Junoh Lee (KOR) and Tomas Sladky (CZE) The newly elected Athletes Commission will have its first meeting during the U19 WFC 2017 in Växjö in Sweden in beginning of May. CB decided: To approve the report
Mr. Beer reported of the actions taken to get to know the situation, in relation to the marketing questions in the IFF. Mr. Beer thanked Mr. Suman for a job good done and has had a number of meetings with Mr. Suman and another with the IFF Office, to prepare for the transition. The Core Country Marketing Network Group (CCMNG) will have its next meeting on Friday the 5th of May in Växjö, in connection to the U19 WFC 2017. (Appendix 22) Mr. Liljelund further reported that the activities for the sales process of the Combined sales have continued. Mr. Rantakari has reported that there is a general interest from the Sales Agents, but there is still an issue with the size of the sport and how attractive we are. There are still ongoing discussions about cooperation with Infront Sports & Media AG with whom negotiations are at its peak. The tv-numbers, media coverage is the most interesting and at the same time challenging. Other Sales agents that are kept active: Malja BTL Fin/Baltics, GMR new Antolainen Consulting and Commercial Sports Media (in Sweden). There have been some direct contacts to companies e.g. Rezidor Group, TicketMaster, Caruna, Fiskars, Meira, Reima and VW. Discussions also continuing with with Yonoton. In addition, some discussions are ongoing with Myfloorball.eu which is producing training equipment and Fantasy Floorball. Interest has been shown from the betting/lottery companies, but those IFF have had to turn down due to juridical challenges. CB decided: To approve the reports
CB decided: To approve the reports and the proposal for the new IFF logo and Corporate Identity.
Mr. Halonen gave a report on the development activities. There are a few development seminars under planning still for the year 2017. The invitation has been sent out concerning the seminar in Hungary in Erd from the 2nd to 4th of June 2017. That seminar is built on more advanced participants and consist three different blocks; coaching, refereeing and good governance. The planning of the seminar in Turkey in October is also ongoing. A good governance seminar is planned to take place in November in conjunction of the first 6NFC tournament in Slovakia. The seminar would take place on Thursday and Friday before the actual tournament weekend. There are also plans to have a seminar in Burkina Faso during the year, but nothing specific has been agreed so far. The first African Championship are planned for September and the competitions would be played as divided. One tournament in West-Africa and one tournament in East-Africa due to cost issues. It‘s extremely expensive to travel inside Africa and therefore the decision is to divide the Championships in to two. The IFF office has sent out a development survey to 15 European associations in order to find out their development plans for the upcoming years 2017-2020. The deadline for the answers is the 31st of March 2017. The survey is based on the plan for the development of Floorball in Europe, which is meant for the IFF member associations outside the core country group. Based on the survey the office, in co-operation with the member associations, will make a more detailed plan during the autumn 2017. CB decided: To approve the report
Mr. King presented the plans for the IFF Lobby Actions for 2017, with focus on the increased recognition among the decision makers at a national and international level. (Appendix 23) The main task is to get us Ambassador program running, introducing an International Floorball Day for the first day of the World Games Floorball competition on the 27.07. Mr. Suman is agreeing to coordinate the strategy of approaching the national sport bodies. CB decided: To approve the report
Mr. Liljelund further initiated the discussion concerning the process to evaluate the IFF Strategy for 2009 – 2020 and based on this prepare the strategy for the next period. CB decided: To approve the report
Mr. Halonen reported on the activities taken in the field of development operations. The IFF Office is updating the Development presentations. CB decided: To approve the report
Mr. Halonen reported, in the absence of Ms. Minna Nurminen that IFF will enter into a test with the social-media platform called UNILAD during the U19 WFC 2017. The idea is to see if there is a commercial potential for Floorball at the Unilad platform. The challenge for this is on the territory-level streaming and on how partners would react to this kind on cooperation. A test event is planned for the U19WFC2017 and after that more in-depth evaluation on the scalability and commercial side is to follow. The matches for this test will be: Mr. Liljelund presented the Skylab proposal for the new IFF web site. The idea is to launch the new web site in February-march next year and have it built also to be suitable for mobile devices. The short version of the proposal is attached to the agenda (Appendix 24) CB decided: To approve the report and approve the Skylab proposal for a new web site.
Mr. Liljelund reported that IFF has had its yearly meeting with the SP test Institute, in which the preparations for the Material Regulation 2018 preparations and the updated surveillance tests for 2017. The sales of Floorball sticks has gone down with 10 per cent compared to 2016. (Appendix 28) CB decided: To approve the report. d) ParaFloorball information Mr. Eriksson is to report on the Special Olympics World Winter Games organised in Austria. Floorball appeared for the first time as an ordinary sport with a total of 42 teams from 31 countries in two categories, in both traditional and the unified Floorball. There were around 400 athletes of the total 1.700 participants, making almost 25 per cent of all athletes. Mr. Liljelund proposed that the IFF CB should extend a letter of gratitude to the Austrian Floorball Federation for their great performance. CB decided: To approve the reports and the express its gratitude to the Austrian Floorball Association
Nothing to report. CB decided: To approve the report
Nothing to report CB decided: To approve the report
Mr. Eriksson reported that the National Floorball Federation of Russia is still under suspension. CB decided: To approve the report.
The Floorball Venezuelan Federation (FVFL) has applied for IFF membership and has handed in all related documents, apart from the NOC recognition. (Appendix 25) The FVFL is at the moment trying to provide their statutes in English. The FVFL has added the application with letter from a University to establish a University league.
The IFF office has ever since the autumn 2016 tried to have these two organization, FFK and KFF, to joint their forces and mutually agree of one application and one organization, but that has not happened and these two organizations have been both promoting Floorball in Kenya. There are still some unclarity to the situation of another Floorball organisation, the KFF, which is not interested to participate with the activities of the FFK, For this reason the proposal is to approve the Floorball Federation of Kenya (FFK) membership provisionally for period of 6 months to give them time to solve the issue with the other organisation called the Kenyan Floorball Federation (KFF) to secure that within that time both organizations in Kenya will join their forces to develop Floorball in Kenya. The proposal is to approve the Floorball Federation of Kenya as the provisional IFF member Nr. 66. CB decided: To approve the report and accept the Floorball Venezuelan Federation (FVFL) as the IFF Provisional member Nr. 65 and to approve the Floorball Federation of Kenya (FFK) as the IFF Provisional member Nr. 66, for a six months period.
CB decided: To approve the report and decide the time and place for the next CB meeting
Mr. Eriksson is to close the meeting at 18:45 and thanked the CB members for an effective meeting.
John Liljelund Tomas Eriksson