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IFF Central Board meeting 1/2016 Place: Clarion Hotel Arlanda Airport
§ 1. Opening of the meeting Mr. Eriksson opened the meeting at 08:30 and welcomed the CB to the first meeting of the year 2016. In addition he thanked the CB members for an effective and fruitful workshop discussion concerning the CB structure and the IFF License System 2.0.
Mr. Eriksson to conclude if there are any updated appendixes for the meeting.
The minutes from the last meeting were scrutinized, approved and put ad acta
Mrs. Bakke made a short presentation of the final financial report and the balance sheet for the financial year 2015 (Appendix 2). Mr. Kratz explained that there are some very old claims, which will be hard to collect due to change of management and active organisations. Mr. King asked if there is a way we can use de clearing of the debts as an incentives. Mr. Eriksson answered we need to do a stand-off, as we have given some The CB decided: To approve the report and bring it to the General Assembly.
Mr. Kratz presented the claims situation 31.12.2015 (Appendix 3a), the license system situation (Appendix 4a) and the WFC 2016 situation (Appendix 4b) by the 18.03.2016. During December a total of 28500 CHF was paid to reduce debts. Mr. Kratz proposed a reduction of the debts for non-active members with 45236:03 CHF from which 20000 CHF shall be booked as losses on claims 2015 and the remaining 25236:03 CHF shall be taken from reserves not used (Appendix 3b). Mr. Kratz stressed that Jamaica, Russia and Singapore who are not following the given plans or don‘t react to any communication. Mr. Klabere asked why Singapore has not followed their plan? Mr. Liljelund answered that one of the reasons is that SFA has not been able to release funds, since they have not conducted the required audits from the Singaporean government. Mr. Suman felt that it is very important that all the countries which are in debts need to be forced to pay the debts. Mr. King felt that Jamaica is presently not in the position to participate in any tournament. Mr. Lopez felt that it is important that all countries would be following plans. It is hard for countries to understand why all countries are not following their pay-off plans. The CB decided: To approve the reports and in addition the CB decided to reserve the specified amount to write of debts reduction according to the proposal, based on incentives based on activities. The CB is to approve the incentives in the next meeting.
Mr. King concluded on the outcome of the CB Workshop discussions in relation to the license system 2.0 (Appendix 5a and 5b). The CB decided: To approve the updated proposal of the Licence System 2.0 for the IFF General Assembly 2.0
a) WFC 2015 Tampere, Finland Mr. Rantakari presented the Final Report from the Women‘s 10th IFF WFC 2015 played in Tampere, Finland from the 4th to 12th of December 2015. (Appendix 6) Mr. Suman wanted to thank for the report and felt that it was very good. Is the expectations towards the ticket sales to high when it comes to the Women‘s WFC. Mr. Eriksson felt that we need to discuss the set-up of the Events for the future. Mr. Liljelund reported on the visibility reached from the WFC in both TV and on the internet. The co-operation with the IFF accredited TV company PolarHD went very well and there was a total of 36 matches broadcasted either on TV or on Internet TV (Appendix 7). Mr. Suman felt that the visibility is a great step forward. The Office is following the preparations closely, but there needs to be more activity towards the foreign spectators. Ms. Bruun reported on the visibility for the digital media and social media for the WFC, it is clear that the visibility for the Women‘s WFC is about half compared to the Men‘s WFC. IFF has ordered a WFC 2015 Digital Media & Social Media report by Meltwater, which can still be edited with the new tool. (Appendix 32) The CB decided: To approve the reports. b) WFC 2016 Riga, Latvia Mr. Kratz reported on the WFC 2016 six qualification tournaments played in February and the 15 teams having qualified for the final round where Latvia as organizer is directly qualified. Mr. Kratz further gave a short update of the WFC2016 LOC preparations of the WFC 2016 has started and the LOC will in connection to the Latvian finals publish a WFC postal stamp and a first day label envelope. A Mascot is also being prepared. A meeting with the WFC 2016 LOC is schedule to be held via Skype 21st of April to finalize the match schedule and the build-up for TV.LOC report of the preparations. Mr. Suman asked what the feelings are of the preparations The CB decided: To approve the report Mr. Kratz reported on the U19 WFC 2016 final round to be played in Belleville, Canada 04-08.05.2016. Sarah Mitchell has made an on-site visit and reported that the support from the local government is very good – the tourism centre and the chamber of commerce are all involved in the preparations. Both courts are within the same venue, with about 50m from each other. The hotel situation however is a bit complicated as most of the hotels are quite small and don‘t have restaurants, which will make it hard for the participating teams. Starting in March LOC will have one full-time employee (a college intern) who will be working as the Tournament Co-ordinator. The marketing of the Event has been very active and a lot of media and visibility in the SocialMedia. A number of sponsors has already been contracted. Mr. Klabere asked about what problems there are with the accommodation and Mr. Kratz answered that it is related to the possibility for the teams to eat. The CB decided: To approve the report d) Upcoming organisers - U19 WFC 2019 and 2020 organisers Mr. Kratz reported that IFF has asked for interested organisers of the U19 WFC 2019 and 2020. The interest shall be handed in by the 25th of April 2016. The CB decided: To approve the report and start the bidding process with the interested organisers after 25th of April 2016.
Mr. Lopez felt that it is important to know as soon as possible when and where the Event is organised. The CB decided: To approve the report
a) EuroFloorball Cup 2016 The CB decided: To approve the report.
The next Champions Cup Steering Group (CCSG) meeting will be held on the 30th of March, were the activation of the participating clubs and federations shall be discussed in advance of the Super-Finals in the EFT countries. In addition the solution for how to continue with the Manufacturer Village and the future of the Champions Cup will also be discussed. The CB decided: To approve the report
a) ExCo reports Mr. King reported on the result of the CB workshop discussions concerning the future CB Structure and the process of how to move forward, based on the preparations made by the working group consisting of Mr. King and Mr. Eriksson. (Appendix 11) Based on the CB workshop it was concluded that the role of CB is currently a mix of Political and Operational tasks. As we go forward and resources available grows, the CB becomes less Operational with the Office taking on more of these tasks. Based on the discussions the view was not to increase no of meetings but consider less meetings for longer times. Look at options for CB Meeting which is primarily an approval meeting in the future. The current tasks/responsibilities at CB Meetings were reviewed and classified as Political or Reporting. Aim for CB members to be less involved in the Reporting items. It was agreed that the CB members do not need to be on all tasks/committees unless there is a political component to the task. It was also agreed that CB members does not need to be a Chairman of a task/committee unless it is highly political. There needs to be an introduction process would be good for new members It was thought that we need to look at using Committees for first step into IFF boards before joining CB. The role of the secretary general is also in the future to be kept from being as political as possible and not subject to GA approval/confirmation Mr. Eriksson raised the discussion if the next CC10 meeting should be moved from the Champions Cup in Borås, to the World Games test-event in Wroclaw. In order to stress the importance of the World Games the proposal is to move the CC10 meeting to Wroclaw. Mr. Suman felt that the World Games is a key issue for us, as it is our most important step forward. The question is how the CB can support this event. Mr. Suman asked is there any discussions within the Finnish, Swedish and Swiss CB‘s to secure the participations and discussing the importance of the World Games test-Event, as this is the most important event for us in near future, as being the Olympics for Floorball. We need to utilize the possibility here, as this is our big opportunity. How can we explain to the top federations, that this is the most important topic for the whole Floorball Community, but it is not enough to have the teams there, but also the spectators needs to be there. Mr. Rantakari expressed that that negotiations ongoing to have a Finnish B-team participating in the Event. Mr. Klabere expressed that it is not possible for the SIBF to participate the in a pre-event with only information six-twelve months prior to the test-event. Mr. Suman felt that it is about self-criticising the CB, that the CB has to make do even more to make it clear politically that the World Games is the top priority for the Floorball countries. Mr. King were asking what needs to be done to change the situation. How can this be pushed in the countries where there is no member of the CB to champion in their country. We need to have a detailed plan how to move forward. Mr. Suman answered that we need to change the way the top 10 countries are looking upon this. We need to raise the knowledge of the World Games. It is not about the money, this is an investment and the profit can be enormous. Mr. King gave an oral report on the present activities of the AOFC and the upcoming tasks for this year and a report concerning the AOFC General Assembly held in connection to the Pattaya WFCQ in Thailand. (Appendix 12a and 12b) The AOFC GA was attended by a total of 12 out of the 13 member countries participating and the AOFC has a new President Dato‘ Seri Chaiyapak Siriwat, with Mr. King continuing as the Senior Vice President. The AOFC AGM approved the new representation of Pakistan and Thailand. The AOFC changed the working structure, by introducing a competition committee to define the organisers of IFF Events and athlete‘s committee and opening an AOFC office in Thailand. Also an Asian Game committee has been formed. Mr. Liljelund informed that the IFF has last night received a written report for the Americas from Mrs. Mikkola. (Appendix 13) The report stresses the activities in Brazil, in connection to the Olympics and their idea of having the “Bring a Stick “ and the outdoor Floorball demonstrations. In Jamaica there is a slight growth of players and Jamaica participated in the WFCQ in Colorado Springs, organised by the USFbA. A new NHL club New York Islanders have started a partner program with Generation Floorball. The CB decided: To approve the reports and organise the CC10 meeting in Wroclaw, in connection to the Wroclaw World Games test-event in September.
IFF will have a yearly meeting with the IOC Sports Department during the SportAccord. The preparations for the reporting will be made based on the material prepared for the meeting with IOC president Thomas Bach. The IOC has hired a new person responsible for the relations with the Recognised IF‘s Ms. Jenny Mann. The focus will be on the YOG and the Sport Initiation Programs and the question in relation to the Olympic Channel. Mr. Eriksson continued to report on how the political situation is advancing in the SportAccord in advance of the SportAccord Convention in Lausanne, Switzerland from the 17.-23.4. Mr. Eriksson reported on the discussions held with the Swiss Floorball Federation, in relation to the EFT Tournament played in Lausanne on the 22nd to 24th of April, just after the SportAccord Convention. The SUHV is preparing a number of actions to support the visibility of the tournament in the City of Lausanne and try to secure spectators in the venue for the matches. IFF has held discussions with the SportAccord about having promotional tools available at the SportAccord and also inviting the SportAccord participants to the EFT. IFF will also invite a number of IOC and other Sport Top Officials to the Switzerland – Finland game on Friday the 22nd of April. Mr. Eriksson has also discussed with Mr. Jörg Beer about the importance of the EFT in Lausanne, with promotion in the City. Mr. Suman asked what can be done differently in this situation. There needs to be some kind of a political commitment for the process. Mr. Klabere felt that the IFF needs to be participate in the National CB‘s about the importance of these key factors. Mr. Eriksson shortly reported on the ARISF (Association of IOC Recognized International Sport Federations) Annual General Assembly. The main topic of the ARISF AGM will without doubt be the discussion about the role of the ARISF in the discussions related to the SportAccord during the last year. The ARISF Council has not been at all active in informing of what is going on in the process toward to its members. Mr. Eriksson continued with reporting on the preparations for the IWGA (International World Games Association) AGM. The IWGA AGM will discuss the proposed Statutes change of the IWGA, in which the requirements for becoming member is proposed to be changed to consist of only ASOIF, AOIWF and ARISF IF‘s, still keeping the present AIMS IF‘s who already are members of the IWGA. This has caused tension among the AIMS IF‘s. IFF has not yet received the final proposal for the new statutes. Mr. Liljelund reported on the preparations of the Wroclaw World Games test-event, which will be organised in Wroclaw from the 7th to 11th of September in cooperation with the Polish Open. In connection to the planned Floorball test-event for the Wroclaw World Games, there has appeared some issues with the number of participants, as the Finnish and Swedish are playing the Finnkampen the same week-end in Umeå, Sweden and now Switzerland has informed that they will withdraw from the tournament due to not being able to have a team that week-end. Finland has re-started discussions with the Polish Federation, to see if there could be a feasible financial solution to participate in the Event with a B-National team. The Test-Event is politically very important not only for the World Games 2017, but also for the coming World Games and how Floorball is perceived in the IWGA and the IOC. IFF has also signed the IWGA IF Passport for the Wroclaw World Games in February, confirming the earlier agreed team delegation of 14 players and 1 coach. Additionally IFF will have 6-8 referees, a referee manager, a competition manager and an IT-person in the official delegation. (Appendix 14) IFF is still in process to start the discussion with IWGA about the additional persons for the teams. Mr. Suman raised that the IFF will need to make the reservations for the Event. Mr. Suman reported on the meetings held during the Youth Olympic Games held in Lillehammer in February, he participated in on behalf of the Czech NOC. The Event is not that huge as an Event and there was a lot of internal discussions of the future of the Event. There are already two additional YOG‘s are given to Bueno Aires in 2018 and the 2020. It is unclear what approach the IOC will choose for the YOG, concerning the Sport initiation Process. There was over half of the IOC members present and the IOC is taking it very seriously. Mr. Eriksson presented the report of the discussions held to prepare for the political lobby work in relation to the SEA Games 2017, to be organised in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. The AOFC President Dato‘Sri Chaiyapak Siriwat will help in the political lobbying until the decision of the Sports on the Program will be made in August 2016. The Singapore NOC has or will launch an appeal for four sports to the SEA Games Council, the appeal needs to have the support of four countries. IFF has also discussed separately with the Malaysian Floorball Federation about the actions to be taken. (Appendix 15) The door for the program closes a year before the event. Mr. Liljelund reported on the meeting held with the Russian Floorball Federation and the Russian Deputy Minister of Sports Mr. Pavel Koblakov, concerning the possibility to have Floorball participating in the EuroGames 2019 in Russia. (Appendix 16) Mr. Liljelund is further reported that there are presently a total of 10 men‘s teams and 7 women‘s teams registered for the FISU World University Championships, in Porto, Portugal for the 18.-24.7, after Poland‘s men team dropped out. The organiser has asked for help for match secretaries and the Spanish Association has helped to find around 10 volunteers for Porto. The participating teams are: The CB decided: To approve the reports
The RACC has asked the EFT Countries to nominate rules experts to the Rules Group. The RACC has formed the Rules Group consisting of Mr. Martin Klabere as chair with the following members Mr. Martin Sykora (Czech Republic), Mr. Pasi Kylmämaa (Finland), Mr. Mattias Linell (Sweden) and Mr. Niklaus Güpfert (Switzerland). Mr. Kratz will act as secretary of the group. (Appendix 17) The Rules Group has gone ahead and asked the National Associations for their proposals for Rule changes. The Rules Group had their first meeting on the 12.-13.3. in Sweden. Mr.Klabere reported on the rules changes made by the IFF members and the proposals the Rules Group has made. (Appendix 19) In total there were 133 proposals for rule changes, where there are 44 proposals that shall still be considered for a possible change and some 13 proposals that shall still be worked on. There is an idea to work with an International set of interpretations. There were a number of rules to hinder slowing the game down, but these were not considered by the rules group. Also there is proposal to have eye protection for players. Mr. Suman felt that it is important that our biggest goals is to have the sport understandable for the spectators, we need to have the information from the general public. So we need to define what the pro‘s and con‘s of the general sport fans. Some people are saying that we are too fast and TV feels it is difficult to create a TV program, which is easy to follow. There is also the issue of some parts are really tactical and boring. No rules should be implemented that would make bigger the gap between the countries. There Rule group should be consisting a larger group from different fields Mr. Liljelund stressed that there has been a lot of discussion if floorball has maybe reached the level of the physical level, as floorball has a problem to compete in the segment of more violent sports, like Ice hockey, American football or Lacrosse Mr. Klabere further proposed an update to the Organisers regulations concerning flags and an update of the Transfer regulations concerning the handling of transfers arriving outside the transfer period (Appendix 18). The Polish Floorball Federation has asked to exchange the Polish representative in the IFF RACC to Mr. Bogdan Zajdzinski, who has a 10 year experience in International Floorball. Mr. Klabere proposed to make the exchange. Mr. Suman asked how the CB has handled similar situations before, Mr. Eriksson explained that it lies with the member association to make the proposal and we need to take the case by case. The CB decided: To approve the reports and confirm the Rules Group and approve the proposed updates of the IFF Transfer and Organisers regulation. The Polish representative in the RACC was replaced with Mr. Bogdan Zajdzinski. d) RC Mr. Liljelund is to report that the RC has had two meetings after the last CB meeting. The first meeting was held as a per capsulam meeting and the main issue in that meeting was to approve the referees for the AOFC referee development group, who participated to the AOFC referee seminar in Pattaya. One of the referee pairs, the Malaysian, also refereed one game during the Asia & Oceania qualification and the outcome of that was very positive. (Appendix 20) The nominated referees for the AOFC referee development group are: The second meeting was the IFF RC yearly ordinary meeting in Copenhagen from the 27th to 28th of February. (Appendix 21) The main issues were the new physical tests for the IFF referees and the IFF member associations have been informed about the implementation of the new Yo-Yo test and all the instructions, example videos and limits have been delivered to IFF member associations in March 2016. The RC continues to plan the education for all IFF observers in December 2016 in conjunction with the Men‘s WFC. The main theme in the education will be the “IFF way to referee”. It has become quite clear that the IFF referees and observers need to have an overall view how the IFF wants the tournaments to be carried out from the referee perspective. There have been occasions, when the national guidelines have become stronger than the IFF guidelines and that is not what the IFF RC wants. The RC also nominated the referees and observers for the upcoming WU19 WFC 2016 in Belleville, Canada. Mr. Klabere thinks that the referees must be neutral in the IFF Championships. Mr. Lopez feels that the referee education needs to be open for the countries that doesn‘t have an International Referees. There needs to be a way of moving forward on a national level. The CB decided: To approve the report and nominate the proposed referees for the AOFC Development Group for the period 2016. e) Medical committee Ms. Bruun reported from the WADA IF Symposium held in Lausanne, from the 14th to 15th of March and the information given there. (Appendix 22). There was a number of discussions on the subject of meldonium, where there are now over 100 positive cases all in the world. The Code Compliance for testing will start next year. We need to be ready to fill-in a Compliance survey and enlarge the education to U19 Events. Mr. Klabere felt that it is important that the IFF will inform the Latvian Federation, about the issues to the use of meldonium. Ms. Bruun informed that the Latvian NADO is fully aware of the situation. Due to a number of calendar issues the IFF Medical Committee is not in a position to have their scheduled meeting in April in Helsinki. Instead a meeting with the Medical Committee chair Mr. Walter Frey and Ms. Kati Pasanen, who is doing the first injury assessment study for IFF. The meeting will take place April 5th in Helsinki.
The Chair has been in contact to the new members of the ATC. The ATC has collected a number of proposals for changes to the Game Rules. This topic is very interesting for the players. There will be a summary given by the IFF Rules Group to the ATC later in the process. The ATC has together with the IFF Office prepared a proposal for how to deal with the issue of having part of the ATC members elected every year. The proposal is to have the ATC elected for four years like the IFF CB and conduct the elections during the WFCQ‘s in the future. This would help to enhance the working of the ATC when the members are elected for a longer period. (Appendix 23) The CB decided: To approve the report and convey the CB‘s comments to the ATC concerning the ATC Election system.
Mr. Suman shortly reported on the process for preparing the sales materials for the Combined Sales Project. There are two separate presentations created – one for the Sales Agencies and the potential Companies and one shorter Sales in version. In the end of the year all 10 countries in the Combined Sales Project approved the outline for the project. The members of the Core Country Marketing network Group will approve the presentation within a month. The main presentation has been sent on a comment round to the Core Country Marketing Network group members for commenting until mid of March. Some member federations are interested to participate in the sales process and this has to be coordinated in order to be able to move forward. IFF has also made a two minute promotion video, which will be a part of the Combined Sales Project presentations. The next steps of the project will be decided upon in the CCMNG meeting before summer. (Appendix 24) IFF will also use the promo video at the Virtual Sports Demo Zone during the SportAccord Convention. Mr. Rantakari expressed that the process has been quite smooth and 8 out of 10 CCMNG members answered and gave comments to the proposed presentation. Ms. Kotikova felt that the main presentation is quite long and there need be a video. Mr. Suman explained that the main presentation is directed to the sales agencies and that a video is being produced. The CB decided: To approve the proposal for the Combined Sales and approve the report
The CB decided: To approve the report
The CB decided: To approve the report
Mr. Liljelund opened the discussion about the objective of the IFF Development Coordinator. The main task as it has been planned is to work with three following questions: Presently there are two different models for how the employment of an IFF Development Coordinator could be organised. Based on the discussions held with a number of different member associations and individual persons, there are two different possibilities. Part of these regional development officers could be partly employed (approx. 10-15 % FTE) and some just paid for running the workshops. The CB discussed which approach to be used. The aim is to have a solution in place before the summer. Mr. Lopez felt that it is important to find a person outside the office to run the activities in the regions, in order to be able to run more projects. Mr. Rantakari felt that it would be a good idea to have local persons running the effects. Mr. King explained that for Oceania it could be only referring some funds and then having a part-time employment in the Asia part. This person could help with new members and support the coaching and referee education through the AOFC persons. Mr. Suman felt that it is important that it is clear that the development persons are placed locally. What is the selection process for the person and who will be the manager of this person. As this is the first step towards a change of the development work. Mr. Klabere supported the proposal. Mr. Liljelund is further to report on the actions taken in respect to keeping the IFF Office in Finland for the next four year period 2017-2020. The present agreement with the SSBL ends in the end of the year and as the substantial price increase of moving the IFF Office to Switzerland would seriously endanger the functionality of the IFF Office. Mr. Klabere asked if there is a possibility for the Swedish federation to have time to ask the Swedish government for support for having the IFF Office in Sweden. Mr. Eriksson expressed that it is always good if there can be more resources provided to the IFF, if the Swedish government could assist the IFF Office. Mr. Liljelund expressed that it is important to know all the details and requirements for the Swedish government and what the possibilities for having the office in Sweden is. It is always good if you can have extra money in the process. It would be good to know all the facts and what implications a possible Swedish support can have and the present situation. Ms. Bakke felt that the Swedish President needs to talk the IFF about the project well in advance. Mr. Suman feels that any move of the IFF Office it needs to be extremely well prepared and it takes time. It is also a very important to secure the employees of the IFF Office. In addition we also need to look on all possibilities. We need to look for the best solution. Mr. Eriksson expressed that IFF needs to discuss with the Swedish federation upon the possible implications of the Swedish government offer, but the IFF plan is to at the moment keep the IFF Office in Helsinki for 2017-2020, as any change needs to be well prepared. Mr. Rantakari felt that it is a quite tight time table and very late in the process. Based on this Mr. Eriksson proposed that the IFF CB will take the final decision that the IFF Office will stay in Finland for the period of 2017-2020 and the agreements with the SSBL concerning this shall also be signed in the next meeting. The CB will also then bring the proposal forward to the General Assembly to approve the location and system of the IFF Office later. The CB decided: To approve the report and decide to move forward with the IFF Development Coordinator with a part-time employee in the office and regional development officers, starting with Asia and Oceania and to postpone the decision about the IFF Office for 2017 – 2020.
Mr. Liljelund will further reported on the discussion held during the American WFCQ with Jamaican Federation and the activist in Colombia. (Appendix 29) The CB decided: To approve the reports. b) Information operations Ms. Bruun reported that the WFC 2016 website www.iffwfc.org and CC 2016 website www.floorballchampionscup.eu have been launched during Q1/2016. The CC website has for the first time now been included in the more responsive IFF Event website model and some changes have been made to both mobile versions compared to the WFC 2015 edition. The IFF Mobile App has now over 32.000 downloads. The WFCQ 2016 had the following user statistics during the period 22.1. – 22.2.2016: The version for the U19 WFC 2016 app is presently being built for the iOS and the android. Mr. Jassmann asked about the process for new operating systems. Ms. Bruun asked that there is not any plans for the moment.. IFF is very good on Instagram, where we are almost as big as Ice hockey, but on Facebook we are far away, as we don‘t invest in promoting it. The CB decided: To approve the reports
In addition Mr. Liljelund reported that the IFF Office/Material function had instructed the National Referee Committees to make a surveillance check of the goalkeeper face masks in beginning of the season 2015-2016, in order to remove the illegal face masks grilles from the field. Unfortunately not all nations has followed this instruction. The CB decided: To approve the report. d) ParaFloorball information The Special Olympics have launched a Floorball fever project, which continues all over the world and many seminars are planned to be organized (one already organised in South Africa). Most of them run by the Special Olympics Sports Advisor Steen Houman, but the IFF assists with at least coaching material. Mr. Eriksson felt that it is very good to have Special Olympics to showcase our sport and give visibility to it. Mr. Bakke informed that the NBF has from the beginning of January employed a person for ParaFloorball. The CB decided: To approve the reports
Ms. Bakke informed that she will also participate on behalf of NBF. The CB decided: To approve the report
It will be 30 years since IFF was founded on the 12th of April, the CB has earlier decided that the main celebration will be held in Riga. The IFF Office has prepared to launch an activation campaign called the International Floorball Day 12.4. in the Social media to celebrate the 30th Anniversary. The IFF will continue with the activity of awarding persons with long careers within the International Floorball community, with service awards in connection to the 30th Anniversary. The CB is to discuss about how to invite the international community to nominate candidates for the service awards, who have been an active part of the International Floorball Community inside the IFF organisation or the International Floorball scene as an official, referee or coach. The CB decided: To approve the report
a) Membership questions Mr. Eriksson reported on the forming of the Somali Floorball Federation and the steps for that organisation to apply for IFF membership. Next Friday there will be a Somali Conference, with somewhere between 300-400 representatives from the Somali community in Sweden, were Mr.Eriksson will present the sport to the conference. If all goes well the conference will decide to form a Somali Floorball Association. . The CB decided: To approve the report
The CB decided: To approve the report.
The IFF Office proposes that the CB would accept the Uganda Floorball Association as the IFF provisional member nr. 60. The CB decided: To approve the reports and to approve the Uganda Floorball Association as the IFF provisional member nr. 60
Mr. Eriksson informed that he together with the office will inform of the dates of the other meetings during the year will be informed in a number of weeks. The CB decided: To approve the report and decide to have the next CB meeting in Helsinki on the 11th and/or 12th of June in Helsinki, Finland. Mr. Eriksson ended the meeting at 14:20 and thanked the CB members for an active meeting. John Liljelund Tomas Eriksson |