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IFF Central Board meeting 1/2009 10th of January 2009Place: Decision per capsulam over email Participants: Minutes§ 1. Constitution of the CB Committees The CB decided during its last meeting to return to the constitution of the Medical Committee (MC), the Referee Committee (RC) and the Rules and Competition Committee (RACC) based on the proposals made by the elected chairman´s. The CB further decided to constitute the committees in a per capsulam meeting on the 10th of January. a) Medical Committee The MC chairman, Dr. Walter O. Frey proposes to nominate the following members to the IFF Medical Committee, based on the need of having medical doctors who can handle TUE´s and decide upon medical issues: Dr. Tiina Nylander (Finland) Vice chair - re-election The CB decided: to constitute the MC with the following members; Dr. Tiina Nylander vice-chair, Dr. Lars-Erik Bartels, Dr. Thor Halse and Dr. Patricia Wallace. b) Referee Committee The RC chairman, Hans Botman proposes to nominate the following members to the IFF Referee Committee. The proposal is based on the need to have as broad a representation as possible, however keeping in mind the basic rule that an active International Referee cannot be a member of the RC and there is a need of a good knowledge of English language. Mr. Thomas Thim (Sweden), vice chair - re-election The CB decided: to constitute the RC with the following members; Mr. Thomas Thim vice chair, Mr. Lukas Gyger, Mr. Klaus Koskela, Mr Jan Nordli and Mr. Petr Seda c) Rules and Competition Committee The RACC chairman, Mr. Filip Suman proposes to nominate the following members to the IFF Rules and Competition Committee, based on their experience from previous IFF jury work and RACC workshops. Mr. Martin Wolmhed (Sweden), vice chair - re-election Mr. Suman stressed that it is good to have such a big number of nominations and reminded that there is a great need for Jury persons in IFF events, so that the other nominated, if they are able to speak English and have some related experience, might be used as jury members at IFF events during the period. The CB decided: to constitute the RACC with the following members; Mr. Martin Wolmhed vice chair, Mr. Marek Budzinski, Mr. Andris Dzenis, Mrs. Heidi Leb, Mr. Sani Mohd. Salim and Mr. Ari Vehniainen. The CB further decided that the committees shall come up with a tasks-description of the committee and a work-description of its members until the 15th of April, 2009. § 2. Registration fees for the WFC 2010 At its meeting in Budapest (03/2008) the CB decided to form a working group consisting of Mr. Tomas Jonsson and Mr. John Liljelund to come up with a proposal for a new system for participation fees and compensation for the participants in IFF events. The proposal will be distributed to the CB by the end of January as decided. The working group proposes to change already the registration fees for the Men‘s WFC 2010 in Finland, which will be played with 16 teams, in order to minimise the burden of the local organisers. With the increased standard requirements, we will have to consider this issue to a larger extent. According to the time schedule the invitation letter shall be sent out on the 15th of January. The CB needs to decide upon the issue before that date. The Working group therefore proposes the following:
Teams having qualified for the final round shall then in addition pay the difference between the qualification fee and the full fee. The motivation to include the referee costs to the attending Associations is to encourage a member to organize a qualifying round, since both the participating teams and the IFF are taking over the biggest outside cost, namely those of the referees. The CB decided: to change the registration fees for the WFC 2010 in accordance with the proposal.