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IFF Central Board meeting 3/2010, 03.09.2010Place: Hotel Hilton Schiphol Airport, Amsterdam, the Netherlands Excused: -
§ 1. Opening of the meeting Mr. Eriksson opened the meeting at 13.00 and greeted the CB members welcome to the meeting in Amsterdam, in the Netherlands. § 2. Approval of the agenda The CB decided: The agenda was scrutinized, completed and approved
The minutes from the last meetings were scrutinized, approved and put ad acta. § 4. Economy a) Financial report by the 31.08.2010 (Appendix 2) Mr. Janson gave a short recap of the financial report by the 31.08.2010, concluding that the IFF finances are well in balance with the budget. Mr. Eriksson stressed that the treasurer and the office has positively managed to include the financial effect of the new competitions really well into the administration, keeping in mind the approved budget for the year. The CB decided: To approve the financial report and the balance sheet per 31.08.2010
Mr. Kratz presented the IFF claims as per 31.08.2010 and the situation with the suspended member association Ukraine. The IFF CB decided to suspend India and Ukraine, which was put into force from the 1st of March 2010, due to the fact that neither of the federations had started to pay off their existing debts. India has then presented a new revised pay-off plan and started paying their debts, so the suspension has been lifted, in accordance with the CB decisions. Mr. Kratz informed about the measures taken, in order to solve the difficult situation with the Malaysian association. Malaysia has unfortunately stopped to follow their pay-off plan and stopped to answer to the email communication. Mr. Eriksson proposed based on this, to suspend Malaysia starting from the 1st of September, 2010, due to the fact that they have not followed the plans. The CB decided: To approve the claims situation per 31.08.2010 and to suspend Malaysia from the 1st of September 2010, due to not following the payment plan. The office was given the task to continue the discussions with the Malaysian association. a) WFC 2010 Helsinki-Vantaa, Finland Mr. Kauppinen gave a report about the ongoing preparations for the WFC 2010, which is to be played in Helsinki and Vantaa, Finland, from the 4th to the 11th of December 2010. The preparations are proceeding well, with some small issues still to be solved, like for example the IFF hotel. The ticket sales for the final weekend are going very well and there are only around 2.000 free tickets for public sales left. The sales of marketing rights have not developed as excepted and the organiser is not pleased with the result, but there is still some hope that there will be additional sales. Mr. Liljelund reported about the joint initiative of the Sports Finland/NOC and the IFF to organise an Observer Programme during the WFC, in order to give both the IFF member associations a possibility to see behind the scene how the event is organised and get to know what kind of steps are taken. The Sports Finland has run the Observer Program during the European Youth Olympic Festival in Tampere in 2009 and is very interested to do it another time during the WFC. This time the Observer Programme is built upon the IFF Organisers Handbook, which will then help especially the Floorball participants to form their own view of how they could organise an IFF Event, based on the generic plan the handbook gives. The idea is to invite a number of IFF member associations, countries that have already organised IFF Events, are thinking of organising international events or countries which IFF believes should organise international events, to participate in the Observer program. Sports Finland will invite other Finish indoor sport organisations to participate. (Appendix 4) The CB decided: To approve the reports and to organise the Observer Program together with the Sports Finland and invite the targeted countries. Mr. Liljelund gave a short report on the situation concerning the TV-broadcasting from the Mr. Eriksson stressed that we need to be concerned of the development of the relationship The CB decided: To approve the report.
Mr. Suman gave a final report of the Women‘s U19 WFC played in Olomouc in the Czech Republic 4th – 8th of May 2010. The U19 WFC was from a sporting perspective a success, the event has developed quite well; with a good number of spectators, good national TV-coverage and with significant progress of new countries performing. Unfortunately the U19 WFC was a huge loss for the organiser. The CB decided: To approve the report.
Mr. Liljelund informed about the ended negotiations and the agreement signed with the SUHV concerning the organisation for the 8th Women‘s WFC in St. Gallen in December 2011. Mr. Eriksson felt that it is important to start the preparations with the SUHV, in order to secure a good tournament. Mr. Kratz gave an update of how the qualifications will be organised for the WFC 2011, with the European groups (Spain and Poland) and the North American group (Canada) will be played between the 2nd to 6th of 2011. The Asia-Oceania will be played in the end of January 2011. (Appendix 5) The CB decided: To approve the report.
Mr. Liljelund reported on the status of the negotiations with Floorball Germany for the organisation for the Men‘s U19 WFC 2011. The U19 WFC will be organised from the Tuesday the 3rd to Saturday the 7th of May 2011 in Weissenfels and Markranstädt, Germany. Mr. Kratz reported on how the qualifications to the U19 WFC 2011, will be organised in The CB decided: To approve the report.
The CB decided: To approved the report.
a) EFC 2010 Mr. Kratz reported on the preparations for the EuroFloorball Cup 2010, Final round, to be played in Koceni and Valmiera from the 5th to the 9th of October 2010. The team lists have been sent out and it is time to start with the accreditation process. The match schedule has been published directly after the qualifications were played in end of August. The agreement has been signed. There was a total of 20 Men‘s teams and 18 Women‘s teams participating in the qualifications. The qualifications were organised during the last week of August, in accordance to the following, including the qualified teams: Mr. Kratz gave a report about the visa problems in relation with the Georgian men‘s and women‘s teams to participate in the EFCQ East qualifications in Hungary. This time it was a surprise that they didn‘t get the visas, since it didn‘t look like it would have happened. Mr. Suman reported about the final results the working group assigned to create a solution for the future European Top Club Competition – Champions Cup has come to. (Appendix 6a) The working group had its second meeting in Prague on the 13th of August 2010 and made a proposal based on a thorough analysis with the pros and cons of any competition systems for the Champions Cup. The end result was a compromise between the needs of the clubs, the national federations and the IFF. In the final solution, which is based on the earlier decisions made concerning the competition system a cost-allocation system for the organisation of the Champions Cup for the period of 2011 – 2014 was included. The IFF ExCo has then sent a letter to the four IFF member association Presidents asking in writing for their confirmation of participation in the Champions Cup based on the proposal for the period 2011-2014, including the agreement to both participate and organise the Champions Cup. (Appendix 6b) This due to the fact the Swiss federation had no representatives present in the meeting in Prague, despite that they had been invited and even informed that they would participate. The Czech Floorball Union (Appendix 6c) and the Finnish Floorball Federation (Appendix 6d) has responded and confirmed that they will participate in the Champions Cup system. The Swiss (Appendix 6e) and Swedish (Appendix 6f) member associations have informed that they are not in a position to confirm the participation in the Champions Cup, without additional negotiations related to both the finances and the competition system. Mr. Eriksson informed that he was surprised of the misunderstandings apparently from concerned stakeholders even though this has been an ongoing process with four meetings with the concerned countries involved. He felt that the proposal from the IFF fully stands with the present system starting from 2011. One way of solving the issue is to organise a Presidents summit still before the EFC Final round in Latvia in beginning of October. Mr. Kauppinen also felt that having the Presidents meeting would be worthwhile in this context. Mr. Kauppinen further stressed that it is vital that the national associations send representatives to the international meetings, who have the mandate to agree upon the related issues. If this is not possible, then the presidents of the national associations have to bee summoned, who should have the capable mandate to agree upon the matters. It will not work to use the national card in the long run, when trying to solve the international questions. Mr. King felt that it is important to keep the competition open and involve the whole Floorball family to the party and not creating an elitist close system in Europe. Mr. Botman could fully understand that the associations have their doubts about the proposed tournament model. This is an important tournament for the clubs and for the sport as a whole. Mr. Suman felt that the Swiss have missed the whole process of the discussion and in which way the solution was formed in Prague. When it comes to the Swedes, it doesn‘t seem that they have the broad understanding for the important connection between the Champions Cup and the new EuroFloorball Cup. Mr. Eriksson concluded that there still a number of persons that don‘t understand the need of the International development, which gives the IFF a great task to try to explain this to all members. Mr. Kauppinen felt that there needs to be more interaction between the member associations, in order to speed up the international development. Mr. Suman felt that this is the only way to improve the value of the sport both nationally and internationally. Mr. Eriksson felt that IFF shall organise the Champions Cup in 2011 according to the proposal of the working group, with the available clubs. Mr Eriksson proposed that he would be given the task to confirm and if needed to some points try to find a compromise for the Champions Cup deal with the aim to have it installed already starting from 2011; and revert accordingly to IFF CB for a final approval. It was further stated the necessity to have everything cleared in order to be able to inform all clubs taking part in the EFC finals in Latvia of the solution before the tournament starts on October 5th. The CB decided: To approve the report and give Mr Eriksson the task to seek a confirmation in a compromise with the Swiss and Swedish associations and revert to the IFF CB accordingly. The CB further decided to go ahead with the Champions Cup and have the 2011 edition to be organized in Czech Republic as planned, according to the approved system.
a) ExCo reports Mr. Eriksson gave a short report on the ExCo meeting held in Prague, Czech Republic on the 12th of August, discussing the present daily issues and the preparation of the IFF General Assembly. (Appendix 7) Mr. King reported on new system the AOFC CB has started by having telephone meeting held every third month, starting in July and the present plans of the AOFC, such as the upcoming APAC in Perth with the Men‘s teams; Australia, Japan, New Zealand and Singapore and then the Women‘s team Australia, Japan and Singapore for the WFC qualification. There are new contacts to the Philippines, Sri Lanka and Bangladesh and the discussions with Thailand to restructure the two organisations are ongoing. (Appendix 8) The AOFC will focus on build a system with second hand sticks, for the new countries, trying to find an AOFC development officer to make introductions and getting the existing countries to speed up their internal development. The CB decided: To approve the reports.
Mr. Eriksson informed about the invitations sent out to the IOC President Dr. Jacques Rogge and the Nordic IOC members Mrs. Gunilla Lindberg (SWE), Mr. Peter Tallberg (FIN), Mr. Göran Pettersson (SWE), Mr. Georg Heiberg (NOR) and Mr. Arne Ljunqvist (SWE). Of these Dr. Rogge, Mr. Heiberg, Mrs. Lindberg and Mr. Ljunqvist have answered and regrettably informed that they have other obligations at the same time and can‘t participate at the WFC Finals. Mr. Jean-Laurent Bourquin, Senior Advisor at the IOC Sport Department is planned to participate in the IFF General Assembly and the WFC Finals. Mr. Eriksson further reported on the meeting held with the FISU 1st vice president Mr. Stefan Bergh, discussing the status of Floorball inside FISU and the possible ways for Floorball to Further Mr. Eriksson reported on the situation with the World Games and IWGA and how it is developing, through a number of discussions with international federation. Mr. Liljelund reported about the IOC seminar on Sports Betting and the recommendation the seminar took concerning Sports Betting. (Appendix 9) The CB decided: To approve the reports. c) RACC Mr. Suman reported on the preparations made by the RACC in front of the coming season, discussed in the preparatory meeting held in Upplands Väsby on the 27th of July, 2010. The aim was to collect the information needed to make the changes of the IFF regulations and preparing for the autumns upcoming events. Mr. Kauppinen asked about possible regulation proposal to avoid situation like the Storvreta – Erä situation which occurred in the EFCQ Top ranked in Finland. Mr. Suman explained the actions taken to avoid similar situations. The CB decided: To approve the reports d) RC Mr. Botman gave an oral report on the status of the Nomination procedure for the International Referees. The National Associations are invited to give their proposal of a number of International referees by end of August 2010 for the period of 2011 – 2012. (Appendix 10 a, b, c, d). The RC will convene for a meeting in Prague 24.-26.9.2010, to make a final proposal for the nomination of the international referees. Further the meeting is to discuss the plans for 2011 – 2015, in order to develop the referee sector. The CB decided: To approve report.
Mr. Liljelund reported on the planned Development Seminar to be held in St. Petersburg 24th to 26th of September and that the planned seminar in Indonesia has been postponed for the time being, due to organisational issues. IFF is discussing with the AOFC to try to find a replacement for the Indonesian seminar during the beginning of 2011. The Development function, lead by Mr. Renato Orlando, will make an evaluation of the The CB decided: To approve the reports
Mr. Kauppinen gave an oral report concerning the proposal for an IFF Marketing Strategy, which has been out for a commenting round for the CB during the summer. The marketing strategy was edited based on the comments received during the summer. The next steps would be to make a shorter version to the member federations on the implementation plan of the marketing strategy. The Marketing function proposes that the CB approves the Marketing Strategy and puts a summary forward to the IFF General Assembly. (Appendix 11) Mr. Eriksson felt that it is good that the duties and objectives have been defined in an implementation plan. Mr. Suman felt that a lot of thinking has been made and find good solutions for moving forward. The implementation plan is the key to success, finding a way of increasing the international TV visibility. Mr. Liljelund reported on the progress made in order to have a real Floorball PC/console game on the market. IFF together with the SSBL has for a few years been supporting a group of Finnish computer coders, who are building a Floorball game, called FBL. The idea is to have the game ready by the WFC 2010, in which there will be an official WFC 2010 game and a Salibandyliiga game. In the future the idea is to include additional national series. Mr. Suman felt that the game looks good and will help to popularize Floorball further. Mr. Liljelund reported further that the negotiations concerning the new IFF Floorball material partners has started, with three companies for the Floorball material Partner, two companies for the Apparel partner and two for the official rinks. In addition to this the discussions with the floor provider Gerflor continues. The aim is to have a contract proposal ready by the end of November 2010. The CB decided: To approve the report and accept the new IFF Marketing Strategy and present it to the IFF General Assembly in December 2010.
Ms. Bruun reported about the upcoming Medical Committee meeting, to be held in Zurich on the 17th of September. The meeting will concentrate on the issues related to WADA and the WADA Code Compliance as well as the IFF Handbook‘s Anti-doping part. The IFF´s Say NO to doping campaign will include the following elements: · IFF will in the Hartwall Arena have a stand in the main corridor, where we are giving information to the spectators and the players in cooperation with the Finnish Anti-Doping Agency. · IFF will also have some golden and green balls for the teams during the WFC 2010 warm-ups to raise the awareness of the fight against doping also in Floorball. The WADA administration has asked, in accordance with WADA‘s policy of rotation, there are vacant positions in WADA‘s Committees each year. WADA is now seeking nominations or reappointments for such positions in preparation for 2011. These are - Athlete Committee (4 seats); Education Committee (4 seats); Finance and Administration Committee (2 seats); and Health, Medical and Research Committee (3 seats). IFF has the possibility to nominate its candidates until the 15th of October 2010. (Appendix 13) The CB decided: To approved the report and the Say NO to doping campaign
Mr. Liljelund gave a short report about the meeting held with the test institute SP, in Borås on the 12th of July. IFF has re-signed the co-operation agreement concerning the administration of the material approval system until the end of 2012. (Appendix 14) The CB decided: To approved the report
Mr. Jansson gave a report about the plans for the election of the Athletes Commission, which shall be conducted for the male players during the WFC in Finland. The IFF CB will in its meeting on the 9th of December elect the female representatives, since there is no idea to elect the female players for the athletes committee in Helsinki. The CB decided: To approved the report
Mr. King reported about the Information function activities taken to update the IFF web-page during the spring of 2010. The new front page now exists and will be launched soon. (Appendix 16) The IFF video platform at the Sport Hub has now a total of 78 different video clips included and have had a total of 5.349 unique visitors and a total of 16.243 viewed video. The IFF office will launch the Sports Hub in connection with the publication of the new web-page. The CB decided: To approved the report.
Mr. Jansson informed on the plans for the Equality function and felt that it is important to increase the number of seats in the IFF CB to secure the representation of both genders. The CB decided: To approved the report
The CB decided: To approved the report
Mr. Kratz reported that Ukraine is still under suspension and there has been no communication from Ukraine concerning any actions to be taken. Mr. Kratz further reported that Malaysia has despite a number of promises stopped to pay off their debt, in accordance to the plan they gave in February 2010. The CB decided to suspend Malaysia. The CB decided: To approved the report b) New Member Applications Nothing to report.
The IFF General Assembly will be held on the 10th of December at the Balders hall in Helsinki starting at 09.00. The Invitation will be sent out September 9th, which is 90 full days in advance of the General Assembly, approved by CB first. The final Agenda to be sent out no later than the 10th of November which is 30 full days before the General Assembly, approved by the CB first. The ExCo has prepared the Announcement of the IFF General Assembly The following documents need to be put forward to the General Assembly: The ExCo has discussed and prepared a proposal for the change of the statutes, which was The CB discussed the proposals and felt that it shall be put forward to the General Assembly. Mr. Eriksson presented to proposal for changing the statutes. The CB decided: To approved the report and decided to approve the proposals and propose the following documents for the IFF General Assembly. The secretary general was given the task to finally formulate the statement for the election of the first representative of the second gender. Mr. Liljelund proposes that the CB asks for nominations for new committee members until the 5th of December, 2010, in order for the elected new CB to be able to appoint the committees as soon as possible. (Appendix 20 a and b) The CB decided: To approve the proposal.
Mr. Eriksson to inform about the upcoming IFF CB meetings for 2010;
John Liljelund Tomas Eriksson |