Floorball Champions Cup

Herbadent´s Key Player Denisa Billá: Great Fans Will Make Us Show Our Best! — 22.09.2015

Denisa Billá, the defender playing for the Czech runner-up team Herbadent Praha 11 SJM, is a seasoned player with vast experience from international games.

The national team captain is one of the most experienced Herbadent players and the Champions Cup in Mladá Boleslav is going to be her seventh meeting of the best European teams. But she will never get tired of the encounters with the Swedish, Swiss or Finnish champions. “It´s no routine. Apart from the national team games this is the best thing you can enjoy on the international scene!”

It has already been eight years since the moment she was awarded a bronze medal in EuroFloorball Cup, the predecessor of the today´s Champions Cup. The club has changed its name, her teammates have changed, but she still remains to be one of the building blocks of today´s Herbadent. “I know our team now consists mostly of young and promising players without much experience, but I trust in our team and want to get as far as possible in the tournament,” says Billá, who is looking forward to the October´s encounter with the Swiss champions Piranha Chur.

“Czech Open was promising. Now it´s time to show what we´re capable of! It will be a fast and aggressive floorball game against Piranha. Lots of goals will be scored. Simply said, it will be a spectacular game and the spectators shouldn´t miss it,” Billá predicts what the match against the Swiss champions Piranha Chur is going to look like. Every floorball player enjoys the opportunity to play in front of a big crowd and the same applies to Billá: “Great fans will make us show our best performance. They´re like our seventh player on the court!” the experienced defender encourages.

The twenty-nine-year-old Billá has already taken part in one Champions Cup in Mladá Boleslav. Four years ago Herbadent finished on the unpopular fourth position after losing the bronze medal game against Red Ants, the Swiss team whose goalie was then Jana Christianová, the latest arrival in Herbadent´s squad. “Four years ago we were capable of a better result; it was a disappointment,” Billá remembers the fourth place and hopes Herbadent will improve their reputation in front of the Czech audience in Mladá Boleslav. 

Tickets for the tournament of the world´s best clubs are available for advance sale in the Ticketportal network


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