Central Board


Place: Radisson SAS Hotel, Prague, Czech Republic

Eriksson, Tomas President
Liljelund, John Vice President
Gilardi, Thomas
Jansson, Per
Kauppinen, Risto
Lillepalu, Ain
Lindström, Peter
Vaculik, Martin
Kratz, Stefan Secretary General

Jonsson, Tomas
Sinnakaruppan, Ramasamy

§ 1 Opening of the meeting
Mr. Eriksson opened the meeting at 10.00 04.09 1999.

§ 2 Approval of the agenda
The agenda was approved with some completions.

§ 3 Minutes from the last meeting
The minutes from the CB meeting 12.05 1999 was scrutinized and put ad acta.

§ 4 Economy
a) Financial report 31.08 1999 (enclosure 1)
Mr. Kratz presented the Financial Report by 31.08 1999.

b) Revised Budget 1999 (enclosure 2)
Mr. Kratz presented a proposal of a revised budget for 1999.

The CB decided to work according to the revised version.

c) Updated Budget 2000 (enclosure 3)
An updated version of the budget for 2000 was presented.

The CB decided to work according to the updated version.

d) Tunet IBK (enclosure 4)
Tunet IBK has not paid the fee for their appeal December 22, 1998.

The CB concludes that the AC decision of December 23 1998 is final.

However, the CB can see other reasons than the matter itself, to reduce the fee for the appeal.

The CB decided to reduce the fee to 2500 CHF to be paid latest 15.09, 1999. If the fee is not paid by then Tunet IBK will be excluded from participation in the European Cup 1999. The decision shall be announced to Tunet IBK, NBF and AC.

§ 5 Administration/Office
Mr. Eriksson informed that Mr. Axel Wester on August 25, 1999 informed the Swedish Floorball Federation about his resignation.

The CB noted that the offer regarding Mr. Wester therefore no longer is in charge.

§ 6 Nominations
a) Committees (enclosure 5)
Mr. Gotfredsen has sent a letter with his resignation from the IFF RC.

The CB decided to accept the resignation.

Mr. Jansson proposed a change of the chairmanship, within the EDC, from himself to Mr. Gilardi.

The CB decided to reconstitute the EDC as follows: Thomas Gilardi as Chairman of the EDC and Per Jansson as member.

b) Referees and Observers (enclosure 6-7)
Nominations as IFF referees and observers have arrived.

The CB decided to appoint IFF referees for 1999/2000 according to enclosure 6 and IFF observers for 1999/2000 according to enclosure 7, and to put forward to the Secretary General to add further nominations to the lists.

c) Negotiation co-ordinator
The CB discussed how to get more efficient in various negotiations.

The CB decided to appoint the Vice President John Liljelund as negotiation co-ordinator in charge.

§ 7 World Championships
a) WFC 2000 (enclosure 8)
Mr. Lindström reported on the progress with the organization of the WFC 2000.

Mr. Kratz reported on registrations to participate.

The CB decided to set the deadline for completions of the registrations until September 30, 1999.

b) WFC 2001
The CB decided to change the IFF representative to negotiate about the contract for the Women’s WFC 2001, according to § 6 c), to Mr. Liljelund.

c) Further WFC (enclosure 9)
The German Floorball Association has applied to organize the U19 Championships for Men 2003 and the Men’s WFC 2006. Earlier the Czech Floorball Union has sent a letter of interest to organize the Men’s WFC 2008.

d) U19 Championships 2001
The CB discussed various solutions on how to get organizers to the U19 Championships 2001.

The CB decided to put forward to RACC to work out a lighter version of regulations for U19 Championships organizers, and possible other dates than earlier decided, to be presented in the CB meeting in January 29-30 2000, and thereafter again ask for an organizer of the U19 Championships 2001.

§ 8 European Cup
a) European Cup 1999 Qualification Round (enclosure 10)
Mr. Kratz and Mr. Vaculik reported from the EC 1999 Qualification round held in Prague August 11-13.

Possible improvements of the Qualification round were discussed.

b) European Cup 1999 Final Round
Mr. Liljelund reported from a meeting he had together with Mr. Patrick Falk, Swiss Floorball Association, Mr. Kauppinen, Mr. Gilardi and Mr. Kratz.

A meeting to settle the contract, the schedule, transportation, floor etc. is planned to be held before the end of September in Switzerland.

c) Further European Cup's
The CB decided to continue for two more years with the system with Qualification Round and to put forward to Mr. Liljelund to negotiate with the Czech Floorball Union about the Qualification Round for 2000 and 2001, and to RACC to work on the technical questions concerning this model.

§ 9 Committee Reports
a) DC
The CB decided that publishing of sanctions should be done in the IFF web-site, taking into consideration personal indiscretion.

b) EDC (enclosure 11-14)
Mr. Jansson reported from the progress in Southeast Asia, where possibilities for a development of floorball in Thailand and Malaysia are at hand. A meeting with a representative of the Singapore Floorball Association is planned to the end of September.

A Swedish instructor will go to Japan September 18-30.

Representatives for the Great Britain Floorball Federation will visit Sweden for a week in September for referee and coaching instructions. They will also be given an insight of the work within a Club.

Mr. Gilardi reported from actions in Germany, Austria, Italy, Poland, the Netherlands and USA according to enclosure 11.

An international Trainer conference in Germany was discussed. The CB finds this very positive and is of the opinion that the IFF EDC shall participate officially.

The German Association also plans to organize a three nation's tournament in connection to the conference.

The CB noted that a report of the progress in Italy has arrived from Mr. Minervino, Mr. Lazzari and Mr. Olshov (enclosure 12).

The Australian Floorball Association (AFA) has invited Finland, Germany, Japan, Singapore, Sweden and Switzerland to a tournament March 16-19, 2000 (enclosure 13). The tournament is organized in connection with the Super Fan Sports Shows. Further AFA has sent a Progress Report and Future Plans (enclosure 14).

Mr. Kauppinen reported that two Finnish players are to be situated in Beijing, China, for one year. The Finnish Federation has notified the Sport section of the Chinese Education Department.

c) MC
How to handle the material question after the transfusion period was discussed.

Mr. Liljelund proposed that the transfusion period for material approved before May 1, 1999 in approval systems existing before the IFF system, shall be extended until June 30, 2001.

The CB decided according to the proposal.

d) MIC (enclosure 15)
Mr. Lindström reported from the meeting in Borlänge, Sweden, May 14, 1999.

Mr. Lindström also reported on the progress within the MIC field of work

It was further noted that Mr. Axel Wester continues as a MIC member.

e) RACC (enclosure 16)
The proposal on changing the IFF Rules of the Game was discussed.

The CB decided to put forward to the RACC to prepare the proposal as a proposal to the Congress.

It was further noted that Mr. Axel Wester continues as RACC member.

f) RC (enclosure 17)
The minutes from the RC meeting in Borlänge, Sweden, May 13, 1999, was noted and put ad acta.

§ 10 Member Associations
a) Confirmation NEFUB (enclosure 18)
Nederlandse Floorball en Unihockey Bond (NEFUB), the Dutch Floorball Federation, applied for membership of the IFF May 31, 1999.

The CB decided to confirm the decision of June 24, 1999, to grant NEFUB provisional membership of IFF as member 21.

b) Application ABF (enclosure 19)
Associacao Brasiliera de Floorball (ABF), the Brazilian Floorball Association, has applied for membership of the IFF.

The CB decided to grant ABF provisional membership as member 22.

c) Report and Decision on Russian FF
Mr. Vaculik reported on the meeting he and Mr. Kratz had with the Russian Floorball Federation on August 13 1999, in Prague, Czech Republic.

The question regarding the non-participation in the Women’s WFC 1999 of the Russian team was discussed.

The CB is of the opinion that not showing up in a World Championship is not acceptable and that the Russian Floorball Federation shall be punished according to Chapter 2, § 2.8 of the Juridical Regulations.

The CB thinks, however, taking into consideration that the old debts have been paid, that there now is positive progress going on in Russia and that the punishment should be set at a minimum level.

The CB decided, with the above in mind, to set the fine for not showing up in the Women’s WFC 1999 to 1000 CHF.

d) Report and Decision on Japan Floorball Federation (enclosure 20)
The question regarding the status of floorball in Japan was discussed.

The CB noted that no letter of intent concerning a merge between JUA and JFF has arrived.

The CB decided to suspend Japan Floorball Federation until the CB meeting January 29-30, 2000 and to appoint Mr. Liljelund, according to § 6c), to finalize the merger between all involved parties or to find another solution that secures the status and development of floorball in Japan.

§ 11 GAISF application
Mr. Kratz reported that there has been no reply from GAISF on the membership application.

§ 12 Congress 2000
a) Timetable
The 5th IFF Congress is held May 18, 2000, in Oslo.

According to the IFF Statutes the Congress shall be announced latest 90 days in advance, which is February 18 2000, nominations and proposals from the member Associations shall be the IFF by hand latest 60 days in advance, which is March 19 2000, and the Summons with Agenda and congress material shall be sent latest 30 days in advance, which is April 18 2000.

b) Items
The items, among them the CB report and the Plan of Action, were discussed.

The CB decided that all Committees shall be given the task to send in a report of the work within the Committee 1998 and 1999, based on the plan of action, and a working plan for 2000-2002, until the next CB meeting.

§ 13 Next meeting
The CB decided to have the next meeting in Oslo, Norway, January 29-30, 2000.

§ 14 Closing of the meeting
Mr. Eriksson thanked the CB and closed the meeting 19.15.