Place:          IH ParkHotel Praha, Prague Czech Republic                                                (1/6)


Present:       Eriksson, Tomas    President

                   Jansson, Per                            

                   Jonsson, Tomas                                          

                   Kauppinen, Risto

                   Liljelund, John       

                   Lillepalu, Ain                   § 6 c - § 16

                   Lindström, Peter                      

                   Mukkala, Pekka    

                   Vaculik, Martin


                   Kratz, Stefan                   Secretary general



§   1   Opening of the meeting

Mr. Eriksson opened the meeting at 10.00 on Saturday 1st of March.


§   2   Secretary of the meeting       

Mr. Kratz was chosen secretary for the meeting.


§   3   Agenda

The agenda of the CB meeting was approved with some additions and alterations.


§   4   Minutes from the last meeting

The minutes from the CB meeting 8-9/11 1996 was scrutinized and put ad acta.


§   5   Economy

a) Financial reports 1994 and 1995

Mr. Liljelund and Mr. Kratz reported that no objections to the financial reports of 1994 and 1995 have

arrived, which means that the former CB has been given freedom of responsibility.


b) Financial report 1996 (enclosure 1)

Mr. Liljelund and Mr. Kratz reported on the financial report for 1996.


The CB decided to send a reminder to those member federations still in debt to IFF, and to put the financial report for 1996 ad acta.


e) Budget 1997 (enclosure 2)

The budget for 1997 was reworked.


§   6   World Championships

a) WFC 1997 (enclosure 3, 4 & 5)

Mr. Lindström commented on his report which was scrutinized and put ad acta.


Regarding the opening ceremony the CB decided that Mr. Mukkala should be stand-in for Mr. Eriksson.


Mr. Kauppinen reported on the discussions with Finnish TV.



§   6 a)        Continuation

The organizer has appointed their member of the jury which then looks as follows:


Chairman     Peter Lindström, Norway

Members     Martin Vaculik, Czech Republic (RACC)

                   Werner Schlossmacher, Switzerland (RC)

                   Per Jansson, Sweden (Other)

                   Esko Kyyhkynen, Finland (Organizer)


Registrated teams and schedule was scrutinized and put ad acta.


The CB decided to ratify the fax decision regarding participation for Russia and Austria.


b) WFC 1998 (enclosure 6, 7 & 8)

Czech Floorball Union (CFbU) has applied for the mens’ World Championships 1998 (WFC -98).


The CB decided:

-        to give the rights to organize the WFC -98 23rd-30th of May 1998 and to put forward to Mr. Eriksson to negotiate the contract
with CFbU, to be ratified at the next CB meeting,


-        that Mr. Eriksson should be IFF responsible in the contacts with CFbU,


-        that the WFC -98 should be played in an A and a B group, and that the A group should consist of 8 teams and the
          B group of 8-10 teams preliminary,


-        that the participation fee in the A group should be 2000 CHF and in the B group 1000 CHF,


-        that the registrations to participate should be IFF by hand no later than 30th of June 1997,


-        that a fee of 10000 CHF for extraordinary costs should be charged the federation whose team doesn’t show up,


-        to put forward to IFF RACC to propose a system for relegation from the A group and promotion from the B group.


c) WFC 1999 (enclosure 9 & 10)

The only reply on organizing the 2nd World Championships for women is from the Swedish Floorball Federation (SFF) who has sent
a letter of interest to organize the womens’ World Championships 1999 (WFC -99).


CB decided to put forward to Mr. Liljelund to start negotiations with the SFF regarding WFC -99.


d) WFC 2000 (enclosure  9, 11 & 12)

Replies on organizing the 3rd World Championships for men has arrived from the Norwegian Bandy Federation/Floorball section (NBF) and the
Finnish Floorball Federation (FFF) who has sent letters of interest to organize the mens’ World Championships 2000 (WFC 2000).


CB decided to ask those interested for further information on dates, on how to deal with more nations than we know of today and on other
information that could be of interest. The completion should be the IFF by hand no later than 14th of April -97.








§   7   European Cup

a) European Cup 1996 (enclosure 13, 14 & 15)

Mr. Eriksson reported from the European Cup 1996 (EC) which in general was very well organized.


CB also takes notice of the letter from Swiss Floorball Federation to Balrog IK.


CB decided that IFF has no further claims according to the contract with Balrog IK.


SC Lekrings did not attend the EC.


Lekrings has been given the opportunity to explain why they did not show up and the explanation is that the ferry was taken out
of traffic due to technical reasons.


CB finds it remarkable that Lekrings neither contacted the organizer nor the IFF, which will be mentioned in a letter to them.


b) European Cup 1997 (enclosure 10, 16 & 17)

The Swedish Floorball Federation and Balrog IK has applied for the right to organize the European Cup for men and women 1997 (EC).


CB decided:

-        to give the rights to organize the EC for men and women 27-30/12 1997 to Balrog IK and to put   forward to Mr. Eriksson to negotiate
          the contract with Balrog, to be ratified at the next CB meeting,


-        that the registrations to participate should be IFF by hand no later than 30th of June 1997,


c) European Cup 1998 (enclosure 10, 11 & 16)

The Swedish Floorball Federation and the Finnish Floorball Federation (FFF) has applied for the right to organize the European Cup for
men and women 1998 (EC).


CB decided that the EC 1998 should be played in Finland 27-30/12 1998 and that the registrations to participate should be the IFF by hand
no later than 30th of June 1998.


d) Future of the European Cup

The future organizing of the European Cup was discussed.


CB decided:
-        that a fee of 5000 CHF for extraordinary costs should, starting with the European Cup 1997, be charged any team that doesn’t show up,


-        to put forward to the IFF RACC to make a proposal regarding playing system, qualifications, system for controlling that players play
for the correct team etc. to be in charge from the European Cup 1998.


§   8   Committees

a) Constitution of RACC chairman (18 & 19)

Mr. Eriksson reported from the discussions with SUHV representatives regarding the chairmanship of the RACC.


The CB finds it very positive that SUHV nominated the well experienced Mr. Orlando and look forward to the upcoming cooperation.


The CB decided to ratify the fax decision regarding the constitution of Mr. Renato Orlando, Switzerland, as chairman of the IFF RACC.



§   8   Continuation

b) Reports by memorandum (enclosure 20-26)


Mr. Eriksson reported from the informal RACC meeting held 28/12 1996.


RACC is planning to have a meeting in April.


2. EDC

Mr. Jansson reported from the EDC meeting held 29/12 1996 and on the upcoming work of the committee.


A general discussion on education and development followed.


3. MC

Mr. Liljelund reported on the upcoming work of the MC.


4. PR

Mr. Lindström reported from the informal PR meeting held by telephone 13/2 1997 and on the upcoming work of the PR Committee.


5. RC

Mr. Schlossmacher has handed in a report.


There is also sent an application for a raise of the referees’ daily allowance.


The reasons for the CB decision 26-28/7 1996 to change the referees’ allowances were due to economical reasons for the organizers
and the wish to have organizers also from the newer IFF members.


CB decided, in the light of the above, unanimously to reject the proposal.


The CB, however, have nothing against if the Referee Committees in each nation, on their own cost, finds systems for extra allowances
for their referees.


6. IC

Mr. Mukkala reported that IC should collect statistics to be presented on IFF net, that the producing of an IFF magazine will have to wait due
to economical reasons and that the IC aims to have a meeting before the WFC 1997.


CB decided to put forward to IC to find a solution for information flow.


7. AC

Mr. Jonsson reported that he has studied the IFF statutes thoroughfully to be able to create regulations that should work and that his aim
is to have the first AC meeting during the WFC 1997.


8. Mr. Mukkala on transfer regulations

Mr. Mukkala reported on the work with transfer regulations.


CB decided to put the document forward to the IFF RACC to finalize a proposal.


c) Further nominated referees (enclosure 27)

Denmark has nominated Tommy Jacobsen and Svend-Erik Fuglsang as international referees.


CB decided to constitute Tommy Jacobsen and Svend-Erik Fuglsang as international referees.



§   9   Congress decisions - how to follow up

The missions from the congress was discussed.


§ 10   Membership applications

a) Austria (enclosure 28)

Österreichischer Innebandy und Floorball Bund, Austrian Floorball Association, has applied for membership of IFF.


CB decided to grant Austrian Floorball Association provisional membership of IFF.


b) Great Britain (enclosure 29)

Great Britain Floorball Federation has applied for membership of IFF.


CB decided to grant Great Britain Floorball Federation provisional membership of IFF.


c) Poland (enclosure 30 & 31)

Two federations from Poland, Zwiazek Hokeja Halowego - Floorball - w Polsce, and Polska Unihoca Federacja, has applied for membership of IFF.


According to the statutes only one federation per nation could be member of IFF.


CB decided:

-        to get further informations


-        to put forward to Mr. Liljelund and Mr. Lillepalu to organize a meeting with both organizations


d) Prospects

Possible new members were discussed.


§ 11   World Games

Mr. Kauppinen reported on the progress with the World Games in Lahtis. TransWorld International will broadcast the games to
approximately 600 million households.


§ 12   GAISF (enclosure 32)

A proposal of membership application was discussed.


CB decided to send an application for membership of GAISF.


§ 13   Presidents’ meeting

a) Place

CB decided that the Presidents’ meeting should be held at Hotell Arkipelag in Mariehamn, Åland.


b) Schedule

CB decided that the schedule of the meeting should be:


Thursday 8th of May       09.00-13.00 ending with lunch

Friday 9th of May            09.00-13.00 with a possible press conference 12.30 followed by lunch


c) Delegates and invitation

CB decided to invite each member federation to participate with either the President or the Vice President. If there are linguistic problems
the participant may be followed by an interpreter at their own cost.


Except from the CB members also Mr. Orlando as RACC chairman and Mr. Schlossmacher as RC chairman should participate.


§ 13   Continuation

d) Topics to discuss

Topics for the meeting was discussed.


The CB opinion is that a preliminairy programme should contain the following:


1.       Introduction, presentations, IFF today

2.       Committees - presentation

3.       Championships (Juniors, Age groups, Organizers)

4.       Material

5.       Education and Development

6.       Cooperation and Information between nations

7.       Work on National Olympic Committees and the International Olympic Committee


CB decided to present the above as a proposal for the meeting and ask for further topics to discuss.


§ 14   Future work on IOC and on the eventual summer olympics in Stockholm 2004

CB discussed on how to make floorball a recognized sport by the International Olympic Committee.


It is quite clear that IFF has to grow in more continents than Europe and that an application to be recognized by the IOC would be turned down
at this stage but, nevertheless, the work has to start.


In that work the CB finds it important that each IFF member starts to discuss with their National Olympic Committee to make floorball known
by them and that the CB starts to communicate with the IOC.


The Swedish Floorball Federation should also investigate with the Swedish Olympic Committee on the possibility for floorball to be in the eventual
summer olympics in Stockholm 2004.


Further possibilities to become internationally recognized are to work on the International Federations for Student Sports, Soldier Sports,
Police and Fire men Sport, and the Paralympic Sports.


§ 15   Next meeting

CB decided to have meetings according to the following:


7th of May                               09.00-15.00                              in Mariehamn, Åland

20th-21st of September             10.00-19.00, 09.00-15.00           in Tallinn, Estonia

17th-18th of January -98            10.00-19.00, 09.00-15.00           in Wienna, Austria


§ 16   End of meeting

Mr. Tomas Eriksson closed the meeting at 14.00, on Sunday 2nd of March.





Stefan Kratz                                                         Tomas Eriksson

Secretary general                                                  President