BOARD MEETING 26-28/7 1996
Place: Scandic Hotel
Continental, Stockholm, Sweden (1/5)
Present: Eriksson,
Tomas President
Per §
Tomas §
1- 9
Peter §
1- 8
Stefan Secretary General
Excused: Vaculik, Martin
§ 1 Opening of the
Mr. Eriksson opened the meeting at 18.15 on Friday 26th of July.
§ 2 Secretary of the
Secretary general Mr. Kratz was chosen secretary for the meeting.
§ 3 Agenda
The agenda of the CB meeting was approved with the following additions:
Cooperation with other International organizations will be discussed
during § 12.
Presidential meeting will be discussed during § 13.
§ 4 Minutes
a) Last meeting
The minutes from the IFF CB constitution meeting 17/5 1996 was
scrutinized and put ad acta.
b) The Congress
According to the IFF Statues (article 34.2.), the protocol is approved
if no member federation objects within 30 days from publishing.
No objections were made during this period of time.
The minutes from the Congress therefore was put ad acta.
§ 5 Economy
a) Mission from the Congress
Mr. Eriksson and Mr. Liljelund has twice taken contact by letter to the
auditor (enclosure 1 & 2) to receive all documents which were
sent to the auditor Peter Kündig. The auditor has not responded, not even after
Mr. Kratz phoned the auditors bureau and was told that
Mr. Kündig will call back.
The IFF CB has not received any financial material from the auditor,
except from two invoices, one for reconstructing the book keeping
(enclosure 3) and one other for the auditors report (enclosure 4), that was
sent to the wrong address and arrived to Solna via André Lienhard
in Prague. This means that there however is made a financial report which was
not sent to the IFF.
§ 5 a) Continuation
If the IFF CB won’t get the financial material from Mr. Kündig, we
would have to construct a financial report based on the statements from the
The work with a financial report based on the statements of the bank
will be done by Mr. Liljelund simoultaneously with continued efforts
to communicate with Mr. Kündig.
In the end, if nothing else works, the matter will have to be solved
through legal pressure.
b) Handling of accounts,
payments etc.
The CB discussed how to get the money flow to work efficiently.
The CB decided to:
- Keep the Swiss account
with an average balance of CHF 5.000,- per year.
- Open a new account at
the SE Bank in Solna and an account at the Swedish Postal Giro.
- Transfer all the funds
from the Merita Bank account to the Solna account.
Regarding payments from the IFF accounts the CB decided that:
- The Secretary General, Stefan Kratz,
will take care of the payments. The treasurer or the President will approve the
bills before they
can be paid by the Secretary General or the treasurer from any of our existing
- IFF will have three
credit cards from the SE Banken in Solna for, Tomas Eriksson, Stefan Kratz and
John Liljelund.
- All the invoices must
be in Swiss francs and can be paid either to the Swiss account or the Swedish
Mr. Liljelund reported that the present balance is 25.500 CHF
c) Financial regulations
(enclosure 5)
The CB found that there was a need for a renewal of the financial
regulations and therefore scrutinized them and decided to:
- Remove Sanction fee
for international fees practicing floorball abroad.
- Write in to the Financial regulations
the participating fees that has been changed earlier to be 300 CHF for the
European Cup and
1000 CHF for the World Championships.
- Remove the referee fee
150 CHF/match and instead have 50 CHF/day in allowance for referee.
- Remove
TV/Advertisement fee since that fee is a question of negotiation with
- Write in a new point
for the costs of IFF-work according to point 5 in the financial regulations.
§ 6 Committees (enclosure
a) Nominations
The CB finds it very positive that the number of nominations to the
committees already to this meeting is far more than ever before.
§ 6 a) Continuation
Regarding the size of the committees CB decided that the committees
should consist of chairman + a maximum of 5 members with as
many nationalities in all the committees as possible. Committee members have to
be from the member federations.
Regarding constitution of the committees this far, the CB decided to
constitute the committes according to enclosure 6.
Further nominations will be dealt with at the next meeting
Regarding the Referee Committee, Mr. Eriksson and the Mr. Kratz will
have a meeting with the new chairman, Werner Schlossmacher, on
how and with what the RC should work.
Regarding changing persons in the committees the CB decided that:
- chairmen of the
committees, normally chosen by the CB, can be changed by the CB only
- members of the
committees can be changed by the IFF CB, or by a proposal from the national
federation by a CB decision
b) Responsibilities,
instructions and plans of action
The tasks of the committees should mainly be according to enclosure 6.
The tasks and plan of action of the Material Committee should be
according to enclosure 7.
Further guidelines given by the CB:
Education and Development Committee
EDC should ask the nations of their educational needs.
Material Committee
Mr. Liljelund should answer the letter from Neste regarding
international material approvment (enclosure 8).
Public Relations Committe
The PR Committe should investigate the possibilities to reserve a space
for a neutral sponsor on the outfit of the participating teams in IFF
Referee Committee
The federations should nominate minimum 1 and maximum 5 pairs for
international refereeing and also rank their pairs from 1 to 5.
The general idea with this system is to have the best ranked referee pairs for
the championships, the next group for European Cup and the lower
ranked in other international matches, juniors included, as development
When nominating referees the nations should inform about the referee’s
addresses, background, experience, age and size (for the referee suit).
The CB also states that international referees in U19 Internationals
need not necessary be from a third nation.
The federations should also nominate 2 referee observers. The general
idea with having observers in each nation is the possibility to start a system
observing referees to a minimum of costs.
When educating/instructing the referees the RC should use the
experiences made during last season concerning i.e. second pass to goal keeper,
foot pass to goal keeper and high stick. In general it is important to whistle
according to the valid rules and interpretations.
Rules- and Competition Committee
Further guidelines is given in § 8 b.
§ 7 Competitions
a) WFC -97.
The agreement between IFF and FFF was exepted, with a number of
Mr. Lindström is in charge from the CB to take all decisions concerning
the WFC. The secretary general will send out the invitation and
the registrations to participate should be IFF by hand no later than the 30th
of September.
b) WFC -98
There has not yet been any applications for the organizing of the WFC
A new letter regarding organizer will be sent out.
In this letter we could elaborate with the way to organize the coming
championship. The letter would ask the federation what they would think
about having an A and B group.
We must have an organizer no later than the 1st of January 1997.
An IFF organization group, consisting of 5-6 persons with experience
from organizing championships, which could help new countries, was discussed.
c) European Cup 1996
There has not yet been any applications for the organizing of the EC
A letter to all the reigning champions and member federations will be
sent out where the situation and the risk of a cancelled EC -96 is outspoken.
The letter should also mention the possibilities of lower cost than earlier for
the referees.
The mission to decide about the possibilities to organize EC -96 is
given to Mr. Eriksson and will be taken no later than the 15th of September.
If there are competent organizers applicating the mission to make the
contracts is given to Mr. Eriksson and Mr. Kratz.
d) World Games -97
There are four positive answers (Finland, Sweden, Latvia, Switzerland)
and two negative answers (Estonia and Czech republic) and Norway
that has been allowed to give their answer after the 15th of August.
CB decides to approve the participants Finland, Sweden, Switzerland and
Norway, with Latvia as reserv for Norway.
Mr. Kauppinen is given the mission to keep the contact with the World
Games organization and the four participating teams.
§ 8 Regulations
a) Organizers
Mr.Liljelund and Mr. Lindstöm was given the mission to scrutinize the
organizers regulations and propose a new and, if possible, easier version
no later than 31st of August.
b) Competition regulations.
The Competition Regulations, RACC with back-up from the Secretary
General should have a proposal to the IFF CB ready by the 15th of October.
The international transfer regulations, inside the Competition
Regulations, will be build by a group consisting of the RACC and lead by the
IFF vice president Mr. Mukkala, ready by the 15th of October.
If there is no agreement on the transfer regulations, there should be a
transfer regulation conference.
§ 9 IFF Rules of the Game
The CB decides that there will be no changes in the IFF Rules of the
Game until 30th of June 1998.
§ 10 Internet
Mr. Mukkala informed about the work with IFF-net and that he will try
to convince the nations to join the internet.
§ 11 Communications
a) Incoming and outgoing
CB decided that:
- An incoming letter
should be given to the persons concerned.
- All letters should go
to the CB and by discretion to the member federations, when a third party is
b) Internal communication
CB decided that all outgoing letters not sent from the office must also
go to the Secretary General.
§ 12 Cooperation with other organizations
Mr. Eriksson was given the mission to contact GAISF and investigate the
possibilities to become a member and also take contact the European Sports
Mr. Kratz will send a short presentation to International Sports
§ 13 Presidential meeting May 1997
Mr. Eriksson proposed that there should be a presidential meeting once
a year, during the year when we don’t have a General Meeting.
CB decided that Mr. Eriksson should ask the member federations if they
want to have a presidential meeting during the WFC -97 in Åland, Finland, and,
in that case, what items should then be discussed.
§ 14 Next CB meeting
CB decided that the next meeting will be held in Helsinki 8-9/11
according to the following schedule:
Friday 8/11 10.00 - 17.00 and Saturday 9/11 09.00 - 12.00.
The agenda will be sent out 28th of October, which means that items to
be on the agenda, from CB members or member federations, has to be
the Secretary General by hand no later than the 23rd of October.
§ 15 Closing of the meeting
Mr. Tomas Eriksson closed the meeting at 13.28, on Sunday 28th of July.
Stefan Kratz Tomas
Secretary General President