Place:                   Hilton Airport, Kloten


Participants:         Tomas Eriksson, President

                             Thomas Gilardi

                             Per Jansson

                             Tomas Jonsson

                             Risto Kauppinen

                             John Liljelund

                             Peter Lindström

                             Renato Orlando

                             Martin Vaculik

                             Stefan Kratz


§   1   Opening of the meeting

Mr. Eriksson greeted the newly elected CB welcome to the first meeting after the General Assembly.


§   2   Choosing secretary for the meeting

Mr. Kratz was appointed secretary of the meeting.


§   3   The Agenda of the meeting

The agenda was scrutinized and approved.


§   4   Constitution of the CB

The CB decided to constitute itself as follows:


Tomas Eriksson, President

John Liljelund, Vice President

Renato Orlando, Vice President

Tomas Jonsson, Treasurer

Thomas Gilardi, member of the board

Per Jansson, member of the board

Risto Kauppinen, member of the board

Peter Lindström, member of the board

Martin Vaculik, member of the board


§   5   Executive Committee (ExCo)

The CB decided to constitute the ExCo as follows:
Tomas Eriksson, President

John Liljelund

Renato Orlando


§   6   Secretary General, Office

The CB decided to appoint Stefan Kratz as Secretary General and until further notice have the IFF office in Solna, Sweden.


The CB decided to put forward to Mr. Eriksson to discuss with the SSBL President, Mr. Matti Ahde, about implementing the office with a home base in Finland in accordance with the Finnish motion as proposed in IFF General Assembly.


§   7   Right to sign for IFF and right to use the IFF bank account

The CB decided that the right to sign in the name of the International Floorball Federation shall be given to the President Mr. Tomas Eriksson single-handedly, and the Vice Presidents John Liljelund and Renato Orlando and the Treasurer Tomas Jonsson always two persons together in any possible combination.


The CB further decided that Tomas Eriksson, Tomas Jonsson and Stefan Kratz shall have the right to use the IFF Bank account 559200-11 in Credit Suisse, CH-8702 Zollikon.

Stefan Kratz shall take care of the daily economical work such as paying bills, sending invoices, do the bookkeeping etc.

§   8   Constitution of the Committees

a) IFF Committees

The Central Board decided to constitute the Committee Chairmen as follows:


Education and Development Committee:         Martin Vaculik


Marketing and Information Committee:            Peter Lindström


Rules and Competition Committee:                Renato Orlando


Referee Committee:                                      Thomas Gilardi      


The Central Board decided to constitute as responsible within the CB for the material function:


Material function:                                          John Liljelund


The CB further decided that the constitution of the members shall be done in the next meeting. Until the next meeting both the existing ordinary committee members and those nominated are co-opted to respective Committee.


The CB further decided that the size of the Committees shall be chairman + 3-5 members, and to ask for nominations (specialists), floorball CV to be included.


The CB further decided that nominations to IFF Committees can be nominated only from ordinary member Associations of IFF.


b) IFF Arbitrators

The CB decided that the complete CB, and the DC members can act as IFF Arbitrators, and that Tomas Eriksson has the power to appoint IFF Arbitrators.


§   9   Test Associations

Austria, Finland, Sweden and Switzerland has applied to test the rule “No pass to the goalkeeper”.

Denmark has announced that they might want to test but must await a congress decision (13.06).


The CB decided according to the applications, including the possibility for Denmark to test if so decided by their congress.


§ 10   Any other business

a) Meeting with the Development Board (DB)

Mr. Liljelund reported that a meeting with the DB and DUB will be held later on May 22, where DUB shall give its first report regarding the development of German floorball.


The CB decided to approve the report.



The CB decided to apply for membership of IWGA and to give the task to Mr. Eriksson.


§ 11   Next CB meeting

The next CB meeting will be held 27.08-29.08.2004, place to be decided and informed.


§ 12   Closing of the meeting

Mr. Eriksson thanked the CB for an efficient meeting and closed the meeting at 10:15






Stefan Kratz                                                 Tomas Eriksson

Secretary General                                        President