Central Board


Hartwall Areena, Helsinki, Finland

Eriksson, Tomas, President
Liljelund, John, Vice President
Gilardi, Thomas
Jansson, Per
Jonsson, Tomas, Treasurer
Kauppinen, Risto
Lillepalu, Ain

Lindström, Peter
Vaculik, Martin
Orlando, Renato, RACC Chairman  
Seiler, Karl-Heinz, RC Chairman
Kratz, Stefan, Secretary General
Wester, Axel, Marketing Director         

Sinnakaruppan, Ramasamy

§   1 Opening of the meeting
Mr. Eriksson greeted the participants welcome and opened the meeting at 10.00.

§   2 Approval of the agenda
The agenda was scrutinized, completed and approved.

§   3 Minutes from last meeting
The minutes from the last CB meeting, in Helsinki April 13, 2002, was scrutinised and put ad acta.

§   4 Economy
a) Prel. financial report 30.04.2002
Mr. Jonsson presented the preliminary financial report of 30.04.2002, which shows a surplus of 43’683 CHF.

Mr Jonsson further reported the fact that no association will have the right, after June 30, 2002, to participate in IFF competitions if there are debts to IFF that are either not paid or that there is a plan to settle them with a deadline decided by the IFF. Latvia and Hungary are in debt to IFF. IFF have good discussions and negotiations with the both parties and, for sure, a solution will be settled.

The CB decided to approve the report.

§   5 World Championships
a) WFC 2002 report from SSBL
Mr. Liljelund reported from the ongoing WFC. It has all started well with good technical meeting, which all teams so far have attended.

The CB decided to approve the report.

b) WFC 2003 & 2004 negotiations and contracts
Mr. Liljelund reported on the negotiations concerning WFC 2003 and 2004. An agreement regarding the women’s WFC 2003 in Switzerland is reached, and an agreement regarding the men’s WFC in Switzerland 2004 is expected later this year.

The CB decided to approve the report and give the right to IFF President Tomas Eriksson and vice President John Liljelund to sign the WFC 2003 contract with the Swiss FA.

c) WFC U19 men 2003 – contract Czech Floorball Union
Mr. Eriksson reported that the contracts are negotiated and the signing will be done during this WFC. 

The CB decided to approve the report, and approve the contract between the IFF and the CFBU concerning the U19 men WFC 2003.

d) WFC Qualification – confirmation of email decision
The IFF CB has at its latest meetings discussed the positive fact that many associations of IFF want to participate in the WFC´s. The background, in short, is that on the one hand all who can and will shall be able to participate, and on the other hand IFF needs good and potential organisers. An organiser as in Finland do not, in general, has the possibility to organise with more then approximately 20 teams in an A- and B- Division.

The CB has, in an email decision, decided that the A-Division and the B-Division of the Men’s World Championships 2004 will consist of 10 teams each, that no team will be relegated from the A-Division of the WFC 2002 and that two teams, the teams in the B-Division final of WFC 2002, will be promoted to the A-Division of the WFC 2004. Further the CB has decided that a C-Division/WFC Qualification, qualifying for the WFC 2006, will be played, preferably regionally organized, during 2004. 

The CB decided to confirm the email decision, and to forward to RACC to propose playing system for a potential C- Division during the calendar year 2004 until the next CB meeting.

Mr. Orlando reported on the information, the decision above included, given in the technical meetings.
The way to play the qualification 2004 should be worked out during 2002.

§   6 European Cups 
a) EC January 2003 finals  – contract CFbU
Mr. Eriksson reported that the contracts are negotiated and the signing will be done during the WFC 2002.

The CB decided to approve the report, and approve the contract between the IFF and the CFBU concerning the European Cup finals in January 2003.

b) EC qualification rounds in August 2003, 2004 – contract CFbU
Mr. Eriksson reported that the contracts are negotiated and the signing will be done during the WFC 2002.

The CB decided to approve the report, and approve the contract between the IFF and the CFBU concerning the Qualifications for the European Cup 2003 and 2004.

§   7 Reports
Report Outlaws and Helsingfors IFK
Mr. Eriksson reported on the decisions concerning Outlaws FFK and Helsingfors IFK and that last day to appeal is 28.05.2002. The CB decided to give Outlaw a warning and ruled on Helsingfors IFK as enclosed:


Decision by the Central Board of the International Floorball Federation (IFF) concerning Helsingfors IFK May 7th, 2002

Dear Sirs,

The Central Board of IFF has, represented by its President and vice President, ruled on the case Helsingfors IFK, a complaint filed by the IFF RACC chairman in connection with the European Cup 2001 in Sweden.

Excerpts from the minutes of the CB- meeting in Helsinki April 13th, 2002:

§ 7 reports d) DC

The CB notes that the Disciplinary Committee has not made any decisions in the two cases Outlaws FFK and Helsingfors IFK from EC January 2002. The RACC filed a report to the DC in January 14, 2002 concerning incidents at the European Cup in Sweden. Although that over three months have passed the DC has not made any decision. A discussion followed concerning the IFF Juridical regulations.

The CB decided to revoke the cases from the DC and to put forward to Mr. Eriksson and Mr. Liljelund to, on behalf of the CB of IFF, decide in these two cases in accordance with the Juridical Regulations of IFF.


The IFF has not received any answer from Helsingfors IFK, though numerous attempts via email, on the RACC complaint filed on January 12th, 2002. The RACC´s complaint is enclosed (see enclosure 1), which in short was due to the fact that HIFK did not attend the EC 2001 second technical meeting.

The CB of IFF notices that the IFF Juridical regulations from 1998 are applicable, II Sports Sanctions. The CB notices further that the sanctions in mind could have been imposed by the RACC Jury itself during the EC, or afterwards been put forth to IFF DC or IFF CB for heavier sanctions, see article § 3.2.

The CB of IFF concludes that Helsingfors IFK has failed to comply with the IFF Competition Regulations for club teams article § 15.

The IFF CB decides as follows. Helsingfors IFK is fined according to IFF Juridical Regulations, II Sport Sanctions article § 1.3, (version 1998 decided by Congress 1998), with 1.000 CHF for not attending the European Cup second technical meeting according to article § 15 Competition Regulations for club teams. The fine shall be paid within 30 days, i.e. be IFF at hand latest June 7th, 2002.

An eventual appeal shall be IFF Appeal Committee at hand latest 21 days after the IFF decision, i.e. May 28th, 2002.

Decision taken by Mr Tomas Eriksson, IFF President, and Mr John Liljelund, IFF vice President, unanimous decision.

The CB decided to confirm the decision.

It was noted that if the fine is not settled within 6 months this will lead to another disciplinary matter.

§   8 Member Associations
a) Letter from Estonia – changed name of the Association
The Estonian Floorball Association (Eesti Saalibändi Liit) has sent a letter informing of their change of name to Estonian Floorball Union (Eesti Saalihoki Liit).

The CB noted the information and will inform the Congress under CB reports.

b) Letter from the Netherlands – alternative membership fee
NEFUB has sent a letter proposing an alternative membership fee.

The CB noted the letter and the reply from Mr. Eriksson.

c) Membership applications
Mr. Kratz reported that also, part from Armenia, applications of membership has arrived from Georgia and Nigeria.

The CB noted that if at least one of these applications will be approved before March 31, 2003, the IFF would be able to apply for ordinary membership of GAISF.

§   9 IFF Congress in Hartwall Areena, Helsinki May 24, 2002 at 10:00
The Congress was discussed and tasks divided amongst the CB members.

§ 10 Next CB meeting
The next meeting will be held 25.05.2002 09:00 (for the newly elected CB) in Hartwall Areena, Helsinki.

§ 11 Closing of the meeting
Mr. Eriksson thanked the participants and closed the meeting at 12.15.