Wiler-Ersigen wins against Lekrings — 03.10.2014
Cesu Alus Lekrings suffered a crushing 3-11 defeat by SV Wiler-Ersigen. Thanks to two victories against IBF Falun and Lekrings the Swiss champions won the group A.

Due to the victory against the tournament favourite and last year’s title holder of Sweden, IBF Falun, the Swiss champion Wiler-Ersigen started with a lot of self-confidence into the game against Cesu Alus Lekrings. Already, after two minutes of playing, Henrik Olofsson scored the first time for the team of Switzerland. But the Swiss lead did not last very long; Wiler’s goalkeeper Nicolas Wolf, who played his first game of the tournament, was beaten only four minutes later by Gatis Liepins.
However, Wiler-Ersigen took the lead again when the Swedish defender Henrik Olofsson scored his second personal goal of the game. Subsequently, both Wiler-Ersigen and Cesu Alus Lekrings played an equal role in the story of the first period. Thus, the score after 20 minutes was 2-1.
A gala of Wiler’s third line
The second period started the same way like the first one did; with a goal of Wiler-Ersigen. It was Patrick Mendelin who scored after 42 seconds. A few minutes later, the Swiss national player Matthias Hofbauer extended the lead to 4-1, assisted by Philipp Fankhauser. Overall, the third line of Wiler-Ersigen (including Berlinger, M. Hofbauer, Fankhauser, Olofssonand Gerber) played a tremendous match and was responsible for seven out of eleven goals.
Although Lekrings was able to tighten the lead thanks to a goal of number 23, Andris Rajeckis, the second period was completely dominated by the Swiss champion SV Wiler-Ersigen. After two periods the scoreboard showed a clear 7:3 lead for the Swiss team.
New period, but the same old story; Wiler-Ersigen starts with a lot of pressure and scores its first goal within the first minutes of the period. Thus, the Swiss team let nothing get in its way and duly won by eight goals from its inferior opponent.
Best Players:
SV Wiler-Ersigen: Nr. 11, Henrik Olofsson
Cesu Alus Lekrings: Nr. 23, Andris Rajeckis
(Photos: MichaelPeter/André Burri)
More photos from the match by Michael Peterand André Burri can be found on IFF Flickr.